
..it's time to punch a 9 yr old in the nose *long rant*


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Just wondering - why are you not a big fan of team sports?
pretty much what leppah said but i'll add this: you can do 10 great things for the team but the one time you screw up everybody comes down on you...at least that was my experience. i like team sports at lower, less-competitive levels but when jocks take the game too seriously i get pretty turned off to it.

i also can't fathom how people can sit and watch pro/college sports on tv all day and then get into heated debates with other idiot sports fans on how their team is gonna kick the other team's butt next year..... it just seems stupid to me.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
That sucks for Noah because he is such a cool kid.
But before any noses take any shots, I would go the talking trash back route first.
Looking back to my little league days through high school baseball that is just the way we all talked to one another. It was pretty much a $hit talking festival every practice or game. Our team consisted of whites, blacks, 2 koreans, a mexican, a mulato and of course white trash rednecks.
It was great. We gave each other hell, and I loved every one of them.
Especially the angry korean pitcher. He would lose his temper in .5 seconds, so he would therefore of course get the most heat, because fireworks are fun to watch.
Not long ago, he looked me up because he needed some health insurance, and we sat around for hours laughing about how much crap we all gave one another.
When his policy came in, and I went to mail it to him, I remembered one of our old team members had a sister that was as roached as one could possibly get. That chick could scare off crows with a glance.
Her name was Tessie too as I guess her parents thought the burden of a butter face was not severe enough.
Anyway, so when I mailed him his policy, (let's say his name is Greg Smith),
I put Greg and Tessie Smith down before his address.
He called me laughing and then called me a bunch of korean cuss words.
Friends forever.
Tell Noah to scan the stands for a "Tessie" and get to cracking.
He'll fit right in.
He already calls you beef jerky, so I know he has it in him.:D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
^^^I'm with ya. On less competitive levels, team sports can be a ton of fun. I just don't like when they start getting too serious. I can hold my own at any ball sport, better than average. I just don't like any of those sports anymore or a lot of the people that tend to get too competitive about them.

I can't watch any of those sports though. The only sports i watch now are MMA, and DH biking on freecaster. Oh, i was watching AMA racing, but it's all done now.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
pretty much what leppah said but i'll add this: you can do 10 great things for the team but the one time you screw up everybody comes down on you...at least that was my experience. i like team sports at lower, less-competitive levels but when jocks take the game too seriously i get pretty turned off to it.

i also can't fathom how people can sit and watch pro/college sports on tv all day and then get into heated debates with other idiot sports fans on how their team is gonna kick the other team's butt next year..... it just seems stupid to me.
Part of what I enjoy about team sports is the fact that it encourages you to do your best for the benefit of the whole (the team). I think that's a good lesson for kids to learn.

But I can see where the other viewpoint is coming from as well I guess.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
He already calls you beef jerky, so I know he has it in him.:D
i know he's got the smacktalk gene, he's just never used it in a hostile environment. he's also still learning the whole delivery part. i don't think you were there but at one of the dark mtn DS races last year i was messing with some of the faster riders in the berm telling them to pick it up and quit sandbagging...etc. noah didn't quite grasp the sarcasm concept and saw a beginner rider cautiously making his way through the berms before the woods section and noah yelled out, "c'mon ya slowpoke! my granma is faster than that!" he THOUGHT he was being clever and witty like dad but i had to explain to him the difference between poking fun at friends via sarcasm and putting down strangers via insults. :rofl: ...but at least he's trying :D


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
My lady has a 13 year old. He was playing bball for a few seasons. He was pretty much the worst kid on the team each time because he woudn't take the time to practice other than 1 time a week with the other kids. So, he pretty much would just rely on all of the other kids to pull him to victory. I grilled him about it a few times before i just got tired of it. He was the kid that they'd throw the ball to and he would just plant his feet and look for someone to throw it to. All he learned from those two seasons was that he didn't have to really pull his own weight because the team would try to make up for his short comings.

So we put him in Judo. He did a few tournaments and did pretty good. Finally started trying harder because he knew there wasn't anybody that he could rely on to pull him through. His performance was a direct reflection of how hard he tried and how much he learned. It didn't come down to someone else. It just came down to him.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Hey Manimal, is Noah into wrestling? That woould also be a great sport for him to get into. One thing I forgot to mention, teach him some good pressure points, that way if it comes down to it, he can have the bigger kids crying without actually hurting them!!!! You know, make them beg for mercy.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I know it sounds kind of silly but could you wear your cop costume to one of the games? Just so the kids know you're a cop? Stand along the fence next to the dugout?

If the parents/coaches aren't recognizing the problem, having your son start a fight might not look good and create more trouble then there already is.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
If he does this, I will wear an Indian costume and sit down beside him,
and try to get the crowd to sing YMCA.
It would be awesome, but probaly would not help with Noah getting teased.
The teasing would increase, I am sure of it. :clapping:

Bummer about the situation your child is in, I was always lucky to be in the middle ground growing up, not the biggest not the smallest. I don't know of any good answers on parenting, and for once I don't have a good smart a-- reply. :banghead:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I know it sounds kind of silly but could you wear your cop costume to one of the games? Just so the kids know you're a cop? Stand along the fence next to the dugout?

If the parents/coaches aren't recognizing the problem, having your son start a fight might not look good and create more trouble then there already is.
i've been to a couple of his practices in uniform so the kids/parents know what i do but i wouldn't ever use my uniform to force change in that arena. just not ethically cool.

i'm not encouraging him to fight...the thread just sort of derailed that way. i'm just telling him to stand up for himself and that alone usually solves the problem. i don't think the other kid wants to fight, he just thinks noah is an easy target because he's just ignoring everything. i'm just trying to deliver the life lesson of confidence and not allowing people to walk all over you.

and jeremy...i think that's a great idea. bring matt and he can be the construction worker, steven T can be the biker looking dude.....oh man, great idea! :D


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
You should let Noah borrow your handheld Tazer, that will work well too!!!

Seriously, I would just about pay money to see Yall dressed up as the village people at a kids ballgame. Please, PLEASE post up pics.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I figured I'd start here with the "How many threads does the Falcon Punch fix" trick...



Sep 14, 2006
The Right coast
I can't believe no one suggested having Noah ask the "bully" kids to come mountain biking with him!? Nothing will boost his confidence and make him feel better than watching those lame ducks take headers in the dirt while Noak skies over the top of their fallen bodies. I'm not saying Noah should necessarily befriend them, but bullies will have less to pick on if they see how seriously awesome Noah is at riding a bike....and if they share an overall fun experience together.

I'm not a big fan of telling a pre-teen to fight to out. Talk privately & respectfully with the coach again (he's bound to be defensive about his kids bully ways), suggesting that its his job to ensure a team atmosphere and that each kid has fun.

Lacrosse comes a close second to mountain biking for me - full contact, lots of speed, and size isn't necessarily an advantage. Baseball sucks soooo much.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
we had a long talk last night about his course(s) of action. we worked on some good smartalec responses to the kid(s) if they start up again and then worked out a game plan in case that doesn't work. although, it usually happens more at practice than at games.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I have nothing to offer other than he could be worse off.
He could be stupid with a dad that doesn't give a fvck about him.

Boy are jerks to each other. They are supposed to be, that's how boys toughen up.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I bet you could kick his ass. But I would hold off and see if you might be able to reason with him. He is 9 after all.... I know if I was a cop I would probably just go around whooping ass all the time. If it makes the paper can you post up the story here....


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I bet you could kick his ass. But I would hold off and see if you might be able to reason with him. He is 9 after all.... I know if I was a cop I would probably just go around whooping ass all the time. If it makes the paper can you post up the story here....
Step 1:
Read thread title

Step 2:
Reply without reading any of the posts

I like your style.



Jun 29, 2005
My son was a competitive gymnast, age 6 - 14, also on the small side. Remember one time at a party down on the beach, night time, a kid about 30 lbs heavier (and plenty overweight) was sitting on top of him, on his stomach bouncing up & down, Brian told him to stop, when he didn't, he bopped him in the nose, fat boy never messed with him again.
Brian, like Noah caught on to riding early. He rode singletrack @ Mammoth a week after his 4th Bday. Picked up downhill around 13, was #2 Junior Ex National 16 & under 2 yrs running. I attribute it to gymastics.