
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. bizutch

    2010 NCAA Tourney Time

    Texas. Because Rick Barnes trains amateur fighters to be basketball players. Man, it sucks to be a Tarheel right now. We get a 4 seed in the NIT. :shakefist:
  2. N

    Scammed by Nemesis Project Cycles a.k.a Brad Hodges

    On 2/16/2010 I purchased bars from Brad on eBay and paid for them through Paypal. I received no communication from Brad as to the status of my order, expecting to received a shipping confirmation. On 03/03/2010 I sent Brad an email requesting a Status on my order as it was now 2 weeks later...
  3. Westy

    Well...The Longhorns lost tonight, but...

    So what you are saying is Texas sucks? Pretty sad when the backwards state of 'Bama can prove it.
  4. jonKranked

    Healthcare and Global Warming

    Says the guy from Texas :rolleyes:
  5. jonKranked

    Plattekill DH #5 "The Ultimatum" pics and info - Sept 19-20

    Oh ok, I wasn't sure what your plans were, and if you were gonna be up here Thursday night. Yea you had mentioned about Eric's ankle. Sucks dude! I talked to him very briefly the other night and he said he was gonna try to get a day off work to rest it. Any idea when its gonna be good enough...
  6. Da Peach

    I didn't know I was pregnant

    You forgot the ROFL smilie
  7. TN

    I didn't know I was pregnant

    ...Especially NEWCASTLE & TEXAS!! Colorado is the ONLY place on earth that doesn't suck. Where are my hot pants again? KILL YOUR TV. TEXAS SUCKS. COLORADO IS SWEETER THAN JESUS' TAINT! Work? WTH is WORK?!?! If I disagree with you...YOU FAIL! *insert some random pic about hoe you suck* EDIT...
  8. SkaredShtles

    One Year Ago Today

    I'm glad you like it... but GOD Texas sucks.
  9. Wumpus

    ***Wednesday GMT***

    Yep, it sucks my riding season is only 9 months...the other three months I have to spend at the pool. Already 87°F at 9am...
  10. Biscuit

    So, what have you done the last 6 years???

    Worth thinking about. - graduated college - didn't want a 'job' so built a few houses - rode bikes lots - got a 'job', rode bikes less. - watched sister get married. - 'job' let to excellent promotions and money - started riding bike excessively - watched several friends get married...
  11. Rip

    ZOMG! Zombie Sighting in Texas....

    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,484326,00.html Oh wait, nevermind.
  12. bullcrew

    Trails in the Oxnard area?

    Im down to ride! Come south and west we'll hit wilson, webb, and a few other areas too! Ill get edggy and the rest and well make an trek that way! Ill take you to W. texas :thumb: bring your man sized balls though! :D I have to inflate mine a little more as well.
  13. loco-gringo

    Jeremy R and Westy sure are funny!

    ...fail miserably at their current state of affairs in their homelands up north or out west and just end up here. This is all correct. Texas sucks. Mostly Austin. You should all stay away. It's like walking death here. Constant sand storms and blizzards too. I can't believe the locusts haven't...
  14. Westy

    Texas never lets you down

    Texas Sucks Dot Com
  15. loco-gringo

    A little Friday love from Texas...

    It makes me smile anyway. Hope You Make It Every where I go I find folks who really care They seem to know How to sacrifice and share They seem to dream Of the way the world could be They've got the means To be absolutely free So if your working on your vision Let me give...
  16. stevew

    Texas never lets you down

    parts of the south lived in.....Louisiana, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina....I don't notice southern accents anymore...Texas....lived there, wouldn't recognize the accent. A friend of my brothers in Colorado was from Wisconsin...you would never know he was from there until you asked him...
  17. TN

    Texas never lets you down

    No....well, depends what part of the South. You should hear the accents here in WI. "OOOH MYeee GAD!" Texas still sucks though & their BBQ as well. :p
  18. Sherpa

    Owww...my toe!!!

    At least it's cold enough that mother nature saves us from having burnt toe cheese. This is just another example of why Texas sucks and even god hates it.
  19. bitingback

    Why I Love Texas and the Biking Community in General

    the boy's independant again thanks to the kindness of a complete stranger.
  20. bitingback

    ~~Thursday GMT 10/09/08~~

    morning monkeys. so i'm finally riding after 2 weeks off from a sprained ankle and a week long cold. my gastrocs are sore as hell and my lung capacity while riding sucks. but it was great being back on the bike. school sememster is up for the kids. first one in texas and my daughter made...