
§§§Mornin’, primates§§§


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Fuck all car dealerships, anywhere at any time. About a month ago I discovered that the second key we were provided at time of purchase isn't actually for my car, I figured fuck it, I'll bring it up when it goes in for warranty and tire rotation. It also recently started making "clunk" noise when going from dead stop or coming to dead stop. Were it the jeep, I'd have thought U-joint. So I bring both of these things up with Service adviser when I drop the car off, in addition to the tire rotation and battery health check. Dropped car of at 9:45, shuttle driver takes me to hangar where I spend the morning waxing and tuning the family skis. At 2:30 I'm told on the phone by another service adviser that the sole Leaf tech they have "wasn't in today but if you bring the car in tomorrow we can look at it" and proceeds to strongly imply that I'm attempting to pull one over on the dealer with my incorrect key fob. I'm livid at this point. Shuttle picks me up and I go to the dealership where I go rounds with not only the service advisers but people form sales. Service hands me paperwork for "work performed" which has literately nothing on it. I ask the guy, "Did you guys actually accomplish anything I brought my car in for today?". "Well sir, like I said our leaf tech is out" says Service guy. I was god damned beside myself at this point. "You mean to tell me you couldn't rotate my fucking tires without your leaf technician? How hard could it possibly be?" and all I get in return is a blank stare.

Of course, all the managers are either "away" or in "meetings" at this point. I told both the service guy and the girl I actually bought the car from that they have until end of business today to get with their so called "mangers" and make this right by me before I start looking into where and how to escalate my problems with their dealership and service department. It's now 10AM and I haven't heard jack shit. :rant:
have you tried it naow?


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
W-2s are done, which is pretty much the final task of the last two years of work hell, and it feels like a relief to be done with it all. Of course, looking out on the work horizon, I see a fresh new pile of shit barreling my way.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Also windy as fuck down here, away from the mtn.

Met up with new manager and apparently my reputation precedes me. He said that he was told both by previous manager and hiring director that if I'm bringing up topics of concern he should listen. So I proceeded to bring up a list of items that I was concerned about. He mentioned that he was concerned about one of the team members, so I laid out everything that was keeping her from being able to perform to her capacity. He was flabbergasted by the extent of her IT related issues and what she was doing as round-about's to our normal operating procedures. I laid out a bunch

Went through a bunch of other stuff that are hindrances to my business and he's going to see about getting them cleared. All in, he seems like a really good guy and I'm looking forward to working with him.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!

Fuck all car dealerships, anywhere at any time. About a month ago I discovered that the second key we were provided at time of purchase isn't actually for my car, I figured fuck it, I'll bring it up when it goes in for warranty and tire rotation. It also recently started making "clunk" noise when going from dead stop or coming to dead stop. Were it the jeep, I'd have thought U-joint. So I bring both of these things up with Service adviser when I drop the car off, in addition to the tire rotation and battery health check. Dropped car of at 9:45, shuttle driver takes me to hangar where I spend the morning waxing and tuning the family skis. At 2:30 I'm told on the phone by another service adviser that the sole Leaf tech they have "wasn't in today but if you bring the car in tomorrow we can look at it" and proceeds to strongly imply that I'm attempting to pull one over on the dealer with my incorrect key fob. I'm livid at this point. Shuttle picks me up and I go to the dealership where I go rounds with not only the service advisers but people form sales. Service hands me paperwork for "work performed" which has literately nothing on it. I ask the guy, "Did you guys actually accomplish anything I brought my car in for today?". "Well sir, like I said our leaf tech is out" says Service guy. I was god damned beside myself at this point. "You mean to tell me you couldn't rotate my fucking tires without your leaf technician? How hard could it possibly be?" and all I get in return is a blank stare.

Of course, all the managers are either "away" or in "meetings" at this point. I told both the service guy and the girl I actually bought the car from that they have until end of business today to get with their so called "mangers" and make this right by me before I start looking into where and how to escalate my problems with their dealership and service department. It's now 10AM and I haven't heard jack shit. :rant:
Ask them to speak with their CEO.
Sorry for your poor customer experience, Pesqueeb. They deserve to die.

I sorta wanted to ride, but the wind has been very discouraging, so I ate a bigger lunch instead.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Man... you guys aren't kidding. Fucking HOWLING wind along the foothills. :panic:
About halfway up the climb, my gal and I were stopped to adjust layers and such when this crazy low-pitched howl/whistle/ruckus started up and just got louder and louder and louder. The wind was definitely picking up, but this sounds was super unreal and unnerving. It sounded like a train or jet engine landing in your bedroom or something. I'm assuming it was the wind ripping through and around and across the cliff faces of NTM, as we had stopped just below the basalt cap. There were also yüge powerline towers on the top of the mesa just above us, could have been the wind causing those bastards to resonate as well.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
About halfway up the climb, my gal and I were stopped to adjust layers and such when this crazy low-pitched howl/whistle/ruckus started up and just got louder and louder and louder. The wind was definitely picking up, but this sounds was super unreal and unnerving. It sounded like a train or jet engine landing in your bedroom or something. I'm assuming it was the wind ripping through and around and across the cliff faces of NTM, as we had stopped just below the basalt cap. There were also yüge powerline towers on the top of the mesa just above us, could have been the wind causing those bastards to resonate as well.
Sounds like Copley square on a moderately windy day.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Fort collins has had ZERO winds all day. And news called for it state wide. Well if you are in CO. I cant keep track of you miscreants
Someone on another forum mentioned there wasn’t a lot of wind in Winter Park either. Trying to get some wind data from Berthoud Pass.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
So the 2012 model of the Norco Diesel 18 came with 152mm cranks. While that seems like an odd size, this is a '14 with 170mm cranks. They seem a bit much on the 18", so I found a set of 160mm that should be moar better.


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Made another attempt to sustain a Protein Intake level to match body weight for the third-day yesterday. Massive headache all day, rendering a pretty useless day. Happens any time approaching what is a function of protein to body weight ratio - semi-lean 185lbs. Demanded a trip to the Rx while getting dinner from the Grocer.
Apparently powers-that-be at 'Big Migraine' list 'Worst Headache of your Life' an area needing attention on Warning Labels. As if someone's life is in utter shambles, rocket-sledding to the brink of disaster yet they somehow muster strength, reading fine print of an OTC pill bottle to reflect upon how a headache leaves an impression.
Feelings of having ate a Box of Condoms is not listed.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
nope, the rides down by jstoolman are the bee's knickers. If not for my sick irrational love of sliding down snow on sticks I could live in Westerrn NC in a snap.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Crystal mountain has stopped selling walk up tickets in lieu of ikon pass holders because of traffic and crowds.

Locals Only

Sorry, No Locals.