
Wretching Wednesday


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Food poisoning showed up last night around 530. Made for a very unpleasant evening. Staying home today.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Went to take a shower after last nights run and found that the toilet had overflowed....yuck:eek: . At least no floaters escaped, still what a mess to mop up:fie:. Lets just say that afterwards lots of Clorox was applied to the tile surfaces. At least the run was good:D

Enjoying a most excellent cup of coffee this fine morning


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

Rain, rain, rain.....commute sucked. People.

Any of you fine folks have kids on ADD meds? We've resisted for a few years now, but getting the kid to focus is like herding cats. It's just getting worse. He's a brilliant kid, and can hone in on the things that he likes, but really, really tunes out the stuff he doesn't - sounds like me, I think....I dunno, I got distracted by something shiny...
Good Morning!!

Rain, rain, rain.....commute sucked. People.

Any of you fine folks have kids on ADD meds? We've resisted for a few years now, but getting the kid to focus is like herding cats. It's just getting worse. He's a brilliant kid, and can hone in on the things that he likes, but really, really tunes out the stuff he doesn't - sounds like me, I think....I dunno, I got distracted by something shiny...
Encourage him to hone in rather than doping him up.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Good Morning!!

Rain, rain, rain.....commute sucked. People.

Any of you fine folks have kids on ADD meds? We've resisted for a few years now, but getting the kid to focus is like herding cats. It's just getting worse. He's a brilliant kid, and can hone in on the things that he likes, but really, really tunes out the stuff he doesn't - sounds like me, I think....I dunno, I got distracted by something shiny...
How old is your boy?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Baby girl is sick. Threw up all over me at bedtime last night. Woke up early throwing up again, tho not as much. Not sure if a stomach bug, but she is very congested and coughing a lot, which triggered the vomiting last night. She's currently asleep on me in the recliner.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Encourage him to hone in rather than doping him up.

Yeah, I hear you. I really do. We keep battling the same cycle every school year. Start with great hopes...then it eventually devolves into parent-teacher conferences with principal, counselor, etc....not from bad behavior or hyperactivity...he's just distracted by everything on the planet other than what he's supposed to be doing. We've done everything we can to help him focus, and he's just not able to pull it off yet. We're very resistant to any pharma, and have fought it tooth and nail, but we're really seriously considering giving it a try. If the reaction is bad, then we can just stop it and deal with the fallout, but we gotta do what we can to help him succeed.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Don't dope the kid. He is smart and bored by the mundane. He just needs higher mental challenges than are being offered. I was the same way. A grades in the hard stuff barely passing in the lame classes..
Dude....me too. He's exactly like me, the only difference is that we didn't have a name for it when I was growing up. It was simply "Son, you need to do better or we're taking everything away from you and I'm going to whip the shit out of your ass every day until you improve." It wasn't the best of parenting resolutions, but I certainly developed a coping mechanism to focus from that statement on out. Of course, back then there were only 3 television stations and Atari had just come out, so I did a lot of reading growing up, which I think did a bunch to help me.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Awake and moving around, but feel like shit. Getting sick sucks.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Got home around 9 last night. Showered, took a Tylenol PM, and sacked out. Woke up 8:30 and staggered down to the local coffee hole. I am fucking wiped out. Guessing not much will get accomplished today. My back is a wreck. We had to take a rental truck up to Aspen because the Dodge is out for a fuel pump. Brand New F150. That truck was a pile. Gutless, spongy handling, and oh my God, did the seats suck. And short beds, just why?


Edit: .and! I should be skiing but instead am stuck at home because wife has school/teacher vs. crazy mom stuff today.

Last edited:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Food poisoning showed up last night around 530. Made for a very unpleasant evening. Staying home today.
Fun fact. Food poisoning isn't really a "food" issue but probably norovirus or rotavirus. Most likely from indirect contact with someone who didn't wash their hands after taking a dump.

Get better, and wash your hands.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Yeah, I hear you. I really do. We keep battling the same cycle every school year. Start with great hopes...then it eventually devolves into parent-teacher conferences with principal, counselor, etc....not from bad behavior or hyperactivity...he's just distracted by everything on the planet other than what he's supposed to be doing. We've done everything we can to help him focus, and he's just not able to pull it off yet. We're very resistant to any pharma, and have fought it tooth and nail, but we're really seriously considering giving it a try. If the reaction is bad, then we can just stop it and deal with the fallout, but we gotta do what we can to help him succeed.
Heat the house with wood, start a firewood company. Make the kid chop all the wood.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Doing updated budget for house renovation. Hot damn its expensive. We are basically redoing the whole house at least the top two floors plus new roof and windows.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Vision is slowly returning. Man, the first couple days were rough. Poop schedule is all out of whack.

“Whatchibg” Octopussy.

Could be worse.
Doing updated budget for house renovation. Hot damn its expensive. We are basically redoing the whole house at least the top two floors plus new roof and windows.
I hold that one should make no unnecessary changes to dwelling, grounds, or plantings until having lived on premise a full year, better two, so as to understand something of the nature of the place. Hasty decisions are often regrettable.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Going to be a less than stellar day, but I will be taking the pooch to the bmx track, so there is that to look forward to. The cd drive in my desktop was refusing to open. I got tired of using a paperclip, so I found one on ebay for $5. Now this botch won't open, I think there is something funky with the faceplate. Also the one I got, while the correct model number, came with a funky fascia for a laptop. WTF.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Well we have been here
I hold that one should make no unnecessary changes to dwelling, grounds, or plantings until having lived on premise a full year, better two, so as to understand something of the nature of the place. Hasty decisions are often regrettable.
We moved in July 1st so we have had a good amount of time to test the house in both summer and winter and which for sure has enabled us to make some better decisions. Its an very nice house build in 1929 and we are trying to keep the house as original as possible and making few changes. Only changes is converting two closets into the show in the bath, making the two kids rooms larger and opening op between kitchen and dining room. House is run down so we with water coming through the roof, original windows and old electric and plumbing so we have to do something.

The birch tree and bush is gone too but the replaced with another tree and the bush will grow back.


Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Well we have been here

We moved in July 1st so we have had a good amount of time to test the house in both summer and winter and which for sure has enabled us to make some better decisions. Its an very nice house build in 1929 and we are trying to keep the house as original as possible and making few changes. Only changes is converting two closets into the show in the bath, making the two kids rooms larger and opening op between kitchen and dining room. House is run down so we with water coming through the roof, original windows and old electric and plumbing so we have to do something.

The birch tree and bush is gone too but the replaced with another tree and the bush will grow back.
You're in luck,
my bongshed construction as a service company just opened up a EMEA office.
Well we have been here

We moved in July 1st so we have had a good amount of time to test the house in both summer and winter and which for sure has enabled us to make some better decisions. Its an very nice house build in 1929 and we are trying to keep the house as original as possible and making few changes. Only changes is converting two closets into the show in the bath, making the two kids rooms larger and opening op between kitchen and dining room. House is run down so we with water coming through the roof, original windows and old electric and plumbing so we have to do something.

The birch tree and bush is gone too but the replaced with another tree and the bush will grow back.
The most major and disruptive projects I have gotten into have tended to start with roof leaks... Oh, look, the sill's rotted...


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Heat the house with wood, start a firewood company. Make the kid chop all the wood.
You're so weird....not like in a touching yourself while calling into muscular dystrophy telethon kind of way, but....in a funny weird kind of way.

I will take the wood chopping thing into serious consideration.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
@CBJ ... I love your house, Claus
Thanks, we really love it too and once we are done its going to be super nice. Its really a dream come through. Now that I finally have a basement and a work space I have found my next goal. Indoor bike washing station in the basement so I don't have to be outside in the cold washing my bike its a muddy wet country and I ride all year so there is a lot of bike washing going on.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
was thinking of going fatbiking tonight. snow is currently falling. "they" are predicting about 4". I might bail on fatbiking and go skiing instead.