
Search results for query: Borked

  1. slyfink

    ***GMT THREE***

    finished work at 11:30 last night. couldn't get to sleep till 1. little guy woke up the whole house at 6. i am thoroughly borked. school is closed, and I can't log onto the servers at work anyways. so I guess I'll wax my skis while I wait for the plows to do their thing, and then I'll take the...
  2. Pesqueeb

    Skimonkey pictures? Skimonkey pictures!

    All the pictures I ever post here are via google photos........ :confused:
  3. Toshi

    Skimonkey pictures? Skimonkey pictures!

    Google photos linking is borked for a year or two. Have to rehost on imgur.
  4. canadmos

    GMT$hun Dray$TMG

    It's been raining here since last night. Trails are maximum borked. Hmmmm.
  5. canadmos

    >>IS it ? Almost fridump beer 30 gmt<<

    Guy is going to get BORKED by the horse. If ya know what I mean. :brows:
  6. SkaredShtles

    RM not working on iPad?

    Your Apple's definitely borked.
  7. SkaredShtles

    RM not working on iPad?

    I think your Apple's borked.
  8. canadmos

    ***Tuesderp GMT***

    YouTube isn't working. FUCK TGHE END IS COMING BOYS! Royally borked.
  9. Nick

    #>>Moanderp GMT<<#

    totally borked.
  10. canadmos

    ///fffffuckit ///ffffriday gmt\\\

    You got BORKED.
  11. SkaredShtles

    Early midweekderp البوركية

    Interesting...what with SSV and Lake Louise being on our ski pass this year... :brows:
  12. slyfink

    Early midweekderp البوركية

    FSM's wrath for fuckin' up our climate?
  13. canadmos

    Early midweekderp البوركية

    Wow sounds like Calgary and parts of Alberta got royally BORKED with snow yesterday. Fuck that shit. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/alberta-heavy-snow-calgary-rockies-foothills-photos-dangerous-travel-yyc/113404/
  14. R

    Le "Not working at the office Tuesderp" GMT.

  15. slyfink

    Le "Not working at the office Tuesderp" GMT.

    kid's cast came off this morning. he was le stoked. I'm back at work. I am not le stoked. in fact, I would even say I am le borked.
  16. Pesqueeb

    >@<Mid Derp GMT>@<

    Pro-tip: Even though you may have ordered and received a 10spd derailleur from your favorite LBS, when you take it out of the box, verify that the derailleur is in fact not a 9 speed derailleur. :banghead:
  17. Pesqueeb

    >@<Mid Derp GMT>@<

    I may have le borked, le bicycle. New chain, new rear derailleur. Spent half the day trying to get it to shift right but no joy. Hanger was slightly askew. Pried and pounded said hanger flat, still wont shift right. Perhaps frame is also askew? Giving up before I throw the bike across the...
  18. SkaredShtles

    Can we have a "It's not all bad news" thread?

    Hey, man - it's EXPENSIVE being a Congressman. What's a little insider-trading among friends, after all? I mean... if you can't make your friends rich illegally... this whole system is BORKED!!
  19. AngryMetalsmith

    ### WTF Saturderp GMT###

    Please weigh yourself when you do get your fancy new e-bike. Then again after a month of riding it. This way we can have empirical evidence as to wether you're on the fast-track to fatty town or not. And if you are, gas is the next step: [ :busted:
  20. Toshi

    ### WTF Saturderp GMT###

    I haven't taken delivery of the Shuttle, the fancy one. My belt drive now-electrified commuter bike is currently part-borked: stupid torque-sensing bottom bracket crapped out on my ride in. The key point is that neither of these is/will be garage queens.