
“We Can’t Afford to Let Them Spill the Beans”: whistleblower Sibel Edmonds


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001

thearticle said:
As former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed, there was a curious failure of the government before 9/11 to act upon intelligence pertaining to an al-Qaeda attack. Most importantly Edmonds, defying the gag order that former Attorney General Ashcroft imposed on her in 2002, is implicating Marc Grossman, formerly the number three man in the State Department, in efforts to provide US nuclear secrets to Pakistan and Israel. She suggests this was done through Turkish and Pakistani contacts, including the former head of Pakistan’s ISI who funneled funds to Mohamed Atta! Now there’s a conspiracy for you.

Edmonds claims that during her time at the FBI (September 20, 2001 to March 22, 2002) she discovered that intelligence material had been deliberately allowed to accumulate without translation; that inept translators were retained and promoted; and that evidence for traffic in nuclear materials was ignored. More shockingly, she charges that Grossman arranged for Turkish and Israeli Ph.D. students to acquire security clearances to Los Alamos and other nuclear facilities; and that nuclear secrets they acquired were transmitted to Pakistan and to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the “father of the Islamic bomb,” who in turn was selling nuclear technology to Libya and other nations.

She links Grossman to the former Pakistani military intelligence chief Mahmoud Ahmad, a patron of the Taliban, who reportedly arranged for a payment of $100,000 to 9/11 ringleader Atta via Pakistani terrorist Saeed Sheikh before the attacks. She suggests that he warned Pakistani and Turkish contacts against dealings with the Brewster Jennings Corp., the CIA front company that Valerie Plame was involved in as part of an effort to infiltrate a nuclear smuggling ring. All very heady stuff, published this month in The Times of London (and largely ignored by the U.S. media).
the article has a timeline of the alleged events. it's dismaying that much of this has been suppressed in the name of "state secrets".

neocons can rot in hell.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
while this is teh suck, nytimes also sat on information under the specter of "state secrets". the wiretapping kerfuffle comes to mind, as well as secret prisons. don't think any neocons are on staff there, but i would expect they had enough influence to see that it was delayed until a more expedient time.

at the risk of threadjack, i'd also like offered up where do the media's boundaries exist?


They drank my Tooters
Sep 7, 2006
a state called denial
I didn't read the whole article just what you posted.
Sibel Edmonds worked for the FBI for a total of 5 months as a translator only. Yet she knows about who is going where and how they got their clearance, BU!!SH!T
She's just pissed she got fired.
Is this FBI, CIA, NSA, inept and continuing screwing up Yes
But I don't believe her.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
while this is teh suck, nytimes also sat on information under the specter of "state secrets". the wiretapping kerfuffle comes to mind, as well as secret prisons. don't think any neocons are on staff there, but i would expect they had enough influence to see that it was delayed until a more expedient time.
So what they did was bad, but others did it too so that makes it ok?

at the risk of threadjack, i'd also like offered up where do the media's boundaries exist?
The purpose of the 4th estate is to report unbiased truth to the people. Sadly, this boundary has been violated for quite some time now.

She's just pissed she got fired.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, eh?

But I don't believe her.
Why not? Why do you think she was gagged?


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
...the media appears to be state-controlled at [ny]times.
Clever wording. I would just omit the [ny] for clarity.
Is it really so obvious that even a frother such as yourself suspects it?

I will admit, when the regulations allowing greater media consolidation were being discussed way back when, I didn't see any harm. Why shouldn't a business be permitted to own as many TV and Radio stations and Newspapers as they want? This is America™ after all.

:poster_oops: Now I understand why this is a bad idea.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I didn't read the whole article just what you posted.
Sibel Edmonds worked for the FBI for a total of 5 months as a translator only. Yet she knows about who is going where and how they got their clearance, BU!!SH!T
She's just pissed she got fired.
Is this FBI, CIA, NSA, inept and continuing screwing up Yes
But I don't believe her.
don't understand it? well, read the article. sweet jeebus.