That’s sometimes the genius of it. Imagine whoever invented the wheel. They were probably high as fuck too.No fucking way designers werent high as fuck when they proposed that (and the avrocar)
Weight all up high and no dropper: No thanks.Phwoar!
View attachment 224795
Tumbleweed Sunliner Review: A Timeless Mountain Touring Bike –
The Tumbleweed Sunliner ($3775 complete) continues a long-held tradition of equipping a mountain bike with touring accoutrements. Since the mountain bike's inception, people have been bolting racks and strapping bags to them, taking advantage of its beefy chassis and wide gearing to pedal
He's cheating, that's not a single machine, that's WSUS (or something, I have people to do this for me ) with lots of updates they have staged for machines within their enterprise.jesus...
Toshi is in L.A. ?
Never took the good doctor for a looter.Probably rescuing bidets from burned out husks.
Kill Ritual might have been surprised...
Man, that's a HUGE meat smoker