
(°.°) Saturday (°.°)


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Rain got to us earlier than expected.
Still got two cords of firewood to stack.
Navigating into the unknown, hope to not implode.
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Rainy all day. Dishwasher repair on tap. New door seal/gasket and latch/switch mechanism.

Then maybe some fork service to be done in the garage.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I slept until 5:00 AM this morning for the first time on this trip. I've got a short bike ride to do then have to check the bike in for the race tomorrow. Coffee first. Ironman Coeur d'Alene tomorrow.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Goddamit. Fucked up my shoulder riding this morning. As soon s my boy finished his ski practice, I'll be heading to the ER to see if I've
broken, separated or pulled anything. :(

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
I slept until 5:00 AM this morning for the first time on this trip. I've got a short bike ride to do then have to check the bike in for the race tomorrow. Coffee first. Ironman Coeur d'Alene tomorrow.
I've been to that one to cheer on a friend about 15 years ago.

Fun fact: I went to the ranch supply store prior to pick up proper cow bells for roadside cheering.

My fellow spectators were not pleased by the timbre/volume of my "authentic" cow bell versus the tinkly dinner bells they were ringing...

But what amazed me was the (large) size of many registrants, which is to say the winners were completing their third lap of the course while the "for the fun of it" folks were still on their first lap...

But a very supportive environment of family and friends were watching nonetheless.



year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Painted some of the garage as the top wood was loosing paint and washed off some bird poop. Also painted this shelves I installed last year with the same paint as it was natural wood color.


This is midway through.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana

Heading home today. Ready for that.
Had a fun morning of some lady with some quite serious postpartum depression issue wigging the fuck out in the hall way. Hope her and baby get the help they need.

Kiddo 1 came and met kiddo 2 yesterday. That was pretty cool.

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California
Weightlifting and some more garage organization today. I'd really like to get all the bikes off of the floor. Also taking full advantage of the local brewery offering free delivery. Maybe asada tacos for dinner tonight.

Sent my resume to corporate HR guy this morning. I don't expect anything to come of it, but it couldn't hurt to just have a conversation, right?


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Rain got to us earlier than expected.
Still got two cords of firewood to stack.
Navigating into the unknown, hope to not implode.
I split and stacked about 2.5 on Monday. Still need more to fill the woodshed but it was a good start.
Raining today so building lego orchids (my mother's day gift) with the youngest while enjoying more coffee.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Summer break has begun. New hot tub was delivered yesterday and SqEarl had it wired in, filled and ready to use last night. My number was pulled so I have jury duty Monday....great way to start my summer break!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
First session out. Just off her normal times. They're still getting things dialed and she's not used to it yet either.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Where’s the hot spot these days? You still/ever shuttle teh sEcRet stuff?
That stuff on the north side of the highway is mostly gone. land owners issues, but COMBA got access to a few hundred acres on the same aspect and are building new bike trails, which will remain easily shuttle-able.

There is new secret stuff on the south, north-facing side of the highway, along with legal trails. The secret stuff is pretty nuts. Hence, that is where we shall play.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Second session and she's back to normal times. She's still off line in a few sections and they going to look at the data in a min before sending her out again.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Found a big spot with lifted foot at a top speed section. That should be 1-2sec once she gets comfortable with the corner it's going into, because she'll be going in HOT!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
That stuff on the north side of the highway is mostly gone. land owners issues, but COMBA got access to a few hundred acres on the same aspect and are building new bike trails, which will remain easily shuttle-able.

There is new secret stuff on the south, north-facing side of the highway, along with legal trails. The secret stuff is pretty nuts. Hence, that is where we shall play.
Some time I’ll need/have to come out there and ride with you again.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Alright, today's summary:
- Second session had her down to normal times.
- Third session was a up a bit, but she was getting tired.
- Had coaching period
- Fourth session, back down to normal times despite being clearly tired.

Summary from coaching:
1. Spots the needed focus - she was good on 2 of 3 points every lap

2. Spot #3 was late braking at high speed into a corner, so when she did them, they were faster and she felt the difference. But she is still getting comfortable with the changes in kart and a new focus item.

3. Accelerate out of apexes earlier. She's delaying almost 1 second on the major corners on this track - which will cost 3-4 seconds/lap overall.

Corrections of #2 and #3 will put her into podium speeds. Her lines are good with marginal corrections needed, but the biggest focus is her apex timing.

4. Listen to Dad. "You're probably going to ignore 90%, but he knows what he's telling you. If he's stressing it, listen."

5. "You have access to the trailer and I expect to see a lot of you. If you see anybody getting coached, go listen. If you see them watching videos, go watch them. If you have questions, ask."

6. Let us know the next time they are out, which is the weekend before my test, so I can't go. "If you can find someone to get you and your kart here, then provide you with food and water, we take care of everything else."

All said, today was a good day. She's loving the new kart. And the new support that she's getting because we bought a kart is already huge.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
What a day, fuck.

Slept in, so was late meeting a friend to ride bikes. It was dark when I got up, so thought it was 6am and made the mistake of not checking the time.

Then during the ride, buddy gets a snake bite on a stupid root that we've rocked for years. THEN, after making the executive decision to just walk out rather than fight the bugs while dealing with a tube, the bike falls over and snaps something in his seatpost. Jesus. THEN on the walk down the dh trail, we encounter some first time mountain bikers, on ebikes, going up the trail. Say wuh.

Oh and it was raining all night, then sunny and about 813% humidity, just for @SkaredShtles

On the way home from said ride, I encountered rain that was hard enough to bring the freeway to a stop.

Then, as I'm pulled over for an emergency vehicle with its lights on, some oblivious dude in a Prius almost sideswipes me, as he proceeds to just completely ignore or not see the flashing lights.:disgust1:


But then another buddy came over and we built his new frame; crash replacement for his cracked Spitfire. I sold him my old fork in the process, but might give him back some of the cash, just to pay it forward. I dunno, I feel wrong taking that sum of money from friends, especially when he's filled my fridge with beer for helping build the bike.

Enjoying another beer and then might wander down to the lake to wash my sins off.

Have to work for an hour in the morning. :disgust1:


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
thinking about getting a ride in tomorrow morning. haven't been able to go since the kiddo wrecked. need to get to bed early so i can wake up at a reasonable time.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Do it, do it.

How's the kid? How are you?
Both good. He just has to chill for another week or so until we're sure the incision in his stomach is all healed up. Then he should be good to go! I'm just bummed b/c I'll miss some planned dh and mountains days, which are few and far between right now anyways. but that's ok.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I am often vocal about how much I hate flow trails and today confirms part of my bias. Did a fairly big ride today hitting some techy-ish trails. Had to hit a Intermediate level flow trail to connect back to my car, still better than descending fire roads. Halfway through came across a dude laying in the trail with his face smashed in. Plenty of people were there helping him and they had already called in a rescue squad, thankfully he was close to a fire road. I am certainly not qualified to diagnose anything but he will probably need some plastic surgery and clearly had a brain injury, he was conscious, lights were on but no one was home. Later found he got a helicopter ride out.

Anyway fucking trails that any dipshit with the most basic skills can ride but that also makes it easy to go 30 MPH and actually requires you to go fast to clear certain jumps if you are trying to progress your skills. Trails for beginners that puts them at higher risk for major injury than a mountainside of off camber roots.

Hopefully in a year or so this will be a cool story for him and not a life changing event.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I am often vocal about how much I hate flow trails and today confirms part of my bias. Did a fairly big ride today hitting some techy-ish trails. Had to hit a Intermediate level flow trail to connect back to my car, still better than descending fire roads. Halfway through came across a dude laying in the trail with his face smashed in. Plenty of people were there helping him and they had already called in a rescue squad, thankfully he was close to a fire road. I am certainly not qualified to diagnose anything but he will probably need some plastic surgery and clearly had a brain injury, he was conscious, lights were on but no one was home. Later found he got a helicopter ride out.

Anyway fucking trails that any dipshit with the most basic skills can ride but that also makes it easy to go 30 MPH and actually requires you to go fast to clear certain jumps if you are trying to progress your skills. Trails for beginners that puts them at higher risk for major injury than a mountainside of off camber roots.

Hopefully in a year or so this will be a cool story for him and not a life changing event.
I had something similar happen on livewire (tehawesomzjumptrail) at northstar. Came upon the dude snoring which if you know concussions is the autonomic nervous system trying to keep someone alive when all other shit is straight shut down. I was the first one there and knew who to call and they showed up and took over with an eventual helicopter ride. The thing on the front of his head couldn't generously be called a face anymore. Trail bike, of course.

The problem isn't the concept of flow trails. Let's be honest, they're all based on A-line from whistler...which is pretty damn awesome. Every decent dirtjump spot ever made is a 'flow trail' and they're even better.

The problem IMO is that everyone wanted A-line for the masses without understanding what A-line actually is and was....which is a straight delivery of hardtail dirtjump crack for mountainbikers who know what they're doing. All the very accurate problems you list stem from not understanding that flow trails never were for beginners. Throw in the local trailbuilding gentrification group in your area who I'll refrain from naming who genuinely don't know what the fuck they're doing in terms of making big things safe........and you end up with this shit soup.

The trail at northstar has A-line/dirt merchant sized jumps and not a single one of them fits trail speed. They cart people off that thing daily. There's an inherent danger in bikes, a little more in jumps, and it gets exponentially worse when those jumps are built by hacks. Now throw in a population that thinks any facility that is built is done by professionals, that you just roll a bike at these things and you'll get "the experience™," and you get the clusterfuck that is modern mountainbiking infrastructure.