
Going to London. Suggestions?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
Hey guys, its been a while since I've cruised the lounge, but I figured you guys could help me out, being all worldly like you are.

My girlfriend and I are headed to London for about 8 days next week. Neither of us has ever been to Europe and we're super excited.

Any body have any suggestions about what we should do? We're staying with a friend whose studying abroad there, and neither of us has a lot of money, but w definitely wanna have a good time.

We'd be down to travel around Europe a little bit too. Anybody got any good suggestions on cheap travel once we're there?

I know there's a ton to do, and we're not there for too long, but if any monkeys have suggestions on what I shouldn't miss I'd love to hear them.

Thanks in advance.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
A bit late now but you can still check Ryanair/Easyjet for super cheap airfares. Read the fine-print carefully though. I also believe the ferry to France is super cheap, less than 10 pounds.
If I were you though I'd stay in and around London the whole time, 8 days isn't even gonna scratch the surface of what you can do there. Great place.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Things to do. Get yourself an Oyster card for the tube http://visitorshop.tfl.gov.uk/ gets pricey paying as you go.
London is generally pretty expensive but getting sandwiches from Sainsburys and a few beers from the off-licence will help you save.
Definitely go and a have a few pints at a few different pubs and none of this over gassed lager crap either, hand pulled pints from the cellar. I liked The George, near the Borough Markets (in itself a cool place to go). We did an open top bus tour which was 16 quid and you could get off and on at your leisure, included a ride on the Thames. Reasonable value I thought. Hell just walking along the Thames is awesome.....I could go on.....when can I go to London again?

Al C. Oholic

Feb 11, 2010
suggestion: don't be there for Christmas unless you wanna make suit-and-tie dinner reservations six months in advance, or else you eat out of an Indian's convenience store for Christmas dinner


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Well if it was me going the daily itinerary would be: Pub - Museum - pub - museum - pub - museum - pub - pub - pub - bed. :D


Sep 7, 2005
1 - Yes, get the Oyster! If you're fit the best way around London is walking(or cycling). It is a huge city, but you can walk across the center(from Hyde Park to the London bridge) in about 2.5 hours(checking stuff out). If you're fit and plan on doing loads of walking and bus riding go for "Pay as you go", if not, get a weekly pass. Note that on "Pay as you go" when you reach around 6pounds(don't know the exact value) on a day it automatically changes into a daily pass.

2 - There is a LOT to see. Depends on what you want to see/do. What are your interests? Where are you staying?

3 - London is not that expensive as people think. (Although the pound did get stronger in the last few months). There are plenty of cheap places around everywhere. I work right in Covent Garden and have lunch for 4pounds (includes more food than what the usual person can eat and a piece of fruit ;))


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
8 days? Stick with London and environs. I'd not try to see any more in such a short period of time...
one could easily split the time 50/50 between London and another major city. hell, i'd do that.

i've only been to London for a long weekend so i am hardly a good source of info, but i enjoyed walking around the posh area of Mayfair and Knightsbridge, the Tate Modern was outstanding, and the record stores around (i think Soho) were cool (Sister Ray, Reckless).

definitely grab a pint of local british goodness in a cozy pub.


Sep 23, 2004
I'm not an expert on London but I did live about half an hour away by train for a year, so I ventured in quite a few times. I'd recommend checking out Camden Market for 'alternative culture' type things, Camden Town - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Camden_Town_9.jpg" class="image"><img alt="Camden Town 9.jpg" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Camden_Town_9.jpg/240px-Camden_Town_9.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/6/6c/Camden_Town_9.jpg/240px-Camden_Town_9.jpg

Oxford Street has a lot of shopping with your regular kind of shops, and if I remember rightly Bond Street is full of ultra expensive shops, good for a bit of window shopping if you're into that kind of thing. Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square are pretty impressive, and I've not been but I've think the House of Commons, Tower of London, London Eye would be worth a look as well.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Things to do. Get yourself an Oyster card for the tube http://visitorshop.tfl.gov.uk/ gets pricey paying as you go.
London is generally pretty expensive but getting sandwiches from Sainsburys and a few beers from the off-licence will help you save.
Definitely go and a have a few pints at a few different pubs and none of this over gassed lager crap either, hand pulled pints from the cellar. I liked The George, near the Borough Markets (in itself a cool place to go). We did an open top bus tour which was 16 quid and you could get off and on at your leisure, included a ride on the Thames. Reasonable value I thought. Hell just walking along the Thames is awesome.....I could go on.....when can I go to London again?
What??!!?? :think:

This would be much better in the King's English. :D


Jun 15, 2006
link up w/ nirvana cycles and go ride in the south downs. those cats took care of me out there for riding. requests to rip golden birdies.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Stop brushing now so people will think you're one of the locals.

Oh, do you need to borrow a chain mail shirt?


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Aside from the pubs and beer already mentioned, I really liked the Imperial War Museum both times I went. British Library and British Museum were also good, if you like that sort of thing.


Sep 7, 2005
Bring me a pair of bindings and I'll pay you lunch/dinner in Covent Garden!

Freaking expensive international shipping.. :rant:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
Stop brushing now so people will think you're one of the locals.

Oh, do you need to borrow a chain mail shirt?
dazzle the locals with a variety of toothpaste....
Be sure to brush up on the local vernacular.... like "G'Day mate!" And "Throw another shrimp on the barby!" and "Crocodile Dundee was a brilliant film!"
Damn, I'd forgotten how awesome the Lounge was.

Thanks for the help guys. These are (mostly) good suggestions.

I think we'll end up doing a good bit of drinking, museum going, and walking around. I think you guys (an my wallet) have convinced me not to try to travel once I'm over there.

I'd love to see some music, looks like Slayer's gonna be there, we'll see what the girlfriend thinks about that, haha.

One last thing, I'm a photography student, anybody got an suggestions of where I can find some interesting people to photograph? I'm sure they're all over, but a concentrated "weird area" would be awesome.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Damn, I'd forgotten how awesome the Lounge was.

Thanks for the help guys. These are (mostly) good suggestions.

I think we'll end up doing a good bit of drinking, museum going, and walking around. I think you guys (an my wallet) have convinced me not to try to travel once I'm over there.

I'd love to see some music, looks like Slayer's gonna be there, we'll see what the girlfriend thinks about that, haha.

One last thing, I'm a photography student, anybody got an suggestions of where I can find some interesting people to photograph? I'm sure they're all over, but a concentrated "weird area" would be awesome.
East End.