
¬_¬ toozday gmt ¬_¬


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Been up since 330, cause little doggo woke me up and I couldnt get back to sleep. What can you do.

Driveway has been shoveled, so now I shall retreat to have some tea, cereal, and prepare for the interview tomorrow for a job that I will probably turn down if i were to get offered the position. Mayhaps this is an exercise in futility.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Gale force winds again, plenty of old snow on the ground and roof, still need to replace a broken chimney cap before Thursday's inbound snow.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
another day subbing for another company transporting challenged adults. Had one guy try to break a window and a lady that kept removing her seat belt. such fun NOT. I get them for and hour and 15 minutes in the morning and again in the afternoon, yeah it takes that long to pick them all up and get to the drop point(s).


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Working 7-4. Did not make an early run to the Japanese bakery for kare pan despite this!

(This is because the bakery is closed on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month, of course. Wife and kids have eaten all the kare pan at home. I think I ate 1 of the 9!)


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I Black Friday / Cyber Monday splurged, then spent the night playing with my new toy.
Now I need to get up for a phone call about a multimillion dollar construction overrun issue.


May 2, 2006
Asheville, NC
Back to work after last week off and unfortunately all my work and phone calls are still waiting on my desk. I though for sure if I was gone they would just disappear...I was wrong.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Took the dogs for a walk, and ran into someone shoveling their driveway who said he (who was black) trusts dogs more than some black people cause some black people dont know they came from slaves. Still have no idea WTF that means, and I've been pondering it for an hour now.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Was going to go to the studio to work on someone’s ring, but they left me an angry text as to why they don’t have it yet. They are not even in town until next week. Aghhhhh!!!

Imma go wander in the woods for a while. Maybe I’ll go back to work or just stay out there. Could go either way.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I am back in my shit hole of a cubicle after a long weekend in Florida. I ran the Space Coast Marathon in 3:18 Sunday and it was pure friggin misery. 78 humid degrees is nice for walking around or biking, but awful for running a marathon. It needs to be 30 degrees cooler, which it was in Orlando this morning. Fucking figures. I was about 10 minutes slower than my goal, which really isn't bad for a tough day, and any disappointment I felt in my finishing time was trumped by finishing 24/926 overall, and 3/56 in my age group. I've won a lot of awards for running, but this was the first time I got one for a marathon, and that's the highest up I've finished in one. They are hard to earn. The plaque is standard 8x10 size. The finisher's medal is just gloriously enormous.


Atomic Dog

doesn't have a custom title yet.
Oct 22, 2002
In the basement at Weekly World News
I am back in my shit hole of a cubicle after a long weekend in Florida. I ran the Space Coast Marathon in 3:18 Sunday and it was pure friggin misery. 78 humid degrees is nice for walking around or biking, but awful for running a marathon. It needs to be 30 degrees cooler, which it was in Orlando this morning. Fucking figures. I was about 10 minutes slower than my goal, which really isn't bad for a tough day, and any disappointment I felt in my finishing time was trumped by finishing 24/926 overall, and 3/56 in my age group. I've won a lot of awards for running, but this was the first time I got one for a marathon, and that's the highest up I've finished in one. They are hard to earn. The plaque is standard 8x10 size. The finisher's medal is just gloriously enormous.

Third Place Male would make for a fine custom title for you.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I am back in my shit hole of a cubicle after a long weekend in Florida. I ran the Space Coast Marathon in 3:18 Sunday and it was pure friggin misery. 78 humid degrees is nice for walking around or biking, but awful for running a marathon. It needs to be 30 degrees cooler, which it was in Orlando this morning. Fucking figures. I was about 10 minutes slower than my goal, which really isn't bad for a tough day, and any disappointment I felt in my finishing time was trumped by finishing 24/926 overall, and 3/56 in my age group. I've won a lot of awards for running, but this was the first time I got one for a marathon, and that's the highest up I've finished in one. They are hard to earn. The plaque is standard 8x10 size. The finisher's medal is just gloriously enormous.

"If you ain't first, you're last." - Ricky Bobby


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Aaand our JetBlue flight home is 3 1/2 hrs delayed so instead of getting home by 10pm, it will be in early morning hours tomorrow. I will have to shovel a bunch of white shit to make it to work, too. FML. :dead:
Jesus fuck. I have an Office 365 Home subscription; wants renewal, but credit card on record is gone. Try to change payment method, and their site barfs with an error message. Called their customer service number, they extended subscription for a month, but site still barfs if I try to delete old card record and add another.
Aaand our JetBlue flight home is 3 1/2 hrs delayed so instead of getting home by 10pm, it will be in early morning hours tomorrow. I will have to shovel a bunch of white shit to make it to work, too. FML. :dead:
Jet Blue has cost me a lot of waiting.to.get.home time which is part of why I drove down to SC and back. Issue seems to be missed connections at Kennedy due to weather.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Was supposed to have a phone interview today at 4:00...(took about 5 emails to nail it down), they never called (yes, they were supposed to call me), and so far have ghosted...but I saved $500 on my bike, so I win today!


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Looking at the schedule at this airport, JetBlue has been terrible and the worst performer all day long. A 2:30pm flight to DC departs at 8:43pm, a 10pm to Boston at 2am. A fair weather airline, apparently.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Another round of old switch replacements with hand me down stuff and semi-tidying up the cabinet in the process. It ain't perfect, but the cabinet itself sucks and Bells stuff at the bottom makes me want to kick them in the groin.



Yes the second switch is upside down. That's what you get when trying to deal with a fuckin lopsided 24 port switch. Borked. Hopefully the packets dont fall out on their way down the pipe!

beer time.