
Windrock Race #2


Apr 3, 2011
Sunday, Feb 17th

First off, I apologize for not getting the course preview out yet, was planning on getting it this weekend, but WR ended up getting like 3" of snow sat so it wouldnt have done a whole lotta good. The flyer will be out first thing tom morning. But in the meantime, here are some of the details-
There will be unofficial practice Sat, the course will be marked and will start at the top of the mountain which entails several jeep/atv trail crossings. For the race on sunday there will be flaggers, but on sat there will not be. So please be cautious approaching these intersections.

Estimated course time- somewhere in the area of 10:00 give or take.

registration starts at 8:00
shuttles will start st 9:00
1:30- course closed
2:30- First racer on course
Entry Fee- $30

Classes will be
Open- Cash
Am- Prize
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Jul 30, 2010
Upstate SC
Alex, I have a few prizes I'd be willing to donate via GoJaMMedia if you like. I don't have much, but I assume the more the better. Lemme know.


Jul 30, 2010
Upstate SC
Alex, All I need at this point a list of sponsors and the flyer.

Also, I assume the $30.00 regis fee DOES NOT include the OHVA park pass.


me 1st
Apr 5, 2011
East Tennessee
It was $20 for the last race, and yes it does not include the park pass.

Edit: Didn't realize the price increase for this race. It is $30....

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Apr 3, 2011
Race #2 Course Preview, Course time- approx 10:00. I think we will see some times in the low 8 minute range for the top spot.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
The worst thing about weed eating is the inevitable late summer yellow jacket attack. It will come. No matter what you do, they will find you.

Not to mention the occasion spring leaf blowing session that finds you face to face with a coiled up copperhead. Luckily one time I had one of the big, bad ass blowers. I blew that sucker 20 feet into the woods.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
So how many tanks of gas does it take to blow off the antire windmill trail?
2-3 depending on tank size. Its your mental fortitude that runs low when doing the whole thing in one day. I once did the entire lower mtn in one pass with minimal backtracking. I'd go down one trail, up the next, then down again, and so on until all of them were done. It was brutal.


Apr 3, 2011
i had one of those f*ckers sting my nipple last summer, he got under my camelbak strap, under my shirt, and just waited till he was in position. Nothing spells crazy more than running down the trail dropping **** and stripping your shirt off, they were everywhere


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
Not to mention the occasion spring leaf blowing session that finds you face to face with a coiled up copperhead. Luckily one time I had one of the big, bad ass blowers. I blew that sucker 20 feet into the woods.
I've used this move several times.

Alex, I can't make it this time unfortunately.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Nothing spells crazy more than running down the trail dropping **** and stripping your shirt off, they were everywhere
So true. I know from the outside looking it it has to be funny as hell watching a grown man run for his life flapping and swatting thin air, but being there its feels like a life or death situation.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
So true. I know from the outside looking it it has to be funny as hell watching a grown man run for his life flapping and swatting thin air, but being there its feels like a life or death situation.
Last year at Paris, I was pissing behind a dumpster before my ride, and I swatted at a bug near my neck, and a whole family of Wasps declared jihad on me. Two of them stung my neck, and I went running through the parking lot with my pants around my knees. Wedding tackle exposed with no cares given by me.
Ha, this dumpster is right beside the children's playground. They probably have a picture of me up in the ranger station. Stranger danger.
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Last year at Paris, I was pissing behind a dumpster before my ride, and I swatted at a bug near my neck, and a whole family of Wasp declared jihad on me. Two of them stung my neck, and I went running through the parking lot with my pants around my knees. Wedding tackle exposed with no cares given by me.
Ha, this dumpster is right beside the children's playground. They probaly have a picture of me up in the ranger station. Stranger danger.
Laughing so hard right now!! They do have Cameras up in the trees at that parking lot.



Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Well since we're trading stinging insect stories, I will chime in - while building a local jump line spot, we also inevitably came across jihad jackets, mainly raking stuff out, but whilst digging as well on occassion. So there was one particular nest directly in the path of our chosen line, and in the apex of a bermed corner as it turned out. After getting stung repeatedly by those bastards, I threw a wheel barrow on the entrance and bravely ran away. But I was so determined to finish that line, I came back a few days later dressed up in a painters jump suit and full face helmet with a duct taped visor - all in the dead of summer. After listening to some Maiden "Run for the Hills", and pre-trauma hyper ventilating breathing exercises, I went in to test my ghetto suit (and pain tolerance most likely). Much to my surprise, the fcukers were nowhere to be found, even though I stomped around in that masochistic sweat suit for quite awhile in fear of them waiting to nipple sting me once I disrobed. I think dogboy has a pic of me somewhere in the get up.

Another fun game is when you suddenly discover an underground colony with the not so discreet shovel technique, somehow get out of the area with nary a sting, then watch your fluffy haired dog casually walk through the cloud of flying venom, capture a dozen or so of them in his fur, and then try to "come" to his beloved master and deliver his payload. I was surprised none of them actually stung him in the nose/face area, as his body fur was so thick he was practically bee proof - which seemed to make them extra mad, flailing around in his locks.

Ahh, the joys of living in the South! Would love to make it this weekend, but it looks doubtful at this point. Weather looks good, if a wee bit chilly - have fun!
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Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Got stung by a yellow jacket on my inner thigh (giblets region) on Kitsuma with no one in site on the paved road). Jerked my shorts and spandex to my ankles pronto and he was in between short and liner. Some fast dude immediately caught up to me from around a blind curve.

As I'm buttoning my pants, lady with a baby stroller comes at me from the opposite direction.

Ironically, none of our actions would be noticed at Windrock. Cheered maybe...
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge

Karl caught one in the mouth at speed on a Wilson's DH a couple summers ago. I was right behind him, it was a funny scene.


Apr 3, 2011
small race update, with a big thanks to billy goat bikes in asheville, to keep things a little spicy, a select position outside of the top 3 in Am will be receiving a new pair of 50/50 pedals and a sweet t shirt. The finishing position will be announced during the riders meeting on sunday. Speculate away.


Jun 1, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I think me and a couple of friends are going to make it out for this one (and some Captain Tom's for dinner on saturday)...I need to break in the new frame and what better way than some Windrock.

About this "unofficial practice" on saturday though...will there be a shuttle?
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Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Race day! How bad ass would it be to have a ghetto style freecaster web cam replete with Raney (post race, ala Fabien) and a semi liquored up Doug in the announcing booth? Call it Freelaughter or something. Good luck boys, and eternal props to Alex!
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Race day! How bad ass would it be to have a ghetto style freecaster web cam replete with Raney (post race, ala Fabien) and a semi liquored up Doug in the announcing booth? Call it Freelaughter or something. Good luck boys, and eternal props to Alex!
No need for semi liquored, I'll go full liquored.

Weather was actually nice. I was on the south side of walden ridge working on the Windrock XC trail this morning at 8:30am and despite the cold temps it felt great in the sun. I guess the DH race went well too.