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  1. Spero

    I ****ing love the internet

    **NSFW**, sorry. http://holladaddy.com/ This is gold, IMO.
  2. Spero

    MST3K Reborn...

    Hopefully. http://www.rifftrax.com/live 9PM East, 6PM West. We'll see if it's worthwhile.
  3. Spero

    Manimal? 1st and 4th posts. Absolute gold.
  4. Spero

    Pest control

    We were headed to PetSmart the other day and while stopped at a 4-way stop sign, this guy swoops down at some ridiculous speed and tackles a pigeon in the road. We sat there watching him while he completely plucked the breast and ate it while it was still shuffling around. I'm not sure what...
  5. Spero

    Quick logic quiz

    http://www.think-logically.co.uk/lt.htm Easy but worth a minute or two. 15/15
  6. Spero

    Blackbird: The new firefox

    ...or not... http://www.blackbirdhome.com/discover.html :banghead::banghead::banghead:
  7. Spero

    Well executed troll

    http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f7/i-got-married-last-weekend-pics-877461/ There have been a few golden threads appearing lately, but this one is among the greatest.
  8. Spero

    Wal-Mart Bingo

    I'm playing next time I go...whenever that may be.
  9. Spero

    MTV does something music related...

    ...and archives their whole music video library online. :clapping: http://gizmodo.com/5069754/goodbye-productivity-mtv-music-site-posts-every-music-video-ever http://www.mtvmusic.com/
  10. Spero

    Friday last minute timewaster

    http://www.sporcle.com/games/world.php 94/195 I'm geographically retarded.
  11. Spero

    Interesting read.

  12. Spero

    Whacked out dream

    So I'm walking along a causeway with my dad on a coastline somewhere and we see an orca jump out of the water and into a dumpster near the beach. It grabs a bag of trash and rolls back into the water. Dumpster diving orcas. WTF.
  13. Spero

    I think the guy deserves the money.

    http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_100108WAB_monroe_robber_floating_escape_TP.ce3930c1.html It reminds me a bit of the opening scenes in the new Batman movie...nobody knowing who the orchestrator is.
  14. Spero

    Google dans 2001

  15. Spero


    http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap080929.html I can't find anyone denying its authenticity. It just looks incredibly fake to an uninformed viewer like me.
  16. Spero

    Your PayPal charges just went into orbit

  17. Spero

    Useless quiz OTD

    How long could you survive chained to a bunkbed with a velociraptor? http://www.bunkbeds.net/velociraptor/index.php I could survive a minute and 25 seconds. Seems reasonable.
  18. Spero

    Firday-worthy news

  19. Spero

    Flash spider

    http://www.onemotion.com/flash/spider/ Provides about 30 seconds of timewasting. Be sure to add some bugs with the spacebar.
  20. Spero

    Smart or stoopid

    http://www.flashbynight.com/test/ Possibly been posted before. I only got 22.