
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸Dec ferzt, holiday music sucks gmt¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Rough sleep, I'm tired. Action packed dreams as well, even if I don't really remember what they were.

Lets get through today.

The wind is friggin' howling still. I need to take the recycling to the curb, hopefully none of it blows away.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
If you park at the gas pump only to go into the store and buy something without pumping gas, you suck
Bro. This.

Even if you DO pump gas, pay at the friggin pump. And if you need to go inside, don't come out with a bag of food ten minutes later from Tim Hortons.

And don't come back and sit in your car organizing your shit while people waiting - start that shit up and move out of the way. :twitch:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Meeting day today, so there is that. The ship from China made it to LA yesterday, so the first 12 boards, 40 lids and 40 tools should be there by next Friday. The remaining 30 boards just left, so likely 3 weeks. Gonna be close but still think they will be there before Christmas.

All my random crap should filter in next week. Risers, longer bolts, 5 different bearing setups, a bunch of different wheels and 200 stickers. :rofl:

Feeling cute, might actually do some work today.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Had a great dinner last night with a client. I'm tired. :lazy2:

Work, mounting a pair of skis, hopefully selling a pair, working on an ad to sell my old bike(s?) but first, coffee and oatmeal.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
And don't come back and sit in your car organizing your shit while people waiting - start that shit up and move out of the way.
i did that once deliberately (sat in my car for a bit after pumping gas) because some boomer karen got out of her boomermobile and yelled at me for using my cell phone while pumping gas. iTs DaNgErOuS!!!1