
Zocchi AM3 question


Mar 22, 2005
Somers, NY
Hey guys, this isn't really a dh specific question, but lets face it, downhill gets all the traffic...so here goes. I recently purchased a 2007 Marzocchi AM3 fork for my xc bike. Last weekend I was riding and took a 3.4' to flat, which I've done a million times before (but with my other bike, bullit w/ jr t). When I landed, my fork bottomed a lil, and stood compressed (its an air fork btw). I noticed instantly and figured...ah ****..there goes my new fork. a mili-second later it popped back up and has been fine since, holding pressure and everything. any ideas? Is this normal? This is my first air fork, and while I realize its nowhere near a top of the line fork, its fine for what Im going to be regularly using it for. Thanks!