
Divorce ...Is it really the fix one hopes for?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Not hoping for the halo. I just believe in hating individuals. And Mexicans.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Google Maps fail: "We could not calculate directions between Vancouver, BC, Canada and Dakar, Senegal."

How long of a flight is that?
Yeah, google maps doesn't work here at all...

I think it's about 20 hours door to door. 3 flights.


Long day. In 1 week.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Jesus, Satan himself makes a showing! Good to see you old man!

I guess it worries me to think that I could personally get so bitter about the women I have had in my life (the most recent ex removed from that pool) that it would poison the rest of any hope I could ever have for having a healthy, productive relationship.

Some of the women I have been with have been really bad, horribly sideways, uber sloots. But if I let them color my view, I'd need to join the Catholic priesthood and start ****ing young boys.

Just don't let hate color you so deeply that you need to start face humping young boys or dead hookers, that's all I am saying.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
If anyone wants to give their S.O. the proverbial I hope you die letter. I'm officially offering my services to write said letter. What I can guarantee you. It'll be offensive, like a redtube video of someone ****ting in a babies mouth offensive, it will probably break some record for expletives, it will certainly string together groups of words your S.O. has possibly never heard referring their body, personality and and sexual organs. What it probably won't do is give the other party any insight as to why the relationship didn't develop further, and what your true feelings are.

This service is more of a instant ender type thing, like going head-on into a telephone in a porsche speedster. The will be guts, blood and brains everywhere. I'll hold nothing back, hell I don't even care about your situation I just like talking the absolute worst ****. You can give me names, specifics or nothing. I don't even care I'm not going to read your ****ing sob story either. This is about me and my desire to be a insufferable prick.
Can you just write up a general form of this letter and post it. We can fill in the names as needed.

I feel like this could have many applications.



Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I got negative repped for that post but a one Colonel Angus. It would appear that the colonel is a super sensitive nancy who takes everything as absolute truth. Nothing on a forum, as ridiculous as it might read is ever, ever, ever meant to be humorous.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 20, 2006
Boise Idaho
I got negative repped for that post but a one Colonel Angus. It would appear that the colonel is a super sensitive nancy who takes everything as absolute truth. Nothing on a forum, as ridiculous as it might read is ever, ever, ever meant to be humorous.
+ rep coming your way blackohio for hating women and knowing there all evil !

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Meh... I cant count the negative rep that has come my over over the years.

I got negative repped for that post but a one Colonel Angus. It would appear that the colonel is a super sensitive nancy who takes everything as absolute truth. Nothing on a forum, as ridiculous as it might read is ever, ever, ever meant to be humorous.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I got divorced this year, with a kid. If you think all divorces are bad for the kid, that's just ignorant thinking. My ex and I are still friends and do well coparenting our daughter. She has taken it well and I think she gets more attention now. Some relationships run their course and people change over time. My ex and I started dating when I was 20 and she was 18....at 30, we weren't even remotely the same people, nor were we happy together. I'm in no rush to get married again (prolly will someday), but I did start dating a super cool chick that rides and is a lawyer. Hot, smart, makes good money, and rides bikes...sounds like an upgrade all the way around! Most importantly, she's good with my daughter.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
I got negative repped for that post but a one Colonel Angus. It would appear that the colonel is a super sensitive nancy who takes everything as absolute truth. Nothing on a forum, as ridiculous as it might read is ever, ever, ever meant to be humorous.
I don't always get offended
But when I do, I do it on Ridemonkey


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I haven&#8217;t been to the Lounge in years and lo and behold what a wonderful thread I&#8217;ve discovered&#8230;&#8230;..

MMike, dude fellow aviation nerd&#8230;..so sorry to hear about what&#8217;s going on with you.

So go pour yourself some coffee and settle in, I&#8217;ll share my story with you. Go ahead I&#8217;ll wait&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;

Parents divorced at 12, dad left to go sow his oats&#8230;&#8230;well sow them without worry of being caught by his wife. Other than seeing him every other weekend, he wasn&#8217;t in our (there were 3 of us kids) lives. I was the oldest, felt obligated to be the &#8220;man of the house&#8221;. My mother met a great guy when I was 15, they married when I was 18. I refer to my step-dad as my dad, he spent way more time with me and helped me through life than my bio-dad did. Mom and step dad moved out of state day before I left for college, meant I had to live with bio-dad. Didn&#8217;t go well, met a girl went to college together. Thought at some point she&#8217;d have sex with me, f&#8217;d around A LOT on her. Got married to her when I was 22, divorced not long after that.

Met another, at the time, HOT girl who did put out, but was BAT **** crazy!!! Thought I could over look it, got married. Had a kid together (I thought that might &#8220;fix&#8221; things as well). After literally raising our son by myself (ex. first night home after having him she refused to feed him) for 3 years I had enough. I didn&#8217;t want to get divorced when he was older, but I knew I could not stick this out. Got divorced and actually get along 100% better than we did when we were married.

Met my best friend, we are so alike in so many ways I call her my &#8220;mini me&#8221;. Sounds sappy, but she is the smartest, hardest working, patient, loving&#8230;&#8230;.you get the picture, woman I have ever met. We&#8217;ve been together 5 years and have a &#8220;Brady bunch&#8221; family, she has two teenage daughters. My wife has been a fantastic mother figure to my son, she is the how my step-dad was for me. We&#8217;ve had some pretty serious difficulties in that 5 years, but we&#8217;ve weathered them as if we&#8217;ve been together for 20+ years. There is hope out there&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;.

I&#8217;ve come to the conclusion, that most, not all women are seriously crazy as sh!t. There are maybe 5 women that I have met in my life that I can stand to be around for more than 5 minutes, thankfully my wife is one of them. You&#8217;d think I&#8217;m exaggerating, but I&#8217;m totally not, after 5 minutes I just want to throat punch them. They tend to be either blatantly emotionally messed up and needy, some strange mix of pure evil and premeditated deception, or just plain stupid as a log with no desire to become &#8220;un stupid&#8221;.

Anyway, I hope that was some pleasant Wednesday morning reading with your coffee.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I had a great time last night. Took the ex to the company "party" and enjoyed the hell out of myself. I work with a small group (11 folks in my office) of crazy smart folks. She was a little out of place, but I was at home. It was a lot like our Friday team lunches with a few guests and additional beers. The team went to Ground Kontrol after dinner, but we had to head home to get our daughter in bed.

We seem to get along great when there is no label on the situation.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I had a great time last night. Took the ex to the company "party" and enjoyed the hell out of myself. I work with a small group (11 folks in my office) of crazy smart folks. She was a little out of place, but I was at home. It was a lot like our Friday team lunches with a few guests and additional beers. The team went to Ground Kontrol after dinner, but we had to head home to get our daughter in bed.

We seem to get along great when there is no label on the situation.

JD is gonna be one of "those guys" that re-marries his ex. :D


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I was in Mexico when this thread was really going, so I finally just got around to reading it. I'm not pointing fingers, but some of y'all have got issues.

Married when I was 24, her 21. 10.5 years of marriage to the girl I took to my senior prom. Been through some sh*t, almost made my wife a widow when she was 25, and honestly I'm not sure the year that followed was much better than what she would have had to deal with if I had died. Fvck if I know what the secret is, but honestly I've never been happier. We've had our arguments of course and we don't see eye to eye on everything, but as someone said earlier, compromise is key. I think if anything ever happened to my wife or my marriage, I can't possibly imagine getting married again.
That would create a label and it would suck again. As long as it isn't called anything... :crazy:
I think the label thing is significant for some folks. I have been with Hilarie since 1969, do your own math, and there have been times in the relationship, none recent, in which, had we been married, we might have gone the divorce route.

Without the label of "married", I find it easier to see that it's what choose to I do, not a label, that frames and can affect what I'm experiencing.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I think the label thing is significant for some folks. I have been with Hilarie since 1969, do your own math, and there have been times in the relationship, none recent, in which, had we been married, we might have gone the divorce route.

Without the label of "married", I find it easier to see that it's what choose to I do, not a label, that frames and can affect what I'm experiencing.
This is an issue she has and we have identified. It seems like she has the same feelings of being together because you want to be, not because the law or the state, or even a church says so. I could care either way, personally. But knowing there is an easy (non-legal) out makes a difference to some folks, I guess.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I appreciate the kind words, (and pity rep).

Perhaps once all is said and done, I will recount the tale of woe, intrigue, infidelity, and general unpleasantness.

I think it would actually make a good book....or even a movie. Starring Ryan Reynolds as me. And Steve Buscemi as Da Peach.
I appreciate the kind words, (and pity rep).

Perhaps once all is said and done, I will recount the tale of woe, intrigue, infidelity, and general unpleasantness.

I think it would actually make a good book....or even a movie. Starring Ryan Reynolds as me. And Steve Buscemi as Da Peach.

We love you dearly, but do not need the details of your affair with Biker Fox.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I appreciate the kind words, (and pity rep).

Perhaps once all is said and done, I will recount the tale of woe, intrigue, infidelity, and general unpleasantness.

I think it would actually make a good book....or even a movie. Starring Ryan Reynolds as me. And Steve Buscemi as Da Peach.
Sorry Mike. That is truly lame. Your fowl peckerwoodness aside, you seem to be a great dad who really cares for his two girls, so it must be horrible having to go through this. Wish you the best man.
Maybe get yourself some Neil Young albums to help soothe your pain. Nobody plays a harmonica neck brace like him.....


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
I appreciate the kind words, (and pity rep).

Perhaps once all is said and done, I will recount the tale of woe, intrigue, infidelity, and general unpleasantness.

I think it would actually make a good book....or even a movie. Starring Ryan Reynolds as me. And Steve Buscemi as Da Peach.
Guys always get the bad rap in terms of cheating but I swear I've seen more marriages end from women cheating than the other way around.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
It sucks when it doesn't work out, especially with kids. I think I am the only person I know that is married where my parents are still married and her parents are still married...


Dec 17, 2002
New England
Wow ... I did not know how this post would go over after the initial responses, but you guys made this an interesting and valuable read. Good job.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Divorce sucks - not ifs, ands or buts about it.

I'm divorced. Didn't want to be, but my ex-had an affair and wanted out. Not much you can do to try and patch things up when one of the two parties involved wants nothing to do with trying to work things through.

I'm happy now, but it still sucks and always will suck - why? Because of the kids involved.

But you have to make the best of a sucky situation. that's what I've been trying to do ever since the papers were signed.

With that said - if there is even a glimmer of a chance for reconciliation (and especially if you have kids) then at least try!

Best to all,