
Search results for query: Borked

  1. stoney

    €£¥ Monderp gmt ¥£€

    Minus the M, that's generally my plan unless I borked it. Plan for the Subaru is another 10 years, same with the Infiniti. The Infiniti will be fully paid off with the M being sold, then we're done with cars for a decade unless they get wrecked. We average about 15-17k per year.
  2. Toshi

    Arrow in quotes doesn't work

    Borked in Chrome
  3. Serial Midget

    ***Saturday GMT***

    Plus one or minus one? Kind of a crap shoot if I'm involved.
  4. SkaredShtles

    ***Saturday GMT***

    You need to tell those trees to HTFU. :disgust1: Right, @stevew? Oh - and rep for hookin' a fellow :monkey: up with the good stuff! :thumb: Dammit - somebody hook stoney up with some rep... my rep-machine is apparently borked. Does... not... compute.
  5. Toshi


    Non-borked link https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=716135251896774&id=100005009177173
  6. Westy

    《●weds gfmt●》

    Someone made some poor dietary choices over the weekend.
  7. Toshi

    《●weds gfmt●》

    Apparently I snored intolerably last night because the wife had departed for another room by the time I awoke. Said awakening was to the buzzing of my phone, inexplicably from the plumbers. Apparently two toilets in the old rental house are borked yet they have my number on file?
  8. jackalope

    The race formerly known as "the US Open"

    I think I read on Vital that Neko broke his arm. :stosh: if true Also looked like a lot of people were getting buck-fucked on a big table jump. Even the pros seemed like they were having to "make shapes™" to mitigate the lip somewhat.
  9. kickstand

    The race formerly known as "the US Open"

    ...injuries (she caught a pedal exiting asylum and was body slammed hard). I know of one junior expert who was injured friday. Neko got borked on Saturday afternoon or maybe sunday morning, I don't recall, the heat got to my brain and caused my memory to suck. I know I saw a good number of...
  10. jackalope

    Lenzerheide - Jackalope missedthe boat

    ...That could've been colossally serious...like body bag serious. Not sure who borked that up, but after I stopped crying, I would be extracting someone's teeth...and I don't even own an Ibis.
  11. HAB

    Deformed Maxxis casing

    I borked mine cornering.
  12. HAB

    KS LEV - school me on it

    Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I have a borked X.0 shifter in my bin that I could steal the clamp from. Might have to rig one up myself.
  13. binary visions

    Upgrade complete: details here. Please post feedback or problems.

    I actually implemented that in the test environment, but it actually does need to have a fair amount of width once the post ratings are activated, since it uses that line to tabulate and display those approvals. I darkened the line to help provide a consistent visual separator between posts - a...
  14. Toshi

    Upgrade complete: details here. Please post feedback or problems.

    At least for me, the animated avatar background still is borked.
  15. Toshi

    It's been a month... what do you think of the new forum software?

    Go to unread post was in vB forever, too. I think it is about on par with the old site now, with the exception of animated gif transparency being borked.
  16. canadmos

    ###Monday GMT###

    Have you tried creating an interface called en0? Even if it doesn't do anything..
  17. Toshi

    ###Monday GMT###

    ...Mac side for a trivial but insurmountable technical reason.* (* for the morbidly curious it's because built-in ethernet on my Hackintosh is borked, so I have no interface at en0. The installer apparently reads en0's MAC address or whatever to make some sort of hash to send to the license...
  18. DaveW

    Eff da po-lice some more

    Yer link seems a bit borked?
  19. Toshi

    XenForo transition complete: post here with issues

    Transparent animated gifs, like my re-uploaded avatar, seem to be borked