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    Fun in Auburn

    A few pics of Auburn this past Sunday for the heck of it. I love that place. Who's up for a mud ride this Sunday? gotta take care of what's important me in action on east side joey rippin' it reed, aka cedric, aka lopes back up the hill for more photo ops ye...

    I Love Livewire @ N* !!!

    that livewire rocks!! those berms were huge and flowy. and they really did water the trail all day long. NO DUST! so many table tops and doubles, it was great. a huge thanks to all the people that made it possible, it made it so worth going to N* every weekend.

    What helmet cam have you had a great experience with?

    Going to Whistler in August and want a few recommendations on a good quality helmet camera. Been doing a lot of reading and can't decide without some input from someone who has actually used a good one. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

    Free MTB Video Screenings!!!

    http://www.totalvid.com/Mountain-Bike-Videos Really good video with all the stars. Free to watch. Awfully nice of them to show.

    Free Mtb Video Screenings!!

    http://www.totalvid.com/Mountain-Bike-Videos Really good video with all the stars. Free to watch. Awfully nice of them to show.

    If you had $1500....

    If you had $1500 to spend on a frame for DH & FR, what would you get?

    Monkey Meet Pics 6/11/06

    It was a great monkey meet, especially since it was my first meet and my first time to the Auburntrails, they kicked ass. It was an amazing bunch of guys and they couldn't of been nicer. A special thanks to the shuttle guys, what a great thing for you to do. Marc in the dodge, I owe you gas...

    Who has what for tires?

    need some ideas for some good tires this coming season. usually run minions but i need something with more traction in powdery dirt and rocks for N*. thinking of the Kenda Nevegal 2.5 Are they good for front and back?

    Tell me what kind of abuse your bike has taken

    tell me some of the short stories of the serious abuse your bike has taken and how it has pulled through. I launched off this jump one time this past season and landed directly on this rock half way buried in the ground. the sound of metal against rock was never so loud. I knew for a fact...

    03 Super T pics

    In need of some pics of a 03 Super T taken apart and some advice on how to rebuild it. Still trying to find a thin walled 12mm socket, might have to grind one down. Any special tips or secrets would be greatly appreciated.

    A day at the races

    I took this pic at a race at Northstar in Tahoe. This guy was haulin' a**. Anyone been there before? I love that place.