
What happened to the positivity??!


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
I remember when I first really decided that I wanted to get involved in mountain biking. Back in the day on the East Coast, circa 1999 or so, there was a pretty strong race series called Trail 66. There was a circuit of 6 or so mountains and a turnout of a somewhere closer to 200 people to race gravity per event. I met some people at those races that are now some of my closest friends. One of the things that always stuck out to me, and made me really fall in love with the sport was how riders treated each other. Guys like Lars Tribus would finish their race run, take the lead or a podium spot, then sprint up the mountain immediately just to cheer on their friends, who very well may take away the lead.

It was an awesome environment, and it translated to other parts of mountian biking life.

About that same time a whole load of us were pretty active on the old MTBR DH forum. You guys know who you are, Acadian, MMike, SkaTodd, the Trumpores, Chris Carleton, John P, Seth Lolli, Alex Dunstan, JM, and a bunch of other guys (Where's Pex and Mutiger?). There was definitely a core group and things were good, lots of positive and funny conversations. Most of that core group made the migration to Ridemonkey when it started up and our boy Jason invited us over. (At the time, the format of the forum was pretty far ahead of the old mtbr and that drove most of us to move).

Times were good and good times were had. There was definitely a positive environment that nurtured getting newcomers excited about riding and pumped up to be on their bikes.

Fast forward today and it's all about hating. I have a hard time even going onto the mtbr DH forum and this forum because of the negativity. It's just sad! I know that others have been driven away by this same thing.

Maybe it was the financial crash of 2008, maybe it's TV programming for kids in the 90's to blame, I don't know what' s got bikers all down on things these days but we can change this.

I want to put out a public challenge. Let's make this place fun to come to again.

Ignore the negative guys, don't provoke them! Let's try to get the good times back. If we all work to keep things in check I think that just might work.

Who's in?



Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Its silly because it is 10 times worse on the net than in real life. At least on this side on the pond. People of course are more hostile in real life but nowhere near what goes on the forums (any forums).
I think it happens with every forum when it goes big - it looses the ability to self regulate because in small groups people feel less anonymous and doing silly stuff stands out more. Also less place to start the spiral of hate.
Though I still like it here as there are some people who want to contribute(you for example Dave) not boost their rep counter. I really agree on the ignoring the negative people.

Also - can we just take the rep thing off? People complained that it will ruin the forums (as some claimed it did before but I wasnt around threre) and it seems to do it. Funny people will keep being funny and the smart ones will still be smart but the ones who are not will stop trying.

btw. It may be only here in Poland but I see people feel less like a tight group while the sport is growing. The same happened when snowboard boomed.

no skid marks

Jan 15, 2006
ACT Australia
TV brain washing definatly wouldn't of helped, along with Mountainbike marketing, and the desire created by that to "need" the best, and the chest beating on forums etc, it's all so expensive it has turned it from fun into wanting better, into if you can't ride it, talk the **** about it for syber street cred. ****, you can have the same fun, as you would on a $5g bike as you would on an old ****ter at half the speed, and still be getting kicks from scaring the **** out of yourself. The age of a lot of forum members and the way lots of kids are bought up without respect for anything also wouldn't help.
Slash the prices of bikes, and the fun will return. The system is dud, the secong hand market is bad, becasue bikes devalue so fast thanks to marketing, rather than good designs, and the bikes don't last like they should. Retail prices are a farce, and most don't pay them. We have good designed products getting replaced, just to keep the kids happy, and bad designed **** being made, just for the sake of needing a sales pitch.
It's late here, I'm a bit tanked, I'm putting my flame suit on and heading to bed.

Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
It's my fault; I will stop.

There's been a compartment of that old vibe, but its a small one -- Chatting and getting tips from Lars at USO this week, Riding with Joe and the BMW boys, waking my people up at the Pakatakin @ 5am with a knock and "Housekeeping! You need towels?"



Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
I blame it all on that freaking minichase kid
hahahahaha How did I forget minichase! LOL

Great to see you last weekend Piper. Gotta get you, Lawndart and the guys down here this summer for some cookout/ riding action.


May 2, 2008
right here -> .
I blame it on the music and video games kids are playing these days ;)

Anyway, I agree with this totally. It seems like almost anytime (there are still a couple mature people on here) someone disagrees with someone else they feel compelled to argue or try to prove why the other person is wrong. 9 times out of 10 the other person can't be wrong (an opinion is never wrong), most of what is expressed on the site is an opinion. It would be nice too if when someone does say something that is inaccurate that the others with correct info would step up and correct the others in a positive way, kind of take the role of being a mentor for others rather than slaying the person that is wrong.

Everyone is allowed to express their opinion and disagree with others', but it would be nice to do it in a more positive way.

Enough ranting, best of luck to everyone this season :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I think there is a lot of positivity, but its just not found on the web, its in real life. And that old MTBR forum, seth and john p to be exact, were spraying all kinds of hate on my wife back then, so the old days weren't all peace and love ;)


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
I think there is a lot of positivity, but its just not found on the web, its in real life. And that old MTBR forum, seth and john p to be exact, were spraying all kinds of hate on my wife back then, so the old days weren't all peace and love ;)
Well hey, I think your wife is an awesome person. I remember back in WV, one of her last races and in practice she stopped just before one of the rock gardens to check it out. I just happened to be walking the course, she started yelling out to the fans to whoop it up, we got a big cheer going in the crowd and then she charged the rock garden and hit it pinned. Good times.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Well hey, I think your wife is an awesome person. I remember back in WV, one of her last races and in practice she stopped just before one of the rock gardens to check it out. I just happened to be walking the course, she started yelling out to the fans to whoop it up, we got a big cheer going in the crowd and then she charged the rock garden and hit it pinned. Good times.

I remember when she saw you at whistler last year, after she dropped her phone down the sewer drain, she was telling me how pimped out sick your bike and kit looked and she said "I can't believe that was THE dave weagle" hahaa I had to inform her that he pukes and sh1ts just like the rest of us, only in a far more engineered process.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
The problem with RM isn't the hate, it's that people are hyper defensive. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is also some sort of turf to protect here. You of all people should know that better than anyone DW.

That's the environment here and it's been like that since day one......who's been here since Day one...?......


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Nice post DW - I'm down for sure.

I've been on this forum a long time (almost 10 years!) and it's been noticeably down in the dumps and less fun for the last few years. It seems like the folks that made it fun no longer have the desire to deal with the bs and drama anymore. Instead it's filled with hate and people who have nothing more to contribute than PIIHB. It's worth noting that there used to be more than a handful of women on the forum as well.

Here's to making this place fun again. Check out my "great video repost" for some old school nostalgia.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
(replying via "public PM" since dw still has PMs turned off due to his celebrity :D)

Hi Dave!

What are you up to these days? More robotics or full-time bike stuff? Since the Boston days I graduated, worked for a year (IT director for a hotel chain, horrible job/had to wear a suit), went to medical school, finished that, and now am just about to start my 3rd (out of 5) year of radiology residency. Randomly I ended up on Long Island but haven't made it out east to go riding with ska todd as, uh, I don't have a bike at all at the moment...

-Toshi, also of early "join date"


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Wanna know how positive I am today? I am going to shuttle 4 people all this afternoon because we need bikes tested and there is no one to drive, so I am being the driver. Worked all week, now will be driving my truck up a mountain all day....it's all good, I love seeing people stoked on riding their bikes. I'd rather be riding, but my turn will come when I head to Tahoe, Sol Vista and Whistler.


Jun 9, 2007
bikes devalue so fast thanks to marketing, rather than good designs, and the bikes don't last like they should.
We have good designed products getting replaced, just to keep the kids happy, and bad designed **** being made, just for the sake of needing a sales pitch.
Yeah back in 2000's I remember everybody having fun in the bike they had and not concerned about getting new suspension all the time, or about having the last brakeset,wheelset, etc....
There was no need to have a last model bike and a Troy lee carbon helmet to be "in" any riding group, and the clothing was no that relevant, there was lots of people riding and racing on their everyday clothes
the bike has become a status symbol along the slopes, just like a Mercedes is in the street.
We use to replace bike parts only when they break... now we use to replace parts as a hobby....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
Negativity is so much easier than being positive about stuff. Cynicism and negativity are simply forms of giving up. They are also signs of a weak mind that just cant get past its own limited horizons.

That being said, positivity tends to build on itself. Once you start, it comes back in a big way. The more positive you are, the more positive things get. It is amazing!

Personally, I am more stoked about this sport than I have ever been. If I am having a crappy day, a ride will fix it. For the first time I have a selection of bikes, all of which are amazing. (Hardtail, 6" FR bike, and I just found out that my first full on DH rig is on its way (FTW FB10)). I live within 30 mins of the North Shore and 90 mins from Whistler. I've got a seasons pass, and I ride with a very eclectic and cool group of people with a full range of abilities. I get better every ride. What's to complain about?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 26, 2007
Great post DW, but to be cool via the interweb you have to bash other people. Last I checked you cant be a pro-interneter, so stop bashin people online and bash your bike thru some rocks.

I love helping people out on the trail or in the parkin lot workin on their cycle, I try my best and give back to the younger guys (im 23 im talkin about the new kids on the mountain) help them with anything need and be a "role model" for them and hopefully they do the same and help out the sport when their time comes.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI
DW you are correct. Didn't think you were coming back.

Honestly, I start writing post all the time and delete them since I don't care to debate something when I am simply answering a question.

Nice to see you at the USO. Did you ever end up riding? I think you need to do a Windrock fall festival with us in the fall. That is the best positive ride weekend for the whole year.

My positive thing for the day was taking the boy to the local DH trails today to do trail work on a trail that I work on 10 times more than I ride it.

Back to brake jack debate ;)

30 minutes to 450 moto on Speed :)


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
I'm going to ride bikes on rocks in the rain tomorrow and I'm stoked.

Bring back NRJP.


Aug 8, 2003
Personally, I am more stoked about this sport than I have ever been. ... For the first time I have a selection of bikes, all of which are amazing. .. I live within 30 mins of the North Shore and 90 mins from Whistler. I've got a seasons pass, and I ride with a very eclectic and cool group of people with a full range of abilities. I get better every ride. What's to complain about?
Man, I hear that post. I'm in the same boat this season on the being stoked on bikes thing - except my stoke comes from being confined to only one rig. I snapped two out of my three frames (road and DH) this season, so now I ride to school on the same bike that I shuttle DH with, that I ride XC with, that I ride jump trails with, that I ride to the bar with. It's not just an all-mountain bike, it's an all-terrain bike...true ATB! ;) School is close and so is the bar so it's all good.

But like you, I live close to the trails. Galby is a 10 minute ride, Whistler is less than three hours, and there's tons of other gems in between.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
The positive for me is right here in SOcal. We have ****ty trails, loose dirt, jagged rocks, and its hotter than Hell..... But We also have my Buddy DHMike, Taylor Libolt, Alister and Linton Frias, We have Henry, Ultranoob, Zark, Mr Quintana, Orvan, Adrian Thome, Franky < sometimes we get HAB, but he keeps running to NY> My brother Spleenless, Colt and his wife Jesse from Project roam....... Some of the funnest people to be around reguardless of how terrible or how great the trail is, how worn out it is.... No matter how slow or how fast everyone is going, how much one may be having a tough time with a section...... or how great someone just stepps up and rails it....... We just have a good time. We are all different, we all ride something different, bottom line is....... We just go out and have a damn good time.

In fact one of the most common rides we all find ourselves on, is right here in my back yard at Box springs. I wont lie, its fun but it sucks at the same time. Always one hell of a hike in the heat to get to the top, trails are over alot faster than what it took to get to the top..... We dont care though, its just plain fun to get out, hit what little rock sections we have at just retarded speeds and see what happens.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
I think there is a lot of positivity, but its just not found on the web, its in real life. And that old MTBR forum, seth and john p to be exact, were spraying all kinds of hate on my wife back then, so the old days weren't all peace and love ;)
For the record, that was Seth and A13x (Seth can corroborate this I'm sure). You and I have traded jabs over the years, but I didn't get involved in that one.

Besides, I thought you guys all hugged it out a couple races later??

Anyway, here's to positivity, great memories, and 6' drops to flat on a hardtail.

Good thread, Dave!


Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
There is certainly a lot of funny people on here and I value the fact that I'm on the other side of the world but there is a great sense of community.

I cant call myself core on either here or MTBR my hands up - I'm in. Literally "+1".


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
wow there are long time members posting here....thanks Dave for the message. I will admit I haven't been around much due to injury but all the negativity didn't exactly make me want to come rushing back!


Aug 4, 2007
Portland Maine
these are the things I have to say:

webtv (pex)
hayes brakes
jan karpiel.
the smell of simple green
coors light
Mike Lytle
Trail 66
breaking my hand
stik bitching at me for not giving him credit on photos (sorry I was like 15), then approaching him in person and apologizing and him not remembering and king of being a prick.
discovering dirt
naked crits
mount snow
the superlight
the foes
dave hammel
john mccann (apparently he's CLEANING HOUSE @ vet moto)
doug henry (w/ toe clips)
west virginia
sunday river.


Sep 27, 2001
Cromwell, CT
all i know is that the east coast race seen in PERSON is super fun still to me.. been doing it 10years, i got into it Dave when you and Alex were still handing out stickers at pkill saying oh we are starting "evil bikes" and were like cool.. neat.. and u beating people with a wiffle ball bat when they crashed or just in general. I started off in this whole downhill thing a while ago and still love it just as much as i always have. Love the friend's i've made and places i've been. Just gotta ignore the dumb kids on the internet sometime and get out to ride!


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Lol @ DW starting a love-in because people are teasing him online. This is nothing. You haven't looked at pinktaco lately.

Any fun-poking done on my part has been good natured. Toughen up, old man. And don't feed the trolls.

the other DW
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Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001

I remember when she saw you at whistler last year, after she dropped her phone down the sewer drain, she was telling me how pimped out sick your bike and kit looked and she said "I can't believe that was THE dave weagle" hahaa I had to inform her that he pukes and sh1ts just like the rest of us, only in a far more engineered process.
Holy crap man, that was so funny. It makes me laugh now just thinking about it all. I think that's the first time that anyone EVER has commented on my kit, not my typical style you know. To have it be Leigh and then the whole story about her phone was just plain ridiculous. Oh man, the best.


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
Nice post DW - I'm down for sure.

I've been on this forum a long time (almost 10 years!) and it's been noticeably down in the dumps and less fun for the last few years. It seems like the folks that made it fun no longer have the desire to deal with the bs and drama anymore. Instead it's filled with hate and people who have nothing more to contribute than PIIHB. It's worth noting that there used to be more than a handful of women on the forum as well.

Here's to making this place fun again. Check out my "great video repost" for some old school nostalgia.
That video thread is fantastic, I'm sure I can dig up some gold too.


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
World Cup footage was AWESOME this AM. I was bummed to see my boys Sam Hill and Steve Smith have some hard luck but that's racing. STOKED for Gee too. Sick result for him at Ft. Bill and Hannah threw down as well. Now it's time to go on a very long XC ride!


Mar 30, 2009
If you live in America it's hard to be all-positive, all the time when the American economy sucks.

Some people seem to be having no troubles in the present era, but where I live the economy has been getting worse every year since 2003.

If you can't find work you can't make money. If you can't make money you can't spend money. If you can't spend money you can't get psyched about ways to spend money.

For a lot of e-forum participants in the MTB forums, the relation between human and bicycle is strongly defined by spending money on the bicycle(s) the human owns... or wants to own.

I'd say a lot of people are frustrated.

Telling a person who is unemployed or under-employed that he needs to "be positive" is like telling a guy whose wife just left him that "there's other fish in the sea." A person needs a tangible reason to feel positive.


For me, riding MTBs and snow skiing are the reasons I live. When I'm not making much $$$, I'm cutting way back on my other expenses so I can keep my skiing and riding equipment in good condition. Here's what I feel positive about:

PUSH Industries. These cats have tuned two different rear shocks and one fork for me. My trail bike now has a fork and a shock tuned by PUSH. The improvement in its riding is probably the best bike-related improvement I've noticed since going from v-brakes to discs.

Maxxis tires. The new Ardent line of tires just plain works for my riding style and terrain. They have good tire engineers who care about improving the MTB tire line. And they're doing a good job of it.

Formula brakes. I switched over to Oro K24 brakes 3 seasons ago. They have the blend of modulation and power that I was seeking. I get along better with them than any other brake I've used.

Fox forks and rear shocks. I've been riding MTBs since 1994. Nobody's suspension products have been as consistently good as Fox's.

DH-4X race videos. Alex Rankin's Earthed series and Clay Porter's series have been staples of my TV time for the past 5-6 years. Aside from pure saddle time with good riding buddies, nothing has improved my riding more than watching these videos to see how the world's best riders do their thing.
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