
Search results for query: Cortez

  1. boostindoubles

    Can we have a "It's not all bad news" thread?

    I knew I loved Cortez, now I can hunt down the MORP peeps when I roll through town. Kewl story Squeeb! Kudos to the author.
  2. boostindoubles

    Riding spot recommendations along the way from NYC to Seattle

    Glendo State Park in Wyoming could be on your list. Your still too early for alot of the good mountain riding. Phis World in Cortez, CO will be ripping though. Fruita has 18 Road for camp and ride. I can't help you in the plains but theres all sorts of places to ride, camp, and soak in the...
  3. stevew

    Two Greats Converge (Dinosaur Jr. & Jason Isbell)

    i had a ticket for one of those shows but never booked the flight....warren haynes joined them for a cover of cortez the killer one night and a guy from howard sterns show joined them for mountain man...
  4. boostindoubles

    >>> Freud, hey! <<<

    Page is just a puddle on the way to Cortez... We have visions of a Ribbon/Gunny shuttle today. Will have to start the slog back to home base this afternoon.
  5. Poops McDougal

    Colorado Monkeys

    I've lived in a few meth-laden hellholes, and I'd take rural meth over urban meth any day of the week. Before moving to our current location, we lived in a small foothill community about 50 miles East. Pretty impoverished and methy, but we lived on 5 acres, so we didn't really deal with any...
  6. boostindoubles

    Colorado Monkeys

    ...being in that hell hole for a day trip presses all my fuck the urban expanse buttons. Maybe coming from Cali your already desensitized... If I had to pick one place in CO, with all career opportunities equal, it'd be a toss up between Salida and Cortez. What are the other states your...
  7. eric strt6

    ***Tuesdaze GMT***

    Campground at Mesa Verde is nice. RV park on the Animas in Durango is great. Spent a week there for my Buddy's wedding.
  8. Pesqueeb

    ***Tuesdaze GMT***

    Can't help with RV spots, but definitely go to Mesa Verde. It's pretty fucking neat.
  9. boostindoubles

    SW Colorad-bro's monkeys, lend me your ears and wisdomz

    Cortez is a fantastic little town and Phil's World is a fantastic little trail system.
  10. Pesqueeb

    Freedum Weekend Eve

    :wave: Two dog cuddle puddle has me trapped in bed. Suppose I should get up. Need to start driving. Cortez/Mesa Verde today.
  11. Redwood Mulch Chucker

    The E-word thread. EWS

    Ned Overend, JT (I think), Eli Tomac lives over the hill in Cortez,Travis Brown, Todd Wells, Howard Grotts, and a slew of "neo pros" like Blevins and fast collegiate racers from Fort Lewis are all rolling around Durango. This place is crazy. o_O
  12. Westy

    America as two countries… literally?

    I think I would just like to add that the wealthy don't make money by punching into a clock and paying income taxes on a salary. They make money with capitol gains which not only is 15% and still has a shit ton of loop holes. There are a lot of people who also want to get rid of capitol gains...
  13. Adventurous

    America as two countries… literally?

    ...century." (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18171932/tax-public-opinion-alexandria-ocasio-cortez) That would lead me to believe that 38% of Americans believe that the rich either pay enough, or, that they pay too much. Additionally, one of...
  14. jonKranked

    The White-Trash Privilege and Sedition Thread.

  15. Adventurous

    The Car thread

    "Representatives Andy Levin and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" Bill is DOA. She could sponsor a bill proposing compulsory constitutional carry of full-auto AR-15s for every citizen, but as long as AOC is associated with it, it'll fail. They've spent too much time villifying her as the boogeyman to...
  16. kidwoo

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    ........"chancellor Hitler" etc
  17. SkaredShtles

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    You know... you're right, JBP. I would like to respectfully suggest that Mr. HCM should FUCK RIGHT OFF. :mad:
  18. johnbryanpeters

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    Really, it should. If we are to have anything like rational and civil discourse, it ought to be Mr. Trump, Ms. Cortez, whatever is appropriate. It's sort of peculiar, show respect to even those one disrespects. My reaction in great part to the terminology you chose above had not so much to do...
  19. Changleen

    Convicted Felon Trump's Presidency 2017 - 2021

    What to make of more than 70m Americans who voted for Trump? https://aje.io/r3spq
  20. Adventurous

    Voting for (urp) Biden and Harris (barf)

    “Remember that Republicans have lost 6 of the last 7 popular votes, but have appointed 6 of the last 9 justices," she wrote. “By expanding the court we fix this broken system and have the court better represent the values of the American people.” This. Pack the court. Restore some semblance...