
yea for over-sensitive people



Please leave TX you sensitive phucking people. Canada needs you. buh-bye


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
What do you bet that the offendee is as white as you or me...

Well maybe she is 1/8th Cherokee or something. ;)


Aug 17, 2004
Tenchiro said:
What do you bet that the offendee is as white as you or me...

Well maybe she is 1/8th Cherokee or something. ;)
Ahhh.. the old standby..."I've got a soul , really, my ancestors were Cherokee...I'm not ALL white, here, smell, my heart's bleeding patchouli oil.."

(not that being Cherokee and Patchouli oil have anything in common, of course..)


May 6, 2003
Westy said:
Pimp and hooker parties are more fun anyway.
We threw a Mazola-Twister party and there weren't any complaints. I didn't hear any at least. Who complains when there is 4-flavored jello shot garden in the frig?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
genius girl said:
"Also, the history between the American Indians and the cowboys is a very violent one, and the party made light of this history."
Wow, that pretty much cuts right to the chase of things. "the cowboys?" Good lord, I hope she's not a history major...


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stosh said:
was biggins there?
my most recent party was this past friday night. the theme was red. red drinks, red lights, red outfits, the walls covered in shiny red plastic.....The Red Light District.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
biggins said:
my most recent party was this past friday night. the theme was red. red drinks, red lights, red outfits, the walls covered in shiny red plastic.....The Red Light District.
What is Saturday's theme? :D

dh girlie

Westy said:
Yeah so, did I miss something or are you just interested in my reading habits?

I like this part...as if it is not going to be as offensive as 'Indian':

"When we came up with the party idea, and someone said 'cowboys and Indians,' we decided that some people might find that term offensive, so we made it the 'cowboys and Native Americans party' instead,"

is it me or is that just f'n hysterical!


dh girlie said:

I like this part...as if it is not going to be as offensive as 'Indian':

"When we came up with the party idea, and someone said 'cowboys and Indians,' we decided that some people might find that term offensive, so we made it the 'cowboys and Native Americans party' instead,"

is it me or is that just f'n hysterical!

It's you. I didn't find it overly amusing.


dh girlie said:
He's just trying to be politically correct or funny, but he didn't come across as either...

Nope - just didn't think it was funny. I do feel bad for the native americans having stood on the battlefield in Wisdom, MT knowing they got phucked. They were badass though when they fought back. Oops - sidetracked. I already said you couldn't upstage yourself today. This just wasn't funny. :blah:


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
dh girlie said:
is it me or is that just f'n hysterical!
Im with ya :) They're words...they refer to the same thing. Every Indian that I know would rather be called an Indian anyways. It's the same thing like 'mentally handicapped' is no longer PC...now its 'developmentally delayed' what the f@ck? its all just retarded. over sensitive people need a :nuts:


Jun 10, 2002
i think it's funny that someone actually got so offended they decided to comlain. but this is UT. can't do jack **** here without getting crap from some asshole.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Personally, I find the behavior of the people quite amusing, not the party itself...the girl who complained pretty much seems clueless about the real cultures and histories involved, and the guys who put the party on..."cowboys and native americans party?" Come on...you've got to be able to laugh at someone who could say that and think it truly wasn't offensive, or at least respect him for being able to deadpan it...



Jun 10, 2002
i didn't think it was offensive. the link JRogers threw up, that was offensive. not the Hellraisers, though.

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
Skookum said:
Would anyone here who thinks a coyboy and indian theme party is funny, please describe to me "Why" it's funny.....
I guess its amusing in a tongue and cheek kinda way, but what I can't wait for is the "Lazy Puerto Rican" theme party. I'll be there boozing it up and nabbing a few hub caps from cars in the parking lot :thumb:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Skookum said:
Would anyone here who thinks a coyboy and indian theme party is funny, please describe to me "Why" it's funny.....
The cowboy and Indian theme itself is not funny. I think it is funny that they wanted to change the name to the Cowboy and Native American party. Obviously they knew it was offensive on a certain level but somehow thought by changing the name would make it OK. They were too stupid to make the connection that is the shameful and tragic history that makes it offensive not the names. So it is not funny in the haha funny way but funny in the ironic "your an ignorant redneck and can't even realize it" kind of way.

I still say that pimp and hooker parties are more fun. The ultimate goal behind all parties is to get girls drunk and naked, and that is the fastest way. If anyone thinks that pimps and hookers are linked to certain groups your stupid. They call the oldest profession for a reason, prostitution exists on every social level in every country and in every race in the world. Well I guess women should find it offensive. :think:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
MikeD said:
Personally, I find the behavior of the people quite amusing, not the party itself...the girl who complained pretty much seems clueless about the real cultures and histories involved, and the guys who put the party on..."cowboys and native americans party?" Come on...you've got to be able to laugh at someone who could say that and think it truly wasn't offensive, or at least respect him for being able to deadpan it...

Certainly Coyboys are a symbol, they aren't real, it was a job, you don't see people dressing up with lights on their heads and caking themselves with dirt and being miner's do you. So alone it's pretty inert(and dumb yes i said it coyboy up). BUT what do Coyboy's represent when paired with "Naive Americans" (Eric Cartman, yes i understand your tangent).
So against popular belief Indians actually exist still, no we haven't all died off yet sorry... as you know we're real people, with a history i don't need to summarize, hardly everyone knows the real deal but everybody get ths jist.
So i add another question then, like Joe Pozer has added so why would a Puerto Rican find a party like that "funny". That has a demeaning connotation as well, but it lacks the blatant genocide punch which is behind the insinuated history here, so should a party of Nazi's and Jews be considered funny, how about Plantation owners and Black Slaves theme party, is that funny?
So i'll ask anyone else then, because i'm sincerely curious as to why i should percieve it as funny?

Just for MikeD....
Are you saying im funny? Funny how? Like a clown? Like a clown funny? Do i amuse you? Am i here to amuse you?;)



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Why is a cowboy and indian party funny? Well, first off, cause Cowboys and Indians DONT PARTY. Also, as a kid, friends and I played cowboys and indians all the time. Some kids were indians and the other were cowboys, we didnt HATE the indians or anything, it was just two obviously different groups of people battling. Nothing offensive about it IMO, but then again, i dont ever really get offended. I mean, so some people get dressed up like indians. Why is that offensive and why would someone bother themself with caring?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
BurlySurly said:
Why is a cowboy and indian party funny? Well, first off, cause Cowboys and Indians DONT PARTY. Also, as a kid, friends and I played cowboys and indians all the time. Some kids were indians and the other were cowboys, we didnt HATE the indians or anything, it was just two obviously different groups of people battling. Nothing offensive about it IMO, but then again, i dont ever really get offended. I mean, so some people get dressed up like indians. Why is that offensive and why would someone bother themself with caring?
Some Indians i know are real coyboys on the res. Working on the ranch.... Alot of great riders in what's called the Suicide Race every year at the Omak Stampede...
i really like you Burly one, even though half the time you don't have a frikkin clue, kinda reminds me of me in a way. :D


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Skookum said:
Some Indians i know are real coyboys on the res. Working on the ranch.... Alot of great riders in what's called the Suicide Race every year at the Omak Stampede...
i really like you Burly one, even though half the time you don't have a frikkin clue, kinda reminds me of me in a way. :D
Hey, I never SAID i had a clue, I just try and speak from the gut. But seriously, I highly doubt the folks at that party were there to demean Indians...and if people dont have bad intentions, I really cant understand getting offended over it all. I cant relate honestly, but I know that when someone tells a Polock joke, that they really dont hate polish people, so I dont get mad. What would be the point? Theyre not bigots.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
BurlySurly said:
Hey, I never SAID i had a clue, I just try and speak from the gut. But seriously, I highly doubt the folks at that party were there to demean Indians...and if people dont have bad intentions, I really cant understand getting offended over it all. I cant relate honestly, but I know that when someone tells a Polock joke, that they really dont hate polish people, so I dont get mad. What would be the point? Theyre not bigots.
Well if the joke was about Nazis and Pollaks and you still lived in Poland but your family got kicked of their perogie farm( :p ) by a bunch of Germans who murdered your great grandmother and grandfather and 9/10 of their children you might feel a little different. [/longest run on sentence ever]


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Westy said:
Well if the joke was about Nazis and Pollaks and you still lived in Poland but your family got kicked of their perogie farm( :p ) by a bunch of Germans who murdered your great grandmother and grandfather and 9/10 of their children you might feel a little different. [/longest run on sentence ever]
That is basically the scenario of my family, FYI, but I still dont get mad at people who dont actually hate. Thats just silly and creating tension where it doesnt exist.

EDIT: or rather my family left the country, but you get the idea.


Jun 10, 2002
i really don't see how this party can be so wrong. it's a party, cowboys and indians (Skooks, is there a reason why you keep writing "coyboy"?). your children will play cowboys and indians. or will you scold them for that? what about cops and robbers? i'll be damned if i'm gonna let my kid run around claiming to be a thief!

westy, i'm appalled by the idea of a pimps and hookers party. that is absolutely demoralizing to women.

what about a drunk indian in Arizona casino party? we were told many times this past summer that riding through Arizona was going to be dangerous because it has the highest population of drunk drivers; indians on their reservations. luckly we didn't run into any, but damn, them boys sure know how to throw bottles.

where's my eminem cd......


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
BurlySurly said:
That is basically the scenario of my family, FYI, but I still dont get mad at people who dont actually hate. Thats just silly and creating tension where it doesnt exist.

EDIT: or rather my family left the country, but you get the idea.
Well it is cool that you feel no grudges and can take a joke as a joke. But if you didn't I could not really blame you. My family is British, I have crooked teeth and pasty skin, make fun of it all you want I don't care. But then again no one in my family has been killed because of it.