

e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
If you are not watching it right now, DO IT. Amazing game so far. 3-2 US with 1 min left in the 2nd.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
These could be the three best hockey games I've ever witnessed in 1 day.

Russia vs. Czech was epic, and so far this has been just as good.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Very good game so far.

We should have pulled Brodeur after the second goal.
I don't agree, neither of those was his fault. Crosby deflected the first one, second he was screened badly.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
USA beats Canada, hahahahahahahha. How does that feel Canada.

Hell of a game for US and Ryan Miller.


Apr 8, 2007
Cranbrook BC
I felt that he was too confident with his handling skills, which killed them off the bat. We got worked over in the third with the penalties until the last few minutes.

Miller deserved that win, he played outstanding.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
I felt that he was too confident with his handling skills, which killed them off the bat. We got worked over in the third with the penalties until the last few minutes.

Miller deserved that win, he played outstanding.
That's true, he was too aggressive about handling the puck at times. I was wondering how the change from NHL to international rules would work out for him, since he was always pretty free roaming. Guess he got a little too excited about the new freedom.

Miller played unbelievably well. He faced a ton of shots, tons of pressure, and did what he needed to do to give his team the win.


Feb 11, 2010
Waterloo, ON
Miller stole it, and... Brodeur did the opposite. (I blame Pronger too.) What was the shot total? I heard that Team Canada had 20 shots in the first period. Miller had everything on the crease, I only saw one rebound.

Team Canada needs a serious tune-up after f'ing SWITZERLAND took them to the shootout on Thursday night. Hopefully this lights a fire.

Americans: Enjoy the win. Great game, but it's not like gold or elimination was on the line tonight. To keep going, Canada plays an extra game against Germany then plays Russia in the 1/4 finals. Next in line behind Brodeur is Luongo, and then Fleury... if Team Canada beats Russia, then odds are we'll see you again.


Apr 28, 2007
centeral Euroland via CA
Miller stole it, and... Brodeur did the opposite. (I blame Pronger too.) What was the shot total? I heard that Team Canada had 20 shots in the first period. Miller had everything on the crease, I only saw one rebound.

Team Canada needs a serious tune-up after f'ing SWITZERLAND took them to the shootout on Thursday night. Hopefully this lights a fire.

Americans: Enjoy the win. Great game, but it's not like gold or elimination was on the line tonight. To keep going, Canada plays an extra game against Germany then plays Russia in the 1/4 finals. Next in line behind Brodeur is Luongo, and then Fleury... if Team Canada beats Russia, then odds are we'll see you again.
i believe the shot count was 55ish canada -24 usa

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
That was a hell of game. I'm not sure if the US was just playing "prevent" defense on their heels the last 10 minutes, or if Canada decided to finally start playing. Either way, what a frikkin onslaught that last 10 minutes was. Then when Kesler scored the empty netter, I LOL'd.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
That was a hell of game. I'm not sure if the US was just playing "prevent" defense on their heels the last 10 minutes, or if Canada decided to finally start playing. Either way, what a frikkin onslaught that last 10 minutes was. Then when Kesler scored the empty netter, I LOL'd.
It wasn't so much the US sitting back, but Canada just pouring it on and pinching and cheating on defense. They got very lucky on that 3 chance breakaway sequence. They also appeared to be rolling out Drew Doughty every other shift on defense and OMG is that kid a stud.


Aug 29, 2006
Oh how the noose gets tighter. Yeah, the Canadians were taking the play to the Americans most of the game but then Marty decided to start two pad stacking and turning the puck over. Canada has some goalie problems. Miller played incredible and they weathered the storm.

The best part about the Canadians losing is now they are going to have to play the Russians and the Sweds to make it to the finals.

I am pretty sure Mike Milbury hates everything about the US.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I couldn't stay awake to watch the Sweden vs. Finland game but the other two games I watched were awesome.

As USA Hockey fans we have to be happy but also remember that there is a lot of hockey to be played in this Olympic tourney and one win over Canada doesn't make us a lock for a Gold medal. Heck we are still an underdog to medal at all I'd say.

But who doesn't love rooting for the underdog right!!!?? :)


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Too much pressure on the Canadians...the whole country hanging on every shift. We won, but lets wait til tourneys end to collect our medals. Canada is still and will probably always be, the dominant hockey country in the world, no matter what the results of the WJC or Olympic tourney. NHL will continue to be filled with star Canucks, as will the other pro and Junior leagues...