
Search results for query: Texas sucks

  1. Skookum

    i'm your huckleberry.

    i was telling Oly that i respect alot of monkeys more than me, in your dedication to cycling. It's a little bit easier in a sense for me with mountains around. At least the views and downhill anyways. ;) Climbing em is definately an acquired taste however. Even within all three shuttle rides...
  2. splat

    i'm your huckleberry.

    :stupid: SO how is the new frame working out ? can you notice a difference ?
  3. J

    i'm your huckleberry.

    Texas sucks. :( Nice pics, Skooks.
  4. laura

    How to Make a Homosexual into a Heterosexual

    i never said memphis didnt suck. texas still sucks.
  5. J

    What state is Lance from???

    Yeah - Irving sucks.
  6. bpatterson6

    What state is Lance from???

    Texas isn't that bad if you only go to Austin. Austin is the only place worth going! :D
  7. Angus

    What state is Lance from???

    Do you Know why Mexico doesn't float away??? Because TEXAS sucks...... Actually Texas wouldn't be so bad if it weren't full of Texans....
  8. laura

    What state is Lance from???

    texas still sucks.
  9. Skookum

    For once, Skookum was right, kinda

    it's definately meant for practicing climbing.... The corners are so sharp you cannot carry any real speed around the bottom corners. So yah it sucks, but the beauty of Galbraith is that it has something for everyone. Enjoy the Texas Chainsaw Massacre when you're up there Borneo. :p
  10. dh girlie

    Yet another reason I love living in Nor Cal...

    no...I f'd up the pictures...there is another picture where its much lighter and the red from the burrrrries is blinding!
  11. J

    Yet another reason I love living in Nor Cal...

    meh...we have those in So Texas too, and it kind of sucks living down there. *by lighter, did you mean HUGE????
  12. J

    Got some new MkIII porn posted...

    Actually there is one in San Saba. Or there was last year. There and Oshman's. I still think Titus sucks, so we are kind of even. Well, except the fact that I don't think we are on the same level. :think: See you in Waco, Saturday??? Susan, Ryan, Wumpus, and myself plan to ride before the race.
  13. Wumpus

    ~~Good Tuesday Morning!!!~~

    Suppose to get into the f'in 80's today and only into the 50's tomorrow. Winter in Texas sucks.
  14. N8 v2.0

    Summer in Texas sucks

    I'm about 10 miles from the TX-LA line and its a nice 75 degrees today... We have 6 weeks of winter followed by 46 weeks of summer....
  15. SkaredShtles

    Summer in Texas sucks

    Goddammit. That's my line......... :mumble: -S.S.-
  16. narlus

    Summer in Texas sucks

    you sure just summer in texas sucks?
  17. Wumpus

    Summer in Texas sucks

    or 'You think you sweat alot.' Took the grips off to change bars and this was the salt accumlation: Good thing I did. Most of the white stuff is corrosion with some pits(greenish areas) that are millimeter or so deep.
  18. Wumpus

    Woohoo, Grade 1 Seperation

    Yeah, the accident* happened a couple of months ago, and I thought it was healing OK so I was hitting the weights to strengthen it up and ended up aggravating it. *For shuttles -- Front wheel of my MOUNTAIN bike shoot out from under me on some that sweet damn green Texas clay.
  19. SkaredShtles

    thinking about moving to CO

    Hey! Did you take that picture on your trip to Austin? Or is that the Dallas/Fort Worth area? :think: -S.S.-
  20. Morryjg

    thinking about moving to CO

    Colorado sucks. You shouldn't move out here. I hear Texas is real nice.