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  1. DH Diva

    Need Disc Road Wheelset...Semi-Affordable and Not Tankish?

    Opinions please. P.S. Also open to building my own...but what hubs??
  2. DH Diva

    Allsport Dynamics is an amazing company!!

    Anyone that knows me well understands how important my wrist brace is to me. I can't do anything without it, and this brace is single handedly responsible for me still being able to ride a mountain bike and motorcycle. It's made by a company called Allsport Dynamics (www.allsportdynamics.com)...
  3. DH Diva

    When you've seen your "big" boss do the robot?

    Then what?
  4. DH Diva

    Grilled Cheese

    So, being without a proper kitchen for the last couple months, I am tired of grilling and cooking all together so I've decided to live on grilled cheese sandwich's. Last night I made: -Extra Sharp Cheddar -Ham -Grilled Red peppers Very tasty. Who has some good GC combos! I need ideas.
  5. DH Diva

    Wedding attire?

    I have to go to a wedding and the invitation says to dress casually. What the heck is casual wedding attire? I have very little clothing that is at all remotely mainstream wedding appropriate anyways so I'm stumped. It's an outdoor wedding if that makes a difference.
  6. DH Diva

    Hot Rod Update!!

    Well, my hot rod project has been at a stand still for a couple months. Vacation, dirt bike season, an just life in general put things on hold for awhile. The last couple weeks though have yielded some progress. Early progress, but progress none the less! THE CLEAN UP: The '51 Buick was...
  7. DH Diva

    I just got yelled at by a driver for riding in the bike lane!

    Seriously, I'm not kidding. Apparently the bike lane exists primarily for drivers to use as a way to sneak into traffic while waiting to make right hand turns at red lights. Our presence there is rude and unacceptable. It took every ounce of my being to not run my ODI lock ons down her...
  8. DH Diva

    Calling all BBQ Rockstars!!

    So, we're doing a total kitchen remodel this summer. We estimate that our kitchen will be MIA for about 2 months. During that time I'm going to have to do a lot of grilling, which is good because I like to grill. But I'm worried I'm going to run out of ideas quick! I need two different...
  9. DH Diva

    Willamette Pass Update

    This e-mail was sent out yesterday to the OBRA mailing list regarding the first DH race at Willamette: The*June races at*Willamette Pass will not happend because there*is still way too much snow.* It has snowed up there again the last 3 nights. In fact they are reopening this weekend for...
  10. DH Diva

    Hey all you broken scaphoid people out there!!!!

    So, I have a question for those who have broken a scaphoid, and more specifically anyone who may have had avascular necrosis (bone death) later on. Were there any real symptoms that made you suspect the bone was dying?? I have noticed lately that my palm at the base of my thumb seems to...
  11. DH Diva

    UPS man....Where Art Thou??

    I can't wait to get home from work!!! I got my XC bike some presents and they should be waiting for me when I get home! - DT 240 hubs - New XT cranks - New XT shifters - New XT disc rotors - Salsa Flip-Off Ti Skewers This is in addition to the already acquired presents: - Mavic 717...
  12. DH Diva

    Drop Dead

    Have you ever had one of those days when you wish 99% of the world population would spontaneously cease living? Discuss. ('cept most of the monkeys of course)
  13. DH Diva

    Food Baby??

    So I just ate the most gigantic lunch and am now suffering from "food baby." It was awesome though. I put down a huge steak and potato burrito with a side of spicy veggies. Oh so good. I've been putting in a lot of miles a week and I get sooooo hungry some days. Does anyone else get food...
  14. DH Diva

    I rode my bike to work today!!!

    Not impressive you say?? Well, I live 50 miles from work!! WooHoo. I am spectacular.
  15. DH Diva

    Goodbye Old Friend......

    I listed my trusty old VW TDI Passat on Craigslist on Saturday and boy did they come running! Someone is coming to pick her up today. She was a good car, but unfortunately no matter how hard she tried, she just wasn't a station wagon. So Helga, dear Helga, I bid thee farwell! **Taps...
  16. DH Diva

    To pink or not to pink....that is the question.

    Would pink fenders on an orange bike be the worstest thing ever or the bestest thing ever?? You decide. Edit-Wow my spelling is bad this morning. Must get more coffee.
  17. DH Diva

    A little vintage rally goodness for your friday viewing pleasure......

    Oh youtube, how I love thee! Here's a little preview of the inspiration for a little project we're working on right now. It's called group b rally cross. It was a class in european rally cross racing that ran from the early 80's, until the late 80's when it was banned because it was deemed too...
  18. DH Diva

    Willamette Pass Racing News

    I got this e-mail on the OBRA list a couple days ago. Looks like Randy is done promoting the MTB races at Willamette, and the Pass themselves are taking over the responsibility.
  19. DH Diva

    Any one here ever break their shoulder blade???

    I know what your all thinking and no it wasn't me this time! But I just got that dreaded call every spouse of an active person fears. I've done it to him many times so I guess he's just returning the favor. Anyways, he apparently dismounted his dirt bike at 35mph and broke his scapula in half...
  20. DH Diva

    I am going to be a hot rod queen

    What is sitting in my drive way right now? My new/old 1951 Buick Roadmaster Sedan (in need of 100% restoration), but oh what a happy girl I am! It's my first old car project and I can't wait to start!!