
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. The Toninator

    Hope Mono M4 Disc Brake Giveaway

    The Long and Suck of it, a tale of living in Houston Texas. Houston totally sucks. It’s hot, humid and there’s always a butt load of traffic. People in cars hate everyone including other people in cars. I guess the worst thing about Humidistion is the fact that there aren’t any Monkeys here...
  2. Austin Bike


    You've obviously never been to Austin, but then again, we're only in Texas as a technicality.
  3. Mr Big


    texas sucks! especially people who live in selma
  4. Old_Dude

    Lost My Link Info for Rigid Fork Suppliers

    I forgot where to find these things - I remember the Surly link, but I know there's at least one or two others who sell a ~80mm compensated rigid fork for 1 1/8 threadless head tubes. Kona? BTW - my decision on going with a rigid front fork are numerous, not limited to the following: I...
  5. C

    Lajitas 2003 cancelled!

    here is the email i got about it. sucks that it won't happen this year. The press release: 2003 Lajitas Chihuahuan Desert Challenge Cancelled Lajitas, Texas (November 21, 2002) – The organizers of the Lajitas Chihuahuan Desert Challenge and the administration of Lajitas Resort, The...
  6. laura

    Boy am I glad I live in TEXAS hehehehe

    ...in memphis a couple of days ago. the guy shot and killed a kid trying to steal his car. he says it was in self defense and that the kid tried to run over him so he isnt being charged. i doubt that your texas archery buff will be so fortunate. at least i hope he wont. ps. texas sucks:p