
Yea, cause I needed another reason to hate this town.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I know I've said it before, but I don't think you people realize how awful it is for me here.

Palin for president?
You betcha!, says a federal political action committee based in — where else? — Colorado Springs
by Pam Zubeck

David Kelly's home office in Briargate is a typical middle-aged guy's hideout. It has a computer, two desks, books stacked floor to ceiling and maps on the walls. But at the foot of one desk sit a couple boxes filled with buttons and bumper stickers promoting Sarah Palin as a 2012 presidential candidate.

The full-time library district worker spends up to 20 hours a week collecting money and mailing political paraphernalia as part of his federal political action committee's effort to persuade Palin to run.

The 2012 Draft Sarah Committee is the only one of its kind registered with the Federal Election Commission, but it actually represents the second effort by locals to elevate the former Alaska governor's political profile. Adam Brickley, a former Peyton resident and political science graduate of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, set up a blog in early 2007 to push Palin for vice president, and made the talk-show circuit after her selection in August 2008.

Now, Kelly, 50, a Republican Party regular who's voted in every election since he was 18, is at the fore. He's undeterred that Palin's folksy lingo, wardrobe expenditures and perky winks make comedy writers rejoice.

"She's not part of the Beltway," Kelly explains. "She's a mother who got angry one day and decided, 'I'm going to do something.' She's real. She truly is telling us from her heart what she wants to do, rather than what party officials are dictating to her."

Randy Highsmith, the committee's chairman, saw a story on the Web about the committee and volunteered to organize from Florida. He raves about Palin in an e-mail: "Palin excited me and many other conservatives due to her proven and consistent conservative stances." He notes she's pro-life, pro-business and favors oil drilling in Alaska wilderness.

Even as some moderate-courting Republicans denounce Palin for espousing extreme conservative views, Highsmith says the committee has hundreds of volunteers and thousands of newsletter subscribers. And Kelly says her down-home style and values appeal to Everyman and Everywoman.

Kelly formally announced the PAC in January and was soon interviewed by Washington, D.C., political columnists. His Web site, 2012draftsarahcommittee.com, rocked with 10,000 hits a day. Now, it has slowed to about 200 to 1,000 hits daily.

And he admits the PAC has been fodder for joke-writers.

"We made Comedy Central, maybe not in a pleasant way," he says. "Jon Stewart reamed us. I got a lot of hate e-mails — people saying, 'You're an idiot. You're drinking the Kool-Aid.'"

Nevertheless, Kelly and other organizers are honest-to-god serious about trying to persuade Palin.

"Be sure to add YOUR NAME to this petition urging Governor Palin to run," the Web site says. "This is just one way we intend to show Governor Palin she has a large base of support."

The PAC's contributions are small potatoes: about $8,500 in donations ranging from $5 to $355, including a $2,100 loan from Kelly, who notes that none of the committee's members draws a paycheck. Support comes from Hawaii to New York, including from Linda Mims, a lifelong South Carolina resident who recalls learning about the PAC from a Christian group's e-mail.

"Sarah Palin is an outstanding leader," Mims says in a phone interview. "She has the values and morals to lead our country in a positive direction."

Kelly says Palin is "careful" not to communicate with his PAC, although the group's New York-based spokeswoman has met her. He adds that he's not doing this to build his own political career; in fact, Kelly has other interests, such as learning how to play bagpipes, and looks forward to cleaning up his home office and declaring "mission accomplished."

"The day she announces," he says, "our job is done."

— zubeck@csindy.com


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'm adding my name to that petition...you think Harry Balzac will slip through, or will they toss it for sounding French?

There we go: #2275.

It's only funny because I can move to Canada...
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Does these frothers have any clue that Palin has a minimal following beyond the exteme Christian right?

Hell, I'd write in Ross Perot for President before I vote for her photoshopped @ss.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Running to another state won't help you, Silver. Sorry.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
It might be good strategy. For some reason she thinks she can be President. I think that Obama will definitely be elected for a second term. Why not put her up there on the chopping block in 2012 and then have a viable candidate that might actually have a chance of winning in 2016? She's willing to give it the ole hockey mom try and the Repub uppity ups get their sacrificial pitbull.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
She should be on the ballot. Voting machines should be rigged to emit high doses of radiation to the crotchal region of anyone who votes for her. We need to filter some of the trash out of our gene pool.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'll throw in $5. Her being nominated would be the best thing to happen for this country...
F*ck that. I find the prospect absolutely terrifying. Don't put anything past these people.
Burley, you didn't quite get it. Let me lay this one out for you:

Palin as the Republican candidate for president would mean a shoe-in win for the demz.

People were terrified at the thought of her being vice president. She wouldn't stand a chance as presidential candidate.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I think burly's well aware of what he's getting at. :p

But remember this country. She might actually get elected. Especially if in 4 years people really can be convinced obama's a socialistfascistbigscaryblackguygonnarapewhitey.
Burley may have been distracted by his recording of a midget in a TDS.

You make a good point. This country is filled with the LEOTBC. Maybe after a year or two of Obama people will finally start caring whose ass it is, and why its farting. And realize that reading and writing aren't just for fags.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Burley, you didn't quite get it. Let me lay this one out for you:

Palin as the Republican candidate for president would mean a shoe-in win for the demz.

People were terrified at the thought of her being vice president. She wouldn't stand a chance as presidential candidate.
I respectfully disagree. This country is full of teh stupidz. Need proof? Bush got elected twice.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Burley, you didn't quite get it. Let me lay this one out for you:

Palin as the Republican candidate for president would mean a shoe-in win for the demz.

People were terrified at the thought of her being vice president. She wouldn't stand a chance as presidential candidate.
No, I quite got it... I just don't agree. She spends the next couple of years learning how to not look like a complete retard in every single interview she does, and I honestly think she'd have a shot to win. A lot of people are already really excited about her, and BS has a tendency to metastasize in this country.
Remember when that old guy won American Idol? I swear to god people voted for that guy just to stir up sh*t (no I dont watch that show, but it's evident he was a talentless loser), and Im half convinced that's how Obama got elected. The very prospect of her dated/insane ideology guiding the course of this country and the free world should scare the hell out of everyone. And she has the balls, unlike Obama, to actually try and implement what she believes... some of which could actually come to pass. Id much rather have some guy like Romney or McCain lining the pockets of big business than someone like Palin literally sending us back to the dark ages.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ahh, but how about just trying to look like *less* like a retard... We're not talking 100 IQ here, we're just talking GWB level. She could probably pull that off in 2-3 years.
Idk. Put a bluetooth speaker in her mouth, teach someone with a college degree to talk like her, and teach Palin to lip synch. Could probably be done in 6 months.

It's got a ring to it. Cannot deny it.
South Park. Season 13, episode 6 - "Pinewoode Derby" www.southparkstudios.com (you can watch it free there if you haven't seen it yet).


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
No, I quite got it... I just don't agree. She spends the next couple of years learning how to not look like a complete retard in every single interview she does, and I honestly think she'd have a shot to win. A lot of people are already really excited about her, and BS has a tendency to metastasize in this country.
Remember when that old guy won American Idol? I swear to god people voted for that guy just to stir up sh*t (no I dont watch that show, but it's evident he was a talentless loser), and Im half convinced that's how Obama got elected. The very prospect of her dated/insane ideology guiding the course of this country and the free world should scare the hell out of everyone. And she has the balls, unlike Obama, to actually try and implement what she believes... some of which could actually come to pass. Id much rather have some guy like Romney or McCain lining the pockets of big business than someone like Palin literally sending us back to the dark ages.
I think her isolation from the mainstream media will allow her to develop her opinions and ideas in a vacuum.

I do think a dumass can become President (just look at 2001-2009), but even Bush talked with all kinds of people before he became the Prez.

I think Palin has a very devoted following, but the group of extreme right-wingers hardly compares with the several liberal groups like labor or minorities. And ultimately, the undecided will always think she is an idiot, no matter how she spins herself.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
She clearly already developed all of her "ideas" and "opinions" in a vacuum. The lack of oxygen displays it self prominently everytime she opens her mouth.
Well, a smart candidate would learn how to say things which appeal to undecided voters but does not turn off the base.

Obama, in an obvious example, never made any attempt to appeal to black voters, but he also said nothing which might offend his base.

I'm hoping Palin will select Michele Bachmann as her running mate.

Maybe they can do their own version of The View on Fox with Janine Turner, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Obama, in an obvious example, never made any attempt to appeal to black voters, but he also said nothing which might offend his base.
He didn't really have to, considering that his opponent was so obviously twitching on national television trying not to call him uppity or just let an n-bomb loose.