
³²¹ 5th Derp Day of the week ¹²³


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Up at 445, cause why not. Building materials run complete, now to intersperse work into home projects.

There be rain a comin, I can smell it in the air.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
coffee, wfh. gonna f off some this afternoon to do yardwork/prep and some cleaning, wife is having some of the hot neighborhood mom's over tonight for a hot tub party

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I swam 2600 yards this morning and it was pretty tiring after doing 3800 yards yesterday. I'm glad I got that all done though. WFH today with a shitload of stuff on my plate.

Air quality has improved significantly, down to 48 right now after hovering near 200 the last few days.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Went to workies, last job of the day I snapped an oil feed line and expected things to go to shit from there but just the right amount of swearing and heat gunning sorted it out.
Had a boozy ginger beer, ate pizza, left work paperwork at work, coz FTS!
Just got an email that DHL has supposedly lost my new tilt shift lens, yay!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
We got some rain over night, that should help trails.

Friday :dead:
can confirm. was riding yesterday when the rain hit. it was glorious, and improved the trails immensely. slicked up the roots and rocks on the hardpacked highways just enough to make things spicy again. just wish I'd worn my new waterproof shorts to avoid swampbutt.

may have overindulged post-ride caus' I'm feelin' pretty wrecked now.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Picked up the new toilet last night and it's broken. Not happy, but they have one at another Home Depot that's closer than the one I went to yesterday. I had to hit North Portland for fritters, so I had the bright idea to just get the toilet at that one. Horrible idea, NEVER go to that Home Depot.

We to got rain last night and still sprinkling this morning. The neighbors left the top down on the car, I'm mildly happy about that.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Mellow ride with the OR crew last night, including one guy who’s really new to mountain biking. Like, he’s gone on maybe five rides in his entire life sorta new. He’s a good guy, a surgical tech that works with Teh Spousal Unit™ in the OR. Anycrap, about halfway into the ride he’s struggling. He’s got this brand new entry level bike and mentions he thinks his seat is loose, it keeps shifting side to side. We check and sure enough it is, so I tighten it. Teh Spousal Unit™ tells me she thinks his tire pressure might be too high because he’s bouncing off of the rocks and such. So we have a look and sure enough he has about 60 psi in the tires. On top of that, his fork is completely locked out, and the rebound for the rear shock was set so slow it would take 30-45 seconds to return to full extension. After we made a few adjustments for the fella, the second half of his ride was way better than the first.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Mellow ride with the OR crew last night, including one guy who’s really new to mountain biking. Like, he’s gone on maybe five rides in his entire life sorta new. He’s a good guy, a surgical tech that works with Teh Spousal Unit™ in the OR. Anycrap, about halfway into the ride he’s struggling. He’s got this brand new entry level bike and mentions he thinks his seat is loose, it keeps shifting side to side. We check and sure enough it is, so I tighten it. Teh Spousal Unit™ tells me she thinks his tire pressure might be too high because he’s bouncing off of the rocks and such. So we have a look and sure enough he has about 60 psi in the tires. On top of that, his fork is completely locked out, and the rebound for the rear shock was set so slow it would take 30-45 seconds to return to full extension. After we made a few adjustments for the fella, the second half of his ride was way better than the first.
Those n00bs, so much to learn. :rofl:

He must have been thinking wtf what have I got myself into, this shit is shit!

I remember back a few years, we had a similar thing with a new guy. He joined our crew and picked up on the basic skills really fast and whatnot. But then on a trip in North Carolina, we were talking after having just come down Black Mountain. I forget how we got on the subject, but he mentioned that he put his body weight or some magical number of psi into his fork (rockshox pike). We LOL'd and told him it should be half, maybe a third of that, he kind of just stared off into void for a while. :rofl::rofl:

Same guy on another ride, at night with lights, ate shit 4 or 5 times in the span of a few minutes. We get to the bottom of the hill and we discover his front tire is completely flat. :rofl:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I just realized that if they only reimburse me for the frame, because they would assume that everything else would be swapped over, the rest of the kart is mine still. If that's the case, them I'm going to have an entire kart to strip and sell. Assuming I can find a Jr. driver within the same kart family (it's the largest globally), I might be able to sell the entire kart (sans frame) as spares for $300-500 or so. Then probably get another $150 for the wheels because they are new.

Fingers crossed that they end up doing more around the fact that I can't actually get a frame and swap, so I am forced into a chassis situation. But if this is where I'm put, I should be able to get a couple hundred more this way.

Out of this, Traveler's will never be on my list of options. It's a pretty easy confirmation process.
1) shop confirmed that it is bent and not correctable
2) shop is confirmed not able to get it, as it's not a retailer
3) call a couple retailers to get confirmation of replacement price and availability
4) factor results of inability to fix to same level (no frames available), find solution (chassis replacement), adjust dollar payout to account for depreciation (probably 50%)
5) confirm valuation with owner; issue check

It's pretty easy. A full retail chassis replacement is not realistic - it's a used item - so a depreciated amount is correct. Just value it and move on.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Those n00bs, so much to learn. :rofl:

He must have been thinking wtf what have I got myself into, this shit is shit!

I remember back a few years, we had a similar thing with a new guy. He joined our crew and picked up on the basic skills really fast and whatnot. But then on a trip in North Carolina, we were talking after having just come down Black Mountain. I forget how we got on the subject, but he mentioned that he put his body weight or some magical number of psi into his fork (rockshox pike). We LOL'd and told him it should be half, maybe a third of that, he kind of just stared off into void for a while. :rofl::rofl:

Same guy on another ride, at night with lights, ate shit 4 or 5 times in the span of a few minutes. We get to the bottom of the hill and we discover his front tire is completely flat. :rofl:
I've met people who have been riding for decades that do that. Recently a guy was complaining how bad his fox 38 rode. Asked him his settings

Maximum volume spacers, 30% sag, maximum high and low speed rebound, LSC and HSC fully open. He had a Princeton sticker on his car. Had to assume he was a business major.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
At a pancreas cancer retreat on campus. Some smaht people out there

I think I will leave early. 1 pm radiomics talk seems sort of relevant to me tho


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Found a new tenant for the basement apartment and she signed today and paid the first part of the contract. Nice to have that secured.

Then did a mellow ride as my knee was a little sore.

We cooked some good food and the weather is still perfect so we ate outside.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
pretty chill day; dropped wifes car off for service. oof on the estimate. oh well. had blunch with a co worker, got a few things done in the office, then hanging with a family friend this evening and packing for an overnight dh trip with the kiddo and his buddy tomorrow and sunday at beech mtn.