
Islam, the religion of peace and love...

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
BurlyShirley said:
Well for that matter, ANYONE can make a good terrorist, so what's your point? The idea here is that Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It has text in its holy books which spell out LITERALLY ideas which are NOT peaceful.
That GWB says god talks to him is disturbing in its own right, but completely unrelated. It baffles me that he thinks he has to do god's work, because you know, if there was a god, he could just smite all the terrists and be done w/ it, but whatever. They're all nutcases if you ask me, but the problem at hand lies with muslim terrists.
Just responding to an earlier comment.

Also, if you read my other comments, you would know what I said about Islam.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
BurlyShirley said:
Are you telling me that there isnt plenty of "Kill the infidel" stuff in the qoran?

Allow me to offer an analogy. I get a cute, fuzzy little puppy. I bring it home and sit it down on the floor of my living room. I think to myself, The puppy is not allowed on the sofa. I pick up the puppy and put it on the sofa. I then have no choice but to bring the puppy into the kitchen and hold it over an open flame while sticking pins in its eyes to punish it for breaking the rules of the house. This analogy is pretty close. I am a superior being to the puppy. I set up rules of which the puppy may or may not be aware. I force the puppy to break the rules and punish him. The only flaw in this analogy is that eventually, the puppy will die. Unlike Allah, I can’t torture him FOREVER. Dick.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
mackster23 said:
But even so, telling people that it is not okay to watch soccer, thats not cool. but i guess it was the game where those (a$$-hole, stupid, douchebag, queeer) Italians beat the germans.
Didn't say it was.

Tell us how you really feel about the Italians.
Back on to the real subject of this thread.

Breaking News, more violence in Iraq:

The real question is how are we better than Saddam?
He committed genocide, and executed 148 Shi'ite, and murderd a some thousands of Kurds in his northern Iraq military Operation.

But under the pretense of war, More than One Hundard Thousand Iraq's have lost there lifes. Given that about a third were in combat. But that still leaves over sixty thousand innocent people who lost there lifes.
Most of those were not done by americans, but by Iraq insurgents, trying to make a point, or trying to get at us. Just so everyone knows that I'm not blaming American soldiers for those deaths.
I am blaming those who got us into this war though.

So once again, whose worse.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
mackster23 said:
Back on to the real subject of this thread.

Breaking News, more violence in Iraq:

The real question is how are we better than Saddam?
He committed genocide, and executed 148 Shi'ite, and murderd a some thousands of Kurds in his northern Iraq military Operation.

But under the pretense of war, More than One Hundard Thousand Iraq's have lost there lifes. Given that about a third were in combat. But that still leaves over sixty thousand innocent people who lost there lifes.
Most of those were not done by americans, but by Iraq insurgents, trying to make a point, or trying to get at us. Just so everyone knows that I'm not blaming American soldiers for those deaths.
I am blaming those who got us into this war though.

So once again, whose worse.
Let's not forget that Saddam used weapons that we supplied him when he gassed the Kurds.


monkey wrestler
Apr 9, 2002
Stowe, VT
Ah yes, and the War lords that controled this country that has been w/o a government for decades were so much more tolerant, peace loving people, who BTW were funded by our CIA to hold control of the capitol and perpetuate instability in the country so we could rape it of it's natural resources w/o the population having any way to stop us....becaue they had no governmet, because the warlords we funded kept it that way, so we kept giving them money, so they kept chaos as a rule, so we could rape the country of it's natural resources....and so on and on and on the world over...NOW, the PEOPLE of Somalia rise up and sieze control of their OWN country...and now the news starts to flow like the big stinky fart before the turd (US/UN Forces going in and destableizing an Indiginous Gov). How long until we have to preemptively enslave another country?
Just my .02
Anyone read any Chompsky?
or Confessions of an Economic Hitman
or watch Why We Fight yet?
or listen to Democracy Now! ?


May 25, 2006
Tenchiro said:
They are loving and peaceful (as long as you conform to their belief structure)
great way to put it. if your are open minded to the fact then all religions have their faults and Islam does not coincide with the present society in which we live in and that is why everyone hates Islam and because of terrorists, but that is a shame at what they have done for their religion but then you have to ask yourself why would they do such a thing? maybe because we violated something before that pissed them off to make them do things like that?? anything that can venture back all the way to the crusades??


May 25, 2006
Old Man G Funk said:
Do they have oil?
haha well even though that is the fact it is very cruel to even think about it. when oil runs out the u.s. and the other world powers will drop down from their positions and be overthrown by present countries with more resources than us. who knows maybe the u.s. will have control of the world by then? i sure hope not


monkey wrestler
Apr 9, 2002
Stowe, VT
While there is some petrolium in Africa, our chief interest there is minerals. The LARGE majority of metals and minerals that are key components in manufacturing micro chips and other tech goodies come from there. The book Confessions of an Economic Hitman really spells out how we now use the global free market to enslave countries now. Only when that doesn't work do the Special OPs, and eventually the military get called in. Kermit Roosevelt pulled off the first successfull attempt at desabilizing a Gov. in Iran BITD. He was CIA, so after they did it they said damn that worked, but if he got caught, it would be our asses. Now they use employees of private companies so the U.S. Government has deniability. Basically, it comes down to predatory lending, based on fabricated projections of economic growth in a country such as Equador. The company will say, "hire us to dam your river, and develope hyws, and ifrastructure for your entire country and we see economic growth over the next 25 years of 17%, with the first 10 being 19, and the last 15 being 15 percent growth." But the country is poor, so the pres. goes to the world bank, who loans this country the money based on these phony projections. The country then pays this just borrowed cash to say Haliburton, who takes the money, dams the countries largest river, destroying some of the most ecologically valuable land on the planet and driving indiginous peoples who have live on said land for thousdands of years out of their homes. Then some growth will happen, but it will be much more modest economic growth then projection, so the country will be faced with harsh penaties which they must pay (instead of dealing with domestic issues like hunger, education, health care) ensureing the people of this country, say the Equadorians, live in poverty for the rest of their lives, basically enslaved while our multi-national then use the new infrastructure to mine and drill out all of the minerals and valuble natural resources for us (Average Americans) to use in our frivolity and glutonous daily exsistance. The president of Equador plays along because he is in the lucky club of Ecuadorians that we DO give some of the spoils to. If any Elected President attempts to nationalize his countries natural resources, we kill him, abduct him, or otherwise attempt to disuade him from his course of action. (Chavez) (or Hussain for that matter) In ecuador every 100 dollars of oil, 97.5 percent goes to the company drilling it. Of the remaining $2.50, over half goes to repayment of debt. Something tells me the Equadorians aren't really down with that, but they really never got a choice.

*these stats are from memory but can be found in the book and are well documnented. The book is written by an economist that worked for a large multination, but whose concience got the better of him. There are some interesting pieces on Democracy Now ( www.democracynow.org ) about him and his book. The book it's self is average. He is not a great writter and alot of his "personal" story was boring, but the factual information is very provactive and undeniably disturbing in it's unblinking look at what our personal day to day lives mean for millions of other global citizens.