
Would you....

Apr 3, 2005
12th smartest state
...spend all your "play" money (money used for hobbies, fun, bikes, etc.) on a new computer, and not get to go hike the grand canyon for one week? Or would you pray and hope that your crappy, slow, virus prone computer doesn't decide to commit suicide, and go hike the grand canyon? all while not having a job, while in college?


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I spent 8 days in the Canyon back in May and I can tell you it was something I will never forget. I can't wait to do it again. Screw the computer!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I spent 8 days in the Canyon back in May and I can tell you it was something I will never forget. I can't wait to do it again. Screw the computer!
can you fix one part of yr computer?

i'd say to to the GC as well, beautiful place.

on the balance of experiences vs things, it's sometimes better to err on the former.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
steal scrap metal, sell that stuff. use money from scrap metal to buy weed, flip said weed and make some cash on it. buy windows xp and just reinstall windows. keep your old computer. now go hiking you hippy.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
10 years ago, I found myself with no job, $280 to my name, substaintial CC debt, and the opportunity to go to Moab, Canyonlands, GC, Yosemite, and Vegas for 10+ days. Best trip I've ever had.
Chances like this come up rarely in life.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
How much $$ do you need for GC? Other than the gas to get there and a few munchies to throw in your pack, maybe a park entrance fee... not much too a hiking trip really.

** unless you want the donkey ride back out of the canyon when you are done.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
If you can't keep XP clean you can try reinstalling with Ubuntu instead, its free and a lot quicker installation process if you have to do it again.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I have reinstalled windows 4x on the computer, it is 3 yrs old (inspiron 9400).....I have, for the past year or so, been thinking of going to Mac.
There is absolutely no cause for re-installing Windows 4x times in 3 years.

This is user error. Instead of dumping money into a new computer, practice a few safe browsing habits. It's a lot cheaper.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
If your pooter is a desk top then you can do both.

Next week Apple will announce the new desk tops, including new Mac Minis. When they do, you will be able to find the previous generation on close out on their site or Macmall.com. It should be less than $550 and you can use your current monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Since you are a student you also qualify for an academic discount from Apple.

However, like the others have said, go for the experience of the trip. Do it now while you can, because one day you might not be able to.


Mar 14, 2005
go on the trip.. it will make memories of a lifetime. then come home and get a copy of zone alarm and run that for a week straight.. your computer will start behaving better..


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I went to the Grand Canyon with some friends in January '07 and we camped out one night (it was 10 deg outside), then woke up in the morning and hiked down and back up in one day. So if you do that it minimizes costs so you can still get a new computer. Have your cake and eat it too!

I wouldn't consider spending one day in the Grand Canyon really "having your cake"... :rolleyes:

To the OP - go see the Grand Canyon. Spend some time there. It's spectacular.

My last computer was 8 years old when I finally admitted it was ready for replacement... and that's only because my wife was doing more and more photo editing. A 3 year old computer should be fine.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
You will forget about a crappy computer in 10years.

Try forgetting this after a decade.....

Easy choice to me.
Apr 3, 2005
12th smartest state
well i stumbled upon some extra money, yeh I'll just say that, and I decided to get the computer and I still have money for the trip.

btw the trip is through my college.....$380 + plane ticket gets me there, includes food, enterance pass, and i think they are getting a guide maybe.