
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. Ascentrek

    What makes YOUR state unique?

    ...and illinois, kansas, nebraska, texas..... ....need I go on?
  2. Slugman

    OK then... A Pump Track it is!

    Your (or my) timing sucks... everytime you have something planned I'm going out of town! Would love to help out, but I'll be in Texas next weekend. I'm around most other weekends though...
  3. stinkyboy

    Good news....Bad news

    :stupid: Approved!
  4. Zark

    Good news....Bad news

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to loco again. Damnit, that was fuggin week ago. btw, Texas sucks.
  5. S

    Need some friendly advice...

    Ah, spoken like a true texan with one victory in the last...what is it now...5 years? hahahaha Never a bad time to start the hate!! hahahaha Here is a funny story for you. There were a few exchange students from Germany and Russia and they saw a couple of Oklahoma fans and a couple of...
  6. Zark

    Are you ****ing kidding me???

    Loco, good on you for calling out someone for irresponsible riding behavior. Private chastisement can be ignored, public humiliation cannot. P.S. Texas still sucks
  7. J

    But I want to be drunk in public...

    I don't really have an oppurtunity right now, but actually might see what they have in store at a place operating in Mexico. The corp offices are in, or around, LA, so I might potentially see. I am pretty tired of being here.
  8. Ciaran

    But I want to be drunk in public...

    Texas sucks. Loco, you need to move out to So Cal.
  9. Zutroy

    Fontana Roll Call

    No racing for me this weekend, I'm stuck in Texas work playing with the Airforce, and I can say 90% humidity and 90 degrees sucks a$$. The snow would be a blast if it did snow.
  10. brungeman

    Another trip to the Hospital

    actually I liked VISITING Austin... great music scene, but I don't see myself moving there so don't worry about it!!!:cool:
  11. splat

    Another trip to the Hospital

    dam , all that bangin on the knogin has really messed up your Judgement
  12. SkaredShtles

    Another trip to the Hospital

    It's not hard to turn *any* thread into a TX sucks thread. :p :stupid: Everyone should move to Texas.
  13. T

    Another trip to the Hospital

    I don't think so. Well you might be right, but there are tons around the area I live at. My dad works at one, and I do as well when I don't have another job. How did this turn into a Texas sucks thread. :redhot: TEXAS RULES:redhot:
  14. splat

    Looks like San Antonio has some big plans...

    :stupid: they are building stadiums for MLB and NFL , when they don't even have teams ? isn't that putting the cart before the horse ?
  15. SkaredShtles

    Looks like San Antonio has some big plans...

    Good God Texas sucks.
  16. J

    A Sunday spin....

    Don't tell anyone. It's not crowded because everyone says that Texas sucks. I agree. It sucks here. *you are welcome to come ride any time though.
  17. S

    Green card lottery

    It depends on what part of Texas you are talking about. South Texas does suck, that's where I used to live. Everypart of Tx is almost like a different country. The cool think about Tx in my opinion is the culture.
  18. lovebunny

    Green card lottery

    i do believe loco was just officially "PWNED"
  19. Kevin

    Green card lottery

    Hemroids or not this isnt even a "I want to come to the US" post. My English isnt that bad so even Loco should be able to figure it out. I know your not talking to me now cause I havent smoked in years. Well there was this one time a year ago with Partsbara when we.... nevermind. Texas is...
  20. N8 v2.0

    Nice custom title
