
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. BurlyShirley

    MOUNTAIN BIKE THREAD: Best Locale for year-round riding?

    I think even Texans really know Texas sucks.
  2. J

    MOUNTAIN BIKE THREAD: Best Locale for year-round riding?

    :stupid: Don't come to Texas.
  3. Wumpus

    MOUNTAIN BIKE THREAD: Best Locale for year-round riding?

    Texas sucks. It's too cold in the winter and too damn hot in the summer and all the trails suck.
  4. Ascentrek

    Boulder, CO question's!?

    Don't come here. Go to the western slope. (Grand Junction). It is very crowded here. Move to the Denver area. Most of you more progressive web design places are in Downtown Denver. If you need a job, I know the president of a local company. Move to Golden (or surrounding area). (40...
  5. J

    Texas OWNS California...

    Yeah - it really sucks here. I wouldn't ever come if I were you.
  6. N8 v2.0

    Yet another reason why Texas sucks

  7. DRB

    I hope my interview from Wednesday comes through...

    That f'ing sucks. Oh well these crap always leads to better things. Maybe you can finally get out of the hell that is Texas.
  8. rooftest

    The Rose Bowl Thread

    Man, where to start with this one.... Okay - Leinart. In 3 years as SC's starting quarterback, he passed for 10,600 yards, 99 touchdowns, and only 23 interceptions. He won the Heisman trophy, was a finalist the next year, won 2 national championships (losing a third in a close game), and...
  9. -dustin

    Golfers are Wussies!!!!

    golfing with a hangover sucks ass. walking 18 in Texas during the summer with a hangover sucks more ass.
  10. johnbryanpeters

    So what jeans do YOU wear?

    Yeah, I wear shorts mostly in the summer and put up with the blood. I haven't really noticed that much thermal difference, and chafing has never been an issue, but I'm not in Texas.
  11. Zark

    DHX air vs 5th Element coil

    ...(air vs. coil) and the amount of platform. 5th elements have a pretty good amount of platform even at softer settings. So they pedal like crazy but don't necesarily have as much small bump plushness. The air shock might actually be plusher in this case:think: **Because Texas sucks...
  12. .:Jeenyus:.

    Ass kickin'

    I think it's just Texas that sucks.
  13. J

    ~~Good Monday Morning!!~~

    People leave Texas to ski, assbag. :mumble: There are zero ski areas here. It sucks. We even have a ton of relocated New Yorkers, so it is worse than your situation. No skiing, and obnoxious Yankees. :eviltongu
  14. J

    and for the upcoming red river rivalry this weekend, may I present

    I sure hope you don't get genital herpes. :eviltongu
  15. Sherpa

    and for the upcoming red river rivalry this weekend, may I present

    Hell yea, Texas sucks. I was at the game last year, and god it was great.
  16. DRB

    Ridemonkey Osevations

    No dumbass its Texas Sucks.
  17. bizutch

    Where to live

    um, according to Wooody when I rode on the lift with him at Snowshoe, access to DH trails in Austrailia straight up sucks compared to most places here. I think he said something like 90% of their stuff had NO lift! If you're going for a DH mecca, I don't think having the toughest racers...
  18. SkaredShtles

    50-58 MORE MLB Steroid failures, incl names bigger than Palmero???

    Sorry. I'll go quietly. :o:
  19. I Are Baboon

    50-58 MORE MLB Steroid failures, incl names bigger than Palmero???

    Sorry this thread doesn't interest you due to no mention of shaved nuts, how much Texas sucks or any mention of dhgirlie/loco/biggins.