
¡ Vengeday !


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
What a great day filled with welding shit and tacos. I am remaking a hand cart into an oxy/acetylene cart and its pretty fun. I need to find more scrap steel cause it's too spendy to buy.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Inflatable camp pads, such the love hate relationship. I found a super light weight insulated (synthetic down) pad that I really like. Its now a few years old and from me leaving it inflated in my hammock shit fell out of the sequoia and poked pinhole leaks. The two big ones were easy to find, patched those. it still leaked found another and fixed it. Damn thing still had a slow leak. so for the 3rd time I soaped the sucker up and found two itty bitty bubbling spots. Just put the first layer of glue in place. it needs to cure for 10 minutes, then I will add a second layer of glue and let it cure for ten minutes. Following that I will apply the patches and use 25 pound kettle bells as presses and let the patch cure for 3 hours. I sure as hell hope that I am done fixing his crap because I really don't want to shell out another 200 dollars for a new pad.

In other news we had Tacos and beer for dinner :headbang:


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Now sporting a 3/8” wide 10” long deep scratch down one of my calves. You can see how a perfect furrow with clean edges has been left behind as a nub on a log ripped it. Also hooked a foot under a rock and fell going uphill before that happened. Ah trail souvenirs...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Now sporting a 3/8” wide 10” long deep scratch down one of my calves. You can see how a perfect furrow with clean edges has been left behind as a nub on a log ripped it. Also hooked a foot under a rock and fell going uphill before that happened. Ah trail souvenirs...

While going over the bars once when my front wheel washed out in some sand my knee broke the lever off the shifter leaving a sharp metal edge. Stepping over the bars that sharp metal edge cut a 1/4" X 6" furrow in my shin exposing what could best described as hamburger. When I got back to the car the best I could do for first aid was rinse it with water and bandage it with a clean sock with the toe cut out of it. The sock was new and somehow the dye got into the edge of the wound and now I have a very faint blue tattoo around some parts where the edge where the wound was.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Tending to Layla has been extensive tonight. Soon to be delayed until further notice. :busted:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Fucking soon. You’ve baited the fuck out of us now. Soon better be sooning good!

In other news the swell on the south coast here tonight is huge. People out taking photos of the waves and brave surfers doing surfing.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Have fun carrying her up and down the stairs for the next few months.
this is how my brother fvcked up his back: carrying his boxer up and down the stairs following her ACL surgery. At one point she squeamed/jumped out of his arms, and he wound up with a bulged or slipped disc. 16 years later he still winds up at the hospital once or twice a year with flare-ups of pain.

my only point is be careful if you do this... and good luck.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
this is how my brother fvcked up his back: carrying his boxer up and down the stairs following her ACL surgery. At one point she squeamed/jumped out of his arms, and he wound up with a bulged or slipped disc. 16 years later he still winds up at the hospital once or twice a year with flare-ups of pain.

my only point is be careful if you do this... and good luck.
NGL, the straining from having to pick her up, awkwardly almost every time cause she hated it, resulted in a gnarly hemorrhoid.

Luckily for @stoney, his weight to dog ratio is markedly better than my 2:1.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
While going over the bars once when my front wheel washed out in some sand my knee broke the lever off the shifter leaving a sharp metal edge. Stepping over the bars that sharp metal edge cut a 1/4" X 6" furrow in my shin exposing what could best described as hamburger. When I got back to the car the best I could do for first aid was rinse it with water and bandage it with a clean sock with the toe cut out of it. The sock was new and somehow the dye got into the edge of the wound and now I have a very faint blue tattoo around some parts where the edge where the wound was.
There wasn’t much blood and the park was closing so I had to keep moving. Didn’t even look at it until I got back to the car. Normally when this happens while riding I just leave it alone because by the time I get in the shower I’ll have the start of a scab. But since I won’t be getting a shower at the end of every day while I’m thru hiking I’ll need to add more stuff to my first aid kit so I can clean it sooner.