
«·· this is your Friday GMT ··»

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Woke up at 5:30 today well rested and re a day for the weekend. Unfortunately the weekend involves more work in preparation for winter which, apparently, will arrive on tuesday. I think I will go to work early today.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Morning. Woke up at 4AM, ffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.
My work enthusiasm is dropping like a stone after some effing deflating events this past week. I am having a lunch with new boss today and am wondering what strategy to take - keep my head down and accept the crap until new jerb materializes, unload all the bullshit on him with the hope that he can change something, or just leave an upper decker and walk out. :think:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Been working on the new Pup. Despite being full grown he has few skills. In just a few days we have got all the basic commands sorted out, at least inside, outside is a different scenario. Still have to walk him in the yard on the leash as I can't trust him to to chase down a squirrel or the old lady walking her Pomeranian.

He had a big issue with play biting when he got really excited. I think he has turned the corner on that one. However my arms have paid the price. Enough scratches and spot bruises on my arms to make me look like I recently fell on a solid Heroine addiction.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
5.6 mile run before work, and managed to complete the run without shitting in my shorts, though it was a close call.

I had a good lesson with our tri club's swim coach last night. I am a terrible swimmer. In the Olympic distance tri I did back in August, I was 71 out of 77 on the swim (10 out of 77 on teh run tho'). I am slowly improving, and last night's lesson was very helpful. I'll be getting lessons once a week at least through the spring.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
200mph winds not fun times on the West Coast of Mexico tonight.

Besides that I am just ready for the week. Hopefully a quick mtb ride tomorrow to enjoy the dry trails as they say rain Sunday and more rain next week.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
It's finally really fall in Colorado, and I'm ready for a white girl in yoga pants to magically appear with a pumpkin spice latte and tell me all of the things she loves about this season. I think if I rub a venti Starbucks 3 times while repeating the phrase "Frye boots on sale at Marshall's" this will probably happen.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It's finally really fall in Colorado, and I'm ready for a white girl in yoga pants to magically appear with a pumpkin spice latte and tell me all of the things she loves about this season. I think if I rub a venti Starbucks 3 times while repeating the phrase "Frye boots on sale at Marshall's" this will probably happen.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
F*ing F*cks. Wifey finally hit her limit last night and made a comment about the car. Noted it was an impractical, bad idea. I can't agree with her out loud, as anybody married knows. But this is a f*ing mess. I decided to not comment that getting a bigger house, which is oh... $600k more expensive over it's life, is not a good or practical idea either. I'll save that for later.

But on to the repairs from last night! To get to the bottom end of the hoses I need to replace, I need to remove the thermostat. That means half draining the coolant system. Coolant isn't cheap (yeah BMW!) and I need to replace the raditator at 100k anyways, so radiatior and coolant are inbound. Since I'm going to be up for at least another week, getting Royal Blue for the diff and transmission, which are supposed to be every 50k but haven't been done yet. When I'm taking the radiator off I'm going to have access to the cooling fan and fan clutch, which are also 100k parts, so those are on order too. Pulled the sparks last night and they are gummed, so new sparks.

Another $1000 on the service now. But as my buddy who has been helping me pointed out, I will have the better part of a new engine when I am done. So f*ing angry at this point.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
F*ing F*cks. Wifey finally hit her limit last night and made a comment about the car. Noted it was an impractical, bad idea. I can't agree with her out loud, as anybody married knows. But this is a f*ing mess. I decided to not comment that getting a bigger house, which is oh... $600k more expensive over it's life, is not a good or practical idea either. I'll save that for later.

But on to the repairs from last night! To get to the bottom end of the hoses I need to replace, I need to remove the thermostat. That means half draining the coolant system. Coolant isn't cheap (yeah BMW!) and I need to replace the raditator at 100k anyways, so radiatior and coolant are inbound. Since I'm going to be up for at least another week, getting Royal Blue for the diff and transmission, which are supposed to be every 50k but haven't been done yet. When I'm taking the radiator off I'm going to have access to the cooling fan and fan clutch, which are also 100k parts, so those are on order too. Pulled the sparks last night and they are gummed, so new sparks.

Another $1000 on the service now. But as my buddy who has been helping me pointed out, I will have the better part of a new engine when I am done. So f*ing angry at this point.
Is that whole car a 100k car?

I am not agreeing with your wife. Everyone needs a hobby, even if it makes you shit out money and other nonsense. As long as you enjoy right?

Off work today. Just got my car sprayed with oil. Going to attempt to bleed my Avid brakes this afternoon and put on the fresh rotors and pads.

Then it'll be time to ride. This time not solo!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
F*ing F*cks. Wifey finally hit her limit last night and made a comment about the car. Noted it was an impractical, bad idea. I can't agree with her out loud, as anybody married knows. But this is a f*ing mess. I decided to not comment that getting a bigger house, which is oh... $600k more expensive over it's life, is not a good or practical idea either. I'll save that for later.

But on to the repairs from last night! To get to the bottom end of the hoses I need to replace, I need to remove the thermostat. That means half draining the coolant system. Coolant isn't cheap (yeah BMW!) and I need to replace the raditator at 100k anyways, so radiatior and coolant are inbound. Since I'm going to be up for at least another week, getting Royal Blue for the diff and transmission, which are supposed to be every 50k but haven't been done yet. When I'm taking the radiator off I'm going to have access to the cooling fan and fan clutch, which are also 100k parts, so those are on order too. Pulled the sparks last night and they are gummed, so new sparks.

Another $1000 on the service now. But as my buddy who has been helping me pointed out, I will have the better part of a new engine when I am done. So f*ing angry at this point.
///Marriage problems!!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Is that whole car a 100k car?

I am not agreeing with your wife. Everyone needs a hobby, even if it makes you shit out money and other nonsense. As long as you enjoy right?
Most of the engine is. Suspension and driveline are 'as-needed'. I logged all of the prior owner's repairs and services into excel last night. Within the last 20k he did brakes (new rotors too), clutch, guibo, tstat, and a few other expensive bits. Those I should be able to avoid expense on for a while at least.

Thankfully Bosch is the OEM provider and you can get most of the big stuff stuff cheaper on Amazon. Still frustrating as all hell. Had I known the engine better going in, I would have just ordered all of the 100k service pieces at the get-go. Hindsight is 20/20 though. Next time I am doing a substantial service, I'm just going to get everything related to the service.

At least by the end of this I will know the car much, much better. I still find it amusing that Wifey wouldn't agree to me getting a notably less expensive car and spending a few grand to get it back up to par...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Got a new pair of 5.10 Freerider VXI Elements for the impending Winterpocolypse. Holy crap the smooth bottoms are impossible to shift on my pedals. I'm not sure this is the best design vs the standard pattern.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
///Marriage problems!!
The funny thing with this is that this all started when she pretty much made me sell the Lesbaru. It needed a new clutch and possibly transmission, so about $4k, and she wanted to avoid the cost. When we sold that, I wanted to get a newer used A4 Avant, but she didn't want to have a German car out of warranty. We settled on the Forester as it "got the job done". I however hated it, as cars/driving are of great enjoyment to me. That's how we ended up getting a fun car - a knee jerk reaction.

What makes it even funnier is way back when we started looking at cars, pre-Lesbaru, I found a low mileage, full Stasis, S4 Avant for $35k. She said no because it had a 6-speed. Less than 6 months later, I bought the Lesbaru which was a 5-speed. She seems to have this thought that I will be open to buying a slushbox automatic. I would be open to a DSC or PDK type setup, but those are always on really expensive cars.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
So, buying a completely different car was viewed as a cheaper alternative? I don't understand white people. :confused:
You don't understand yuppie white girls who have never gotten or seen somebody get their hands dirty. My entire youth was spent with older cars getting maintained until they started clocking over 200k, then looking at alternatives. There are lots of examples of people running these into the 300k range with proper, regular maintenance. She just doesn't get why you would buy something that needs that kind of regular work.

Then again, I changed her oil once (haha) when we were still dating and it was black sludge, only 2qts came out. Apparently she hadn't changed the oil in her Jetta in at least 7k. She's a fix it when it breaks person.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Within the last 20k he did brakes (new rotors too), clutch, guibo, tstat, and a few other expensive bits.
What on earth is a guibo?

I think its great that you're tearing the car down. Those M5's are one of my favourite cars from highschool. Someone has to keep one in good running order! The ones I see now look like dogpoop...

Remember these? :D


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Got a new pair of 5.10 Freerider VXI Elements for the impending Winterpocolypse. Holy crap the smooth bottoms are impossible to shift on my pedals. I'm not sure this is the best design vs the standard pattern.
All the VXis are like that.
To get to the bottom end of the hoses I need to replace, I need to remove the thermostat. That means half draining the coolant system. Coolant isn't cheap (yeah BMW!) and I need to replace the raditator at 100k anyways, so radiatior and coolant are inbound. Since I'm going to be up for at least another week, getting Royal Blue for the diff and transmission, which are supposed to be every 50k but haven't been done yet. When I'm taking the radiator off I'm going to have access to the cooling fan and fan clutch, which are also 100k parts, so those are on order too. Pulled the sparks last night and they are gummed, so new sparks.
And I feel bad for tinkering with Magura calipers!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
What on earth is a guibo?

I think its great that you're tearing the car down. Those M5's are one of my favourite cars from highschool. Someone has to keep one in good running order! The ones I see now look like dogpoop...

Remember these? :D
I can't see youtube at work, so I don't know what you are referencing.

Guibo is the rubber disc between the tranny and drive shaft. Basically to reduce metal wind up in the drive shaft. The torque levels are enough that there needs to be a small amount of give or the d/s can twist.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Stoney's wife is a smart woman.

I'm treading water at work today. There's some problem with load-balancing servers, which I'd normally not care about except these are the servers that serve up images for me to interpret. I can't do my job if the studies won't load.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
You don't understand yuppie white girls who have never gotten or seen somebody get their hands dirty. My entire youth was spent with older cars getting maintained until they started clocking over 200k, then looking at alternatives. There are lots of examples of people running these into the 300k range with proper, regular maintenance. She just doesn't get why you would buy something that needs that kind of regular work.

Then again, I changed her oil once (haha) when we were still dating and it was black sludge, only 2qts came out. Apparently she hadn't changed the oil in her Jetta in at least 7k. She's a fix it when it breaks person.
you could sell it when you are done and make money now that all the service shit is done with....


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Stoney's wife is a smart woman.
She is really smart, just not always that real world logical. She's fighting the dash cam too, as it's "a waste of money". She doesn't look at it as a $100 insurance policy.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I can't see youtube at work, so I don't know what you are referencing.

Guibo is the rubber disc between the tranny and drive shaft. Basically to reduce metal wind up in the drive shaft. The torque levels are enough that there needs to be a small amount of give or the d/s can twist.
I can't see youtube at work, so I don't know what you are referencing.

Guibo is the rubber disc between the tranny and drive shaft. Basically to reduce metal wind up in the drive shaft. The torque levels are enough that there needs to be a small amount of give or the d/s can twist.
The torque on the guibo will be the same as the torque on the driveshaft. They are there to dampen vibrations and impulses from ham fisted shifts. They also allow for angular misalignment.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
you could sell it when you are done and make money now that all the service shit is done with....
Nah. I would probably only get about $28k, tops. I'm all in at more or just at that (but I need to check).


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
The torque on the guibo will be the same as the torque on the driveshaft. They are there to dampen vibrations and impulses from ham fisted shifts. They also allow for angular misalignment.
That. Misunderstanding on my part.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
It's finally really fall in Colorado, and I'm ready for a white girl in yoga pants to magically appear with a pumpkin spice latte and tell me all of the things she loves about this season. I think if I rub a venti Starbucks 3 times while repeating the phrase "Frye boots on sale at Marshall's" this will probably happen.
if anyone asks what boulder is like...I will quote this...