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  1. eric strt6

    Resident Curmudgeon 67 From directly above the center of the earth
  2. bullcrew

  3. mykel

    closer to Periwinkle 59 From sw ontario canada
  4. slyfink

    Turbo Monkey 48 From Ottawa, Canada
  5. SkaredShtles

    Michael Bolton From In a van.... down by the river
  6. Westy

    the teste From Sleazattle
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  7. canadmos

    Cake Tease 39 From Canaderp
  8. HAB

    Chelsea from Seattle From Seattle
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  9. HardtailHack

    used an iron once
  10. schwaaa31

    Turbo Monkey 51 From Clinton Massachusetts
  11. englertracing

    you owe me a sandwich 33 From La Verne
  12. mandown

    Poopdeck Repost 49 From Transylvania 90210
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