
Search results

  1. knittingfiend

    Japanese Gulch Hero

    Cheers to the guy I ran into today who was doing a little inpromtu trail maintenance. I haven't been out there in a couple of months, but it totally needed the haircut you were giving it! Especially on the top of the ridge!! :eek: I'll try to get out there with some trimmers myself...
  2. knittingfiend

    THAT needed to happen!

    Ben Stiller and Jack Black?!?! I just saw a trailer last night for Tropic Thunder, and that pairing is LONG overdue! :banana: :banana:
  3. knittingfiend

    Hell Boy II

    Hell Yeah!! That movie is gonna rock!! :banana:
  4. knittingfiend

    Unused emoticons

    :cupidarrow: 'nuf said