
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. Westy

    Random Poly Picture Thread

    Ever work with a power distribution engineer name Reigh?
  2. jonKranked

    Random Poly Picture Thread

    Whataburger beat you.
  3. Nick

    Random Poly Picture Thread

    I've built a shit ton of energy projects in Texas. ERCOT sucks.
  4. Westy

    ⁂⁂⁂ Trash day... ⁂⁂⁂

    Who knew? https://ridemonkey.bikemag.com/search/555333/?q=Texas+sucks&o=date
  5. Jm_

    Sonntag GMT---------8<-------------[ cut here ]---

    Oh, it's not just the panhandle...
  6. Pesqueeb

    Sonntag GMT---------8<-------------[ cut here ]---

    Holy shit. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but I seem to have forgotten just how much the Texas panhandle sucks.
  7. kidwoo

    Kidwoo's comprehensive, dated video collection of back in my day

    Autum 2006. Just a bunch of local stuff filmed mostly in the fall of 2006. The beginnigs of THETRAIL. A separated shoulder. Before instagram you used to able to keep secrets so this is filmed in texas. Swervedriver tunes. Some recycled virgin footage because that video sucks. Keep clicking...
  8. Pesqueeb

    ***Wednesday GMT***

    A wise man once said
  9. jonKranked

    This is what's wrong with The Industry™

    only time i can't ride here is during the thaw, which this year was basically december through about now. it's honestly nice when it gets and stays cold so the trails freeze over.
  10. William42

    This is what's wrong with The Industry™

    I have not - I have, in fact, never owned a fatbike. I've also never lived somewhere that I couldn't ride year round. Except Texas. Fuck that place. Weather sucks year round, terrain is flat. PNW, California, and the Southeast have been good to me.
  11. eric strt6

    ***Wednesday GMT***

    LOL that's like them Texas folks I know. They claim its only BBQ if cooked with a dry rub and BBQ sauce is only for dipping after the meat is cooked and on your plate
  12. kidwoo

    This weeks edition of "It's not about race".

    It's so implied in the name, it seems redundant. I mean texas doesn't even have florida man keeping it interesting. "The other side" of the Holocaust is what you get decades in of Texas making the same argument for everything else in shitty textbooks. Oh well it must apply to this subject too...
  13. Westy

    This weeks edition of "It's not about race".

    Not about race, about Nazis. I feel like we need a Texas Sucks thread...
  14. jackalope

    So, About That New Bike Day...

    Woof, that sucks more than living in Texas. Although if it's a total knee "upgrade", you may surprise yourself by March 20. Oddly, a total knee re-do seems to recover a lot faster than a exploded tibia head...there I go again, bringing optimism and good cheer. Seriously, get a euro monkey to...
  15. SkaredShtles

    >>>> Monday GTM <<<<

    That place sucks. But, relatively, is way better than anywhere else in Texas. :D
  16. Jm_

    Guerrilla Gravity, badass frame manufacturer in Colorado

    I've ridden Austin, RPR, etc. It sucks in general IMO. Austin may be the best out of that, since you can ride fairly easily in the city and do it from many locations. Nothing too crazy, but some nice limestone chunky stuff. Ok, I take that back, there was one little section where this...
  17. Jm_


    Texas sucks. That is all.
  18. velocipedist

    Selling international on ebay experience?

    Dude, That sucks, I have tried as a seller to find out total shipping when using the the global program and it is a brick wall. I tell all buyers to assume extra fees/duties beyond the auction sale. Lame to hear the buyer doesn't get notified of expected extra cost.
  19. heavyd

    Sorta NBD! Yeti SB5+

    So, the tl;dr first: It's a Yeti SB5+ size large, Turq edition with SRAM Eagle x01. Sorry for the crappy pics, it's 12:30AM and I should probably be asleep! :D The long(er) story. In a previous life, I wrenched for a living. All through the 90's, I wrenched and raced bicycles (I still have my...