Apologies in advance, drunk as hell but no throwin up...
Damn if I am not bitter tonight. The wife has been deployed to Afghan land for some 37 days now.
Make no mistake, I hate the Navy, and I hate the "freedom" she is fighting for.
This really, really sucks a big wad. I went out, rode...
a fellow mtber bud is getting married so we thought a pub crawl would be a great way to send him on his way to betrothal.
Started at 6pm with dinner and drinks, managed to hit 7 bars, rode (ok sprinted) 30+ miles, no fights, witnessed a car wreck, got kicked out of a pub for shining our...
So, just over a week ago I was doing some energetic headbanging. My head has been hurting for the past week; especially when I bend over. Last night was my first night sober in a week. Today, my head feels better. What was the cause?
I have always known Alcohol and Pizza to be a rgeat combo. I have always just taken this on faith, and never questioend it, you know, it is because it is type thinking. Does anyone ahve an actual explantation as to why this is?
Yes I have been drinking, ALOT, and yes I just ordered the...
Tonight I was enjoying myself at a party. Jack and coke was the drink of choice, and I had finished about a fifth of a fifth.
Just after 12 a friend of mine and i decided to go for a brief ride to a local elementary school. We parked the bikes near a nature trail and went for a short walk...
Which do you prefer?
I am sitting here eating a hunk of frozen Nestle Chocolate chip cookie dough. It occurred to me I bake maybe one out of every dozen packages? I think I have always liked cookie dough better than the baked cookies. As a kid my Grandma would make cookies for all of her sons...
I'm about to break open a bottle of red. Just had some bertolli chicken parm. and now it's back to packing. took all my boxes from the previous 2 moves a year ago this time. and now i'm sorting through since those moves were not quite efficient packing.
whatcha got going on tonight?
Nailed my second interview at a Scottsdale ad agency this afternoon and took the offer of Senior Designer, and was then wisked off to the conference room where the tequila, wine and beer were flowing. I guess it's a regular thang.
I'm now breaking form and monkeypostin while drinking at home...
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