
-> Yup <-


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Have you ever met a really cool women who had ill mannered kids. And said to yourself. I am not interested because of her Kids? I made them lunch today because they said they didn't eat at school. (Complete lie I was played...). I made homemade sloppy Joes. They were delicious. Little bastards hated them because of Raw Onions. How do you have a sloppy Joe without Onions? Their Mom and Grandma eat all theirs when they got home. I even cleaned up the mess... I snuck out after I had 3 of her Heinekens. In 2 days I will have been posting here for 18 years. Thanks for listening to my shit. Jim
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Have you ever met a really cool women who had ill mannered kids. And said to yourself. I am not interested because of her Kids? I made them lunch today because they said they didn't eat at school. (Complete lie I was played...). I made homemade sloppy Joes. They were delicious. Little bastards hated them because of Raw Onions. How do you have a sloppy Joe without Onions? Their Mom and Grandma eat all theirs when they got home. I even cleaned up the mess... I snuck out after I had 3 of her Heinekens. In 2 days I will have been posting here for 18 years. Thanks for listening to my shit. Jim
Next time, try to cook the kids. #westyapproved


Mar 12, 2009
Ft. Collins
Have you ever met a really cool women who had ill mannered kids. And said to yourself. I am not interested because of her Kids? I made them lunch today because they said they didn't eat at school. (Complete lie I was played...). I made homemade sloppy Joes. They were delicious. Little bastards hated them because of Raw Onions. How do you have a sloppy Joe without Onions? Their Mom and Grandma eat all theirs when they got home. I even cleaned up the mess... I snuck out after I had 3 of her Heinekens. In 2 days I will have been posting here for 18 years. Thanks for listening to my shit. Jim
You can cook for me anytime. But then again i was spanked, and respected my parents. Also if i didnt eat what was made then i could go hungry until i ate said food. Never had onions on sloppy joes. But sounds like you know what youre doing so i will have to add them next time!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
That would involve touching and interaction. Both of which I am averse. They got a Dad. Its not me.
Smart move. Never eat the children of a man you know, except if he is watching. It is a dominant move and sets the pecking order. Out of his site and it tends to motivate an unnecessary sense of revenge.