
€£¥ Sunday GMT ¥£€


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
It is 12:42, so it is morning somewhere. I spent the night learning proper technique to stab myself in the leg. Now I'm going to bed. I'll be waking up in a few hours for a massage, then going to a Christmas party.
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Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Just walking back to the hotel from my best friend's wedding. Seeing my little girl tomorrow morning, as she has been with my mother-in-law since Friday.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Dude , I heard you died yesterday . Are you feeling better ? My plans for today trail ride , work and 8 hours of walking dead .
Thought I was dieing..... Passed out a few times from not breathing. woke up in the bus with wires and tubes and all that in me..... Turns out I really am just a puss.... Passed one stone this morning though... three more to go

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Kidney stones are the WORST pain I have ever experienced so I feel for you! As for the opiates - you're just doing it wrong... measure, meter and mellow. :)

Thought I was dieing..... Passed out a few times from not breathing. woke up in the bus with wires and tubes and all that in me..... Turns out I really am just a puss.... Passed one stone this morning though... three more to go


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Good afternoon from Playa del Carmen! Can't effing believe how late we slept in today. Wind is up so snorkeling is out, we're boogie boarding for now instead. Tide is in and winds are onshore so it's margarita time. Lots of beautiful people around here. :brows: Fat people are inevitably Americans. :(
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Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Back in CO. Picked up Haley from Wifey's mother before we jumped on the plane, as she was staying with her since Friday. She now has a really nasty cough and badly running nose.

Her mom is a hoarder, so the house is filthy. Ancient dust, and god only knows what else floating in the air there. She has never ending ling problems. If she passed any of that along to Haley, I am going to be beyond livid. I'm pissed enough as it is. On our next trip out, we are going to have to burn two days, just trying to make a dent into the mess. Seriously pissed right now.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Don't sweat it... dirt's good for kids. And kids are tough.
I understand that. The isht there from when I threw away a TV that hasn't worked in 4 years and two VCR's that have not worked in at least as long. When I left, I was coughing something fierce. I understand dirt. This is squalor.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Just keep the visits to under 72 hours...
48 was pushing my comfort level. Either way, next trip I will show up with a trash can and one of these
. I'll also be bringing along a scanner, a few hard drives, and a couple of electronic frames. Scan it-save it-display it. That should allow me to open up about 80% of the wall space and about 2% of the flat space. My (and wifey's) end goal is to have one room cleared and the others clean enough that we can have a cleaner come every 2 weeks.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Is she is a true horder, it may be a lot more difficult to get her to throw away stuff than you may think. Good luck Mark.

Well, the only thing more important to her that Wifey, is Haley. If that overhead threat isn't enough, I don't know what is. The leverage on that means that every time we are in the Bay Area, Haley will be staying with Wifey's Dad and step-mom, across the freeway. If not being able to spend time with Haley while we are in SF means she will need to clean up some, than I don't know what will.