
this thead sucks

  1. MMike

    Would you pay $60 for a lightbulb?

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/meet-the-60-earth-day-led-light-bulb/2012/04/23/gIQAY0ohbT_story.html would you?

    May 21st, 2011 The Rapture.

    Well, they say tomorrow is Judgment Day... :butcher: so if I suddenly vanish during the rapture, I just want to say how much of a pleasure it's been to get my bike info off Ridedonkey. Although it's been educational, sometimes it was like a pain in my ass! :D If I'm still here with the rest...

    One free slice left!

    Seeing so many people in this forum love it... http://www.rpi.edu/~markhn/sounds/Bacon.wav I only got one slice left, so you'll all have to share!
  4. MMike

    Omigosh! omigosh! Omigosh!!

    http://communities.canada.com/montrealgazette/blogs/showbiz/archive/2010/10/24/julie-snyder-promises-quot-astonishing-quot-revelation-from-celine.aspx Celine Dion has a astonishing revelation for the world on Thurs!!!!! Oh boy! Oh boy!!!
  5. sanjuro

    California 200: 8 people dead

    I don't know if everyone heard about this offroad race where 8 spectators were killed by a rolling vehicle, but this is the natural result: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/08/california-200-and-other-races-foster-dangerous-mad-max-atmosphere-critics-say.html