
*°*- TFSM it's Friday GMT -*°*


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
i saw 85* on the way home...down to 50s at night. prime windows open, fans on sleeping weather.

putting kids to bed, finishing off a porter, and then turning in myself. got a beat down on the ride today. hopefully it's the start of getting out more than once every 3-4 weeks. kids soccer game, then trailwork on tap for tomorrow.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
And make sure you snap the glove loudly
I don't actually have to insert tubes myself into nether orifices these days, so there is no glove to snap. Other people do that deed and I get to stay nice and clean and just take (and then interpret) images.

(I do insert tubes into peoples' noses and mouths myself, for the record. Rectums and urethras don't need my personal touch, though.)