
Search results

  1. Total Heckler

    18 years of forum friends finally met in person

    Finally got to meet @Uncle Cliffy this weekend while I was up in Ashland racing the enduro race there. New trails for me, so much fun. Got hail, rain, and some killer dirt on race day. I ended up 21st out of 28 in the Expert 30-39 class. The stage 2 where we ran into each other was a total...
  2. Total Heckler

    My fun moments on my bike from 2022

    Happy new year monkeys!
  3. Total Heckler

    Videos from trails Santa Cruz California (ongoing thread)

    Decided to create a thread where I can put my ride videos on here for you all. I will dump new videos on here whenever I make them instead of creating new thread or having them get lost in another thread. Enjoy my latest videos from the last 2 weeks. This video, we had some (much needed) rain a...
  4. Total Heckler

    Looking for some video feedback

    I want to have more stable footage and really like the POV from the chest camera mount - but without a gimbal, it can only be so stable while mounted to my chest. Yesterday I mounted the camera to the top of my helmet and the stabilization is significantly better - but I feel like the video is...
  5. Total Heckler

    First ride of the year video

    After dodging covid all this time, I finally caught omicron at the beginning of the new year. Thankfully being fully vaccinated and recently boosted before catching it - my experience (and my families) was pretty mellow thankfully. But that and having no child care for 5 weeks delayed getting my...
  6. Total Heckler

    Video from this weekends ride (Santa Cruz CA)

    23.24 miles, 3,186ft of climbing. Only got a little lost. Video of the fun parts. Enjoy!
  7. Total Heckler

    5 year olds perspective of Mammoth Bike Park (California)

    My 5 year olds perspective of riding Mammoth Bike Park in Mammoth Lakes CA. Some solid kid crashes if you stick it out haha
  8. Total Heckler

    VIDEO: Lunch laps 6/14/21

    It was super hot and dry today. I also saw a tiny bunny (not on video unfortunately).
  9. Total Heckler

    It’s been a while (again)

    Haven’t been on here in years. My boys are getting older and so am I. Crazy to think I started posting on here almost 15 years ago now. My boy Miles is turning 5 on the 19th and is totally obsessed with riding his pedal bike on the local trails. My 2 year old Ellis is stoked on his strider and...
  10. Total Heckler

    Long time no talk

    Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted on here. Lots of fun and exciting things have been going on in my life the last couple years. I've been riding my mtb around once a month, not as much as I'd like, but I'm still riding heh. I've really been enjoying the 2015 Specialized Eduro Elite...
  11. Total Heckler

    [Video Game Related] Anyone play Destiny?

    Anyone on here play Destiny? I'm on a xbox 360.
  12. Total Heckler

    Mad Skill Motocross 2 - you guys playing?

    I just had my 4th shoulder surgery and I needed something to keep me busy. You guys playing? Find my username: josh it real good (all one word, but the forum thinks I am swearing when its all together). If you don't know what this is, it is a free game for Android / iOS. Side scrolling...
  13. Total Heckler

    Total Heckler - Destroyer of frames.

    You have got to be ****ing kidding me... :banghead: 7 rides in on my 2013 Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Carbon EVO Expert I notice this: I honestly did not notice any hard impacts or anything. I have actually only been riding this bike on mellow trails. Mostly climbs. I don't get it...
  14. Total Heckler

    I'm back.

    After 6 depressing months of having no trail bike, I finally got my new one built up today. 2013 Specialized Stump Jumper FSR Expert Carbon EVO Weighing in at 25.25lbs. I will see how it rides tomorrow. Pretty excited. :weee:
  15. Total Heckler

    Here we go again. Help me choose a new trail / all mountain bike.

    Alright, since my last post a few things have changed in what I want in a new bike. I am looking for a bike that: -is 30lbs or lighter -has 6-7 inches of travel -can pedal uphill pretty well -can descend rough stuff like a champ -cant be super flexy for someone at 210lbs (after riding a...
  16. Total Heckler

    Tough Love

  17. Total Heckler

    Bone marrow donation

    Have any of you guys done this before? I signed up for the national registry back in 2008 and just got an email saying I am a possible match for someone in need. If you have done this, what is involved?
  18. Total Heckler

    Help me choose my next bike (WTF?! Something bike related in The Lounge?!)

    Hey guys, since I cracked my frame on New Years, I have been searching around and narrowed my next bike down to the following: Intense Carbine Santa Cruz Nomad Carbon Intense Carbine: (not actual bike, this one has a much nicer component build) I would get it in a Large and...
  19. Total Heckler

    Pebble watch

    Yesterday I noticed my watch's time was off. This is the 2nd time this has happened. The first time it happened my watch was a few years old. Now, it's been around a year since I replaced the battery last and it feels too soon. Today while I am doing to research on new android devices for...
  20. Total Heckler

    Non bike related - tell me about electric vs gas dryers

    We are replacing our washer and dryer and also relocating them in the garage to make room for me to build a work bench. Score. We are debating getting a gas dryer because we've heard they are more efficient. But converting to gas would require us to do some extra plumbing to get a gas line...