
World’s 2023


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
I'd imagine the Aussie midge wouldn't fly around in a swarm with millions of mates annoying the fuck out of people while continually taking nippy little bites... I'd imagine it to hunt alone or in small packs and to rip peoples arms clean off. I'd imagine it to look nothing like no other creature from any other continent


Turbo Monkey
Dec 7, 2004
The Midge isn't really like any other annoying bitey flying insect. But yeah. plenty other countries have something similar. Ticks are a weird one. To me it's almost like they're super attracted to some people/animals skin and not at all to others. The bigger fear is lyme disease if you do pick up a tick. I've never had a tick while other folk have while riding with me. Certain dogs also seem to get them all the time. Marshalling at Ft William would be fucking horrendous in every concievable way.

Yeah. most of the events except the DH and a few road events are within an hours drive.
Was offered free tickets for the DH at Ft Bill. Track, Trials, BMX Freestyle, BMX racing and BMX flatland is all an hour away in Glasgow. Flatland and Trials are free events held in parks at either end of the City Centre, BMX Racing is on the fringe of the City and sold out. Track is in the Glasgow (Chris Hoy) Velodrome next to Celtic Football ground. All the XC events are half an hours drive from here at Glentress where the first Scottish EWS was. (and close to Innerleithen where last EWS was held). Road events being held on open road are free to spectate in and around Glasgow, Stirling and Edinburgh. Elite road race is a long 120km route from Edinburgh to Glasgow (the Cities are around 70km apart) culminating in 10x Glasgow city Centre laps of 15km ish.

I've no interest in going to watch any of it though. I genuinely just have no interest at all in standing all day long amongst a bunch of cyclists. Even watching Eddie's video seeing cyclists stood trackside in the woods during junior practice with their XC helmets and cycling kit on made me cringe. and they were the best DH racers in the world.
Gotta agree, the full thing is one big fuck fest for corporate and the council to show how great they are. When in reality they are bleeding glasgow dry and cutting stuff everywhere but oh a big event comes to town and money is free flowing.

Roads being shut in the city centre for over a week too is absolute bananas


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Gotta agree, the full thing is one big fuck fest for corporate and the council to show how great they are.
I was just mentioning to someone today that in Edinburgh City Centre you pretty much never see the Polis anymore. but last month when that cunt Charlie came up to spend half an hour in the Cathederal in the afternoon there were fucking thousands of them swarming about everywhere from breakfast time and even cycling to work meant a detour.


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
The Midge isn't really like any other annoying bitey flying insect. But yeah. plenty other countries have something similar. Ticks are a weird one. To me it's almost like they're super attracted to some people/animals skin and not at all to others. The bigger fear is lyme disease if you do pick up a tick.
i don't think we get Lyme Disease here, but we have paralysis ticks which will kill your pets and fuck up people if you don't get them off. Little bastards. Pretty sure our sandflies are the same as midges - swarming little fuckers and the bites cause like an itchy blister thingy.

Love Eddie Masters campaign to make the winner's trophy a Claymore sword or something cool... Gotta get all Braveheart


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Gotta agree, the full thing is one big fuck fest for corporate and the council to show how great they are. When in reality they are bleeding glasgow dry and cutting stuff everywhere but oh a big event comes to town and money is free flowing.

Roads being shut in the city centre for over a week too is absolute bananas

Seattle recently hosted the baseball all star weekend and there was all this talk of stimulating the economy. Sure the people charging $120 for parking made bank but businesses that weren't near that shit show reported little to no business as all the locals stayed the fuck home to avoid all that bullshit.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Peat, Sand, same thing really I suppose.
one's damp. the other dehydrated


Turbo Monkey
Dec 7, 2004
Seattle recently hosted the baseball all star weekend and there was all this talk of stimulating the economy. Sure the people charging $120 for parking made bank but businesses that weren't near that shit show reported little to no business as all the locals stayed the fuck home to avoid all that bullshit.
See this is the 2nd time in 10 years something huge has been held in glasgow, last time it was the commonwealth games. They talked about legacy etc etc etc but its all BS and as you said a small portion of people make fat cash, sponsors and the organisers make cash and the people that pay the local taxes get fuck all like the business and just have to deal with it.

Glasgow council have cut services all over the shop shutting swimming baths, golf courses etc etc and then this rolls round they are resurfacing roads in a heart beat. As much as I love cycling I hate these events and who they benefit.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 7, 2004
And to finish off my moans I got reminded today that Shell sponsor British cycling nothing like a bit of sport washing for the big oil company's


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Rachel dislocated shoulder and Nina landed on her head so both are in doubt to race now. Holy hell.

That blows. The only reason to watch the wimmins this year is to see if anyone can beat Vali. Hopefully Camille can step things up. Seems to me that smoothing out the long-ass course may benefit Vali as she doesn't 'look' super fit.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I'd imagine the Aussie midge wouldn't fly around in a swarm with millions of mates annoying the fuck out of people while continually taking nippy little bites... I'd imagine it to hunt alone or in small packs and to rip peoples arms clean off. I'd imagine it to look nothing like no other creature from any other continent
Sounds like a horse fly. :panic:


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Seems to me that smoothing out the long-ass course may benefit Vali as she doesn't 'look' super fit.
Video is spliced together in the woods above the LIDL drop (so she obvs stopped and re-starded but she was also definitely held up by the rider in black up top before the deer gate and I still make that a practice run scraping in just under 5min!
With all the new smoother patches of hardcore/gravel, berms and the newly cut in natural woods section it's impossible to tell just how much faster the track is now but... correct me if I'm wrong... no Woman has ever gone anywhere even close to sub 5min on the track since ACC back in 2005 when the track started on the other side of the gondola station (a good 30sec shorter than the current track... although the rest of the track back then is barely comparable to today anyway)

Fitness will still come into it massively BTW... it's still, what? a good minute? longer than most other tracks and there's no way you'd realise from video/broadcasts how rough some of the sections higher up in the open are from watching the top boys skimming over them at warp speed unless you've ridden there yourself


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
I thought all riders should wear their national jerseys even for practice. Only a few of them do, it seems...
Some countries will supply multiple shirts, some don't have the budget (for mountain bikers) to supply multiple shirts.
If you don't get given enough, you hold that shirt until race day and support the sponsers that got you there instead.


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
The Hoff was back to riding this morning at pretty much regular speed, while Rachel only did one run and was obviously hurting.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Yo, that looked really bad. :( Surprised he is not concussed looking at the mark from the helmet on his forehead.
That mark looked more like a skin abrasion from his helmet to me. "Helmet rash" if you like. We've a had that, yeah? :brows:


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Ps. Never seen Dante's face before. Didn't realise he was such a funny lookin dude. Reminds me of this guy...


They even have similar forehead "damage"
I wonder where @Avy would rate him/them on the Perion scale?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 7, 2004
In other news the coverage on the bbc is absolute shit, shouts to all the pros making it go backwards interns of coverage.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
In other news the coverage on the bbc is absolute shit, shouts to all the pros making it go backwards interns of coverage.
What BBC coverage have you viewed? Anything live? Gotta admit. I've not even bothered looking.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 7, 2004
What BBC coverage have you viewed? Anything live? Gotta admit. I've not even bothered looking.
I just stuck on the juniors on iplayer while in the workshop. The coverage is so poor and the commentary is worse than the WC and that's saying something as this year its fuckin brain damage.

You can bet the budget has been fully blown on the road which is mad considering id say worlds on road is the least arsed anyone is with road racing.Giro, Tour and all that take over it.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Worlds actually makes NO sense in road racing. Being a TEAM Sport with pro teams made up from a large pool of riders from many different nationalities who live, breath, eat and train together pretty much the whole season. Chucking together a bunch of pros with the same passports and expecting them to do well is fucking crazy. No matter what the budget.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
I know its qualies, but it looks like some top riders perhaps had some offs, mechs, twisted their Boxxers or were otherwise gutted. Seems like the Hoff and Farina were on heaters, but something happened which had both way back by the end. Whereas Cami appears to have been relatively slow at first but steadily picked up pace throughout her run. Although none of it likely matters if Vali stays upright in the finals. Props to Rach for dragging herself down the hill, as that track seems extra unpleasant with a banged up shoulder.

Same with the hommes, with Laurie and Bulldog logging fast first splits then falling way off, and certainly it seems that something happened with Finley. Surprised to see Silva back at it after that "hugey", but I guess having a soft pointy head like Bert has its advantages. Looks like Loic's offseason training at Ft. Bill is paying off, and no one should be surprised if he grabs another pride jersey - and likewise, no one should be surprised if GM is on the podium again at this venue.