
What defines Trash?


Feb 24, 2006
people who yell into their cell phones. It's not a fvcking can and string!
The guy I share an office with literally screams everything he says into a phone. Thankfully, he doesn't get a lot of phone calls, and when he does, I leave the office.


Dec 17, 2002
New England
I see this is an easy list...

How bout the terds that drop tires and junk furniture on the side of a quiet road? Too lazy or cheap for a dump sticker.
Always bugged me. :rant:


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I see this is an easy list...

How bout the terds that drop tires and junk furniture on the side of a quiet road? Too lazy or cheap for a dump sticker.
Always bugged me. :rant:
Dude, these stupid hayseeds dump trash and TVs next to the road, right around the corner from the dump substation. And the dump is free. I have gotten in some face about this.

I have gone deep into the woods and found piles of car batteries. Why go through all that when the recycle place will PAY for them?


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Yes. Yes it is.
Even worse than that are the douche bags in there ed hard shirts who fake tan do roids and drive F350s with 12 inch lifts.

I had no idea how bad they actually were untill I turned 21, 1st trip out to a bar and one of them picked a fight with my buddy cause he asked his girl if the beer she ordered was any good.....


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
Ravens fans.
Dundalk MD.
people who chew with their mouth open during meetings.
Teenagers with kids.
People who walk in the middle of the street


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
People that leave their shopping carts in the middle of a parking space when the cart coral is 10 feet away.

Drivers that jam their brakes right before going around a slight bend in the road.

People that have their toddlers up at midnight out shopping Wally World.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
-Cell phone talking in public loudly. I respect people when they whisper and say something like, "Let me call you right back." I think to myself, "Now there's a good person".
-Wearing clothes more than -0- sizes too small for you. I'd rather see a whigger in an XXXL shirt they got for $3.99 at Ross with Bugs Bunny on it than a trailer park queen of 245 pounds wearing her 12 year old daughters size medium shorts and size small top.
-Mullets. That just screams trash to me. 100%.
-Ed Hardy/Affliction clothing. I actually some someone come out of Target yesterday wearing Ed Hardy. I really thought that stuff was long gone by now. It's stupid. It all looks the same. It's gaudy. It makes you look stupid.
-People with a sense of entitlement. Teenage girls, hot MILFS and the husbands who cheat on them with their secretaries, and women in Nordstroms/Macy's during a sale. They all think they're better than you, and it pisses me off.
-Fashionistas. Hate them. I'll wear my stained white t-shirt and ripped jeans thank you very much. Because you just blew a year worth of gym memberships on a handbag, instead of losing that 40 pounds of gut you're carrying around with you everyday.


Nov 28, 2008
guys who wipe their boogers on the wall in the work restroom. i hate having to look at other people's dried snot on the wall while i pee.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
you can't lead or get out of the way when the douche in front of you is going too slow.
yea i know. sometimes its a rough spot. I always try to look a few cars ahead of me. If the person is driving too slow b/c of the person in front of them, I know its not their fault. But if they're sitting in the left lane going slow and the lane to the right of them is wide open, then you're a dick.

And on the flipside, I try to keep an eye out behind me. If I see someone coming up behind me I'll get out of the way so they can pass. Or at least spead up so I can get around whoever is blocking the right side lane so they can then pass.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I immediately assume a person is trash if they:

Are walking their pitbull/rottweiler/whatever on a huge oversized chain.

Wear MMA t-shirts.

Drink Sparks/Four Loko for any other reason than as a joke.

Have visible cavities in their mouth. (no brainer there)

Are fat and wear t-shirts with the sleeves cut off as if they believe they have muscles. :rofl:

Are getting paid to stand outside some cash advance or tax preparation place to hold a sign.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
yea i know. sometimes its a rough spot. I always try to look a few cars ahead of me. If the person is driving too slow b/c of the person in front of them, I know its not their fault. But if they're sitting in the left lane going slow and the lane to the right of them is wide open, then you're a dick.

And on the flipside, I try to keep an eye out behind me. If I see someone coming up behind me I'll get out of the way so they can pass. Or at least spead up so I can get around whoever is blocking the right side lane so they can then pass.