
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. stosh

    ***Monday GMT***

    That sucks man! Glad your nephew is ok. What do you mean "lost a house" do you own a house down there?
  2. stevew


    Nearly doesn't count.
  3. loco-gringo


    btw - if Texas sucks so much, how is it that our storm nearly took Geraldo's stupid ass out??? :D
  4. loco-gringo

    The song Graphics will soon be singin'....

    Lone Star Blues
  5. SkaredShtles

    Hey SkaredShtles

    Damn. We try, man... we try... :(
  6. Wumpus

    Hey SkaredShtles

    It doesn't work. No matter how much y'all say Texas sucks. Those damn yankees continue to move here.:rant:
  7. bitingback

    ***Thursday GMT***

    i was there a year ago this july...it rained a LOT. i like the heat. i'm also thinking the cold sucks for my knee issues.
  8. SkaredShtles

    $4/gas... coming this summer to a station near you...

    I've said it before and I'll say it again... Texas sucks. :D
  9. bitingback

    Today's Ride SUCKED

    looked like the weather man was wrong and the clouds broke up a bit to show some sun. so i quickly headed out in hopes of avoiding the rain due later. i decided to hit the pond since the last time i was there i crashed on the bridge and have been avoiding it ever since under the pretense of...
  10. H8R

    Mankind's replacements have arrived...

    One more reason to nuke Houston. What a sh1thole.
  11. ire

    Mankind's replacements have arrived...

    :stupid: I can't believe they are resistant to ant killer, maybe hair spray and a lighter?
  12. cannondalejunky

    Mankind's replacements have arrived...

    just more reason why Texas sucks
  13. Gladiator

    Slippery Silver on Fox

    what about you.....why don't you do it?? why don't you get some tools and do it..... R U that lazy???
  14. J

    Slippery Silver on Fox

    The west texas trail sucks right now, its way overgrown and bob refuses to clear it out and everyone else is too lazy.
  15. H8R

    So you think Louisiana sucks? Try spending 2 weeks here...

    I'm sure Louisiana sucks less when you are in Texas.
  16. DRB

    Raining mud?

    Just goes to show how much Texas sucks.....
  17. M

    Where to live?

    :twitch: Im sooo lost... ahhh where do we live.....
  18. Wumpus

    Where to live?

    Texas sucks. I wouldn't live there if you paid me.
  19. Ciaran

    Crap weather again

    Same temps here but without the texas. Texas does indeed suck your ass. :)