
^¨^¨^ Cold as ballzzz GTM Wednesday ^¨^¨^


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Cold all over Europe this week and the harbor froze over in one day here in Copenhagen. Super windy which made for an interesting bike ride to work.

Had a long email exchange with the window company yesterday. Bad service just pisses me off even more so when you pay a lot of money to a company.


Thanos did nothing wrong
Jun 13, 2017
Floating down the whiskey river...
Fucked myself out of an hour of sleep this morning on and already early day. Was supposed to be at work at 4:30am and got here at 3:20am instead. Forgot to set my alarm, so when i woke up, i saw 2:30 and went into panic mode because i thought i was going to be late. I am NOT awake yet! On top of it all, it fucking raining. FTS!

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
its 29* this morning. I turned the heater in the camper on with the sink cabinets open to keep the water system from freezing before turning in last night, good move on my part. Played around with my fly rod yesterday working on distance and accuracy. I can almost get the entire flyline into the air on the cast (90') and drop the fly in a 5 foot circle about 60% of the time at that distance. Although i will probably never cast that far out on the streams.

Coffee then off to freeze my ass off working the short bus. At least I know that I will not have any early morning wheelchairs to push in this cold.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
will be stopping by this place in the fall......


made some reservations near glacier...


Feb 24, 2011
It was 42 degrees yesterday when I got out of work. Left my car there and rode home. It was nice. The ride back in this AM wasn't as nice. Colder and people were driving dumber than normal.

I did manage to put my breakfast sandwich in my bag today.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Good morning!

Skylight gets delivered today, so I get to look forward to cutting a big hole in the roof of the trailer. But that's okay because I like staring up at the stars as I fall asleep. :)


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

From my vantage point here at the back of the cubicle farm, I can see that the Bob's (...well, it's one guy, and his name is Phil) has been back and forth between his office and HR in closed-door meetings for much of yesterday and this morning. I fear that round two of the "streamlining efficiency" firings may be about to commence. The office tension is heavy.

Aside from that, the play was just fine, Mrs. Lincoln.

The lights flickered off for a second just a few minutes ago, and I wasn't sure if that actually happened. or I took a nap standing up...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Noticed a fairly sizeable puddle under the Jeep as I was leaving work yesterday. Clearly lost an axel seal somewhere between the house and hangar. At 135k miles I suppose this sort of thing is bound to happen, but goddamnit, i have other shit to do.

Coffee and poop first


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I am ready for some major glitch in the Matrix. I sense that everyone's motivation has just dropped off a cliff after the recent bonus reorg announcement. My biggest accomplishment today is likely going to be a response to one or two headhunters asking for a call. I also need to read this hip book about writing resumes in the age of hipsters. And I definitely need to ride some bikes.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
recent bonus reorg announcement.
What was so demotivational? At my workplace we are trying to implement things from Drive. This is a good thing, IMO, especially the bits about not tying compensation to certain stupid metrics and formally allowing us to do our academic work on our own time schedule and wherever we want (e.g. slope side!).


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Cold all over Europe this week and the harbor froze over in one day here in Copenhagen. Super windy which made for an interesting bike ride to work.

Had a long email exchange with the window company yesterday. Bad service just pisses me off even more so when you pay a lot of money to a company.
I think you took all our coldz. It was 2°C here this morning, going up to 5. Normal daytime highs are -1°C and lows are -10°C. Our snow is almost all gone in the city, it's pretty much like we're 5 weeks ahead of schedule. Of course there will be a few snow storms all the way into April to fuck everything up... But I guess I'm not complaining, the bike paths are now almost all clear for my commute, and I rode with no jacket or gloves yesterday. Also, I'm glad I sent my shock in to Vorsprung last week... Hopefully I have time to get the Luftkappe installed before riding season is upon us...


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
What was so demotivational? At my workplace we are trying to implement things from Drive. This is a good thing, IMO, especially the bits about not tying compensation to certain stupid metrics and formally allowing us to do our academic work on our own time schedule and wherever we want (e.g. slope side!).
Conditioning the bonus on other business units' performance metrics is demotivating. Especially being the only technology unit in the company, in the past, we were judged based on our own deliverables (and we always got the bonus cash), while the performance of the rest of the company tanked, stock price plummeted to pennies to the dollar compared 5 years ago, etc. Our bonuses were already delayed by 3 months because of stupid performance review policy, now they take some of our bonus cash for mandatory stock purchase program with 2 years vesting period which means if I perform well this year, I'll see some of the bonus money in H2 2021.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Conditioning the bonus on other business units' performance metrics is demotivating. Especially being the only technology unit in the company, in the past, we were judged based on our own deliverables (and we always got the bonus cash), while the performance of the rest of the company tanked, stock price plummeted to pennies to the dollar compared 5 years ago, etc. Our bonuses were already delayed by 3 months because of stupid performance review policy, now they take some of our bonus cash for mandatory stock purchase program with 2 years vesting period which means if I perform well this year, I'll see some of the bonus money in H2 2021.
You should read Drive, or at least watch the Youtube summary.

It resonates with me in terms of what I value.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Conditioning the bonus on other business units' performance metrics is demotivating. Especially being the only technology unit in the company, in the past, we were judged based on our own deliverables (and we always got the bonus cash), while the performance of the rest of the company tanked, stock price plummeted to pennies to the dollar compared 5 years ago, etc. Our bonuses were already delayed by 3 months because of stupid performance review policy, now they take some of our bonus cash for mandatory stock purchase program with 2 years vesting period which means if I perform well this year, I'll see some of the bonus money in H2 2021.
Many moons ago when I worked at GE my little 100 person division hit near record profits. Our bonuses were canceled as the difference tipped the books to meet record profits. Want to talk about demotivation.

That kind of savvy business acumen and long term thinking is what made GE what it is today.

(Almost bankrupt)

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
will be stopping by this place in the fall......

View attachment 128038

made some reservations near glacier...
/delurking for PSA re: comment period on Forest Service's draft to remove bikes from the BEST rides in SW Montana.

I attended this SWMMBA meeting (from SteveW's photo) on Monday regarding the recent Forest Service Plan open comment period -- until 3/5 -- and there are some major problems for folks who love high alpine rides:

1) The coalition I'm loosely associated with (Gallatin Forest Partnership http://gallatinpartners.org/) did a bunch of hard work to find common ground with the "greenies" and as a group made some fairly good (for bikers) recommendations to the Forest Service plan with one glaring omission: the W-folks couldn't find consensus over the Lionhead/Henry's Mountains and the FS's plan will manage RWA (recommended wilderness areas) as Wilderness and exclude bikes from the CDT in SW MT: Mile Creek, Targhee Pass, Sheep Creek.

2) Despite being the fastest growing segment of human powered winter recreation, fatbiking is not mentioned anywhere in their plan. Whether that's a feature or bug, it's problematic and they need to address trail access for fat bikes.

If you care about losing access to the "last best place" to ride, this pdf from SWMMBA describes the issues in greater details and has some helpful letter writing hints:


Direct link to comment page:

I literally JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE in Island Park, ID because of access to these trails, so please take a moment to submit a comment and then shop for plane tickets (plan your roadtrip) to visit this summer and ride them while you can!

Nope! I share as little about my personal life as possible with these people.
They don't know about the goat?

Let's see how that works for you when a single payer system gets established and the revenue of your employers gets aligned with standards established in countries with affordable healthcare.
A good start would be to require providers to be non-profit. After that, cut executive salaries.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
out shooting pool with the boys last night and getting rowdy when the lady calls me towards the end of the nite needing a booty call. Boogied up to the mountains late & boned all nite.
We woke up early to get it in before work & between sessions her 4 yo appears like an apparition next to the bed cuz of a bad dream. Total boner killer.
Total walk of shame say today. at work in the same clothes & bit more disheveled than usual but no one can tell cuz im wearing a different hoodie.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
out shooting pool with the boys last night and getting rowdy when the lady calls me towards the end of the nite needing a booty call. Boogied up to the mountains late & boned all nite.
We woke up early to get it in before work & between sessions her 4 yo appears like an apparition next to the bed cuz of a bad dream. Total boner killer.
Total walk of shame say today. at work in the same clothes & bit more disheveled than usual but no one can tell cuz im wearing a different hoodie.
Dude. At least take a baby-wipe shower. You smell like snatch. :D

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
  1. A Neurosis song just came up on my iTunes shuffle.
  2. I forgot (yet again) that I would really like to plan a 3-day White Rim ride in the April/May timeframe. Campsites (and therefore permits) for most of the campsites along the route are already done booked. Could do a 3-day trip in early June, not sure if I wanna do that in high 80's temperatures bouncing off the canyon walls.
  3. There's no sense in nonsense, especially when the heat's hot.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Betting on a bonus structure (other than sales commission) for adequate compensation is a fools errand.
Our guys (construction) are paid well, above industry standard, for the work they are expected to do.
Non-performers are eliminated as needed to preserve morale of good workers.

There are incentives if they beat budgeted hours but they don't need that money to meet their income requirements/expectations. It's a true bonus for something they, or I, largely can't control. Things like weather, other trades being fucking morons and material delays all effect our ability to beat estimates.

We exist in an extraordinarily competitive market.
Ability to pay has nothing to do with 'market price' as well compensated people perform.
The money we spend up front on wages is paid back 10x by lack of call-backs for quality, productivity etc.
Seems to be working, most of my guys have been with us 10+ years.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I woke up this morning and my phone decided to tell me that it is warmer here than it is in Brevard. :busted:

W00t. Rode a hair under 50km last night on the donkey bike. It was fun.

I'm tired.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Let's see how that works for you when a single payer system gets established and the revenue of your employers gets aligned with standards established in countries with affordable healthcare.
Implicit in the Drive bargain is that one gets paid fairly, because if that's not there then people will sneak away before anything else is even on the table.