
×× HBD ××


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
thanks everyone. had a few good things, dinner Friday was really good. bonfire last night with 2 other friends was good. rest of the weekend was a bust. was supposed to go to an amusement park to ride rides with the kids yesterday, had to bail on that because our daughter was sick. was supposed to take my son to the bike park today, but he was so excited that he barely slept last night, and woke me up twice in the middle of the night. i overslept and then by the time i was awake he was already falling apart because he was exhausted. so we had to bail on the bike park. he rested a little, so i figured we could at least get an easy trail ride in. record scratch, freeze frame, that was a bad idea. not even 5 minutes into the ride, and before we got to actual dirt we were making a turn on our bikes to get to the trail, his front end washed out in dome gravel and he face planted. he had refused to put on his knee and elbow pads too. so he has both elbows scraped, one badly, his left knee, a big cut on his chest and he bit his upper lip pretty bad. there was so much blood coming out of his mouth i thought he had knocked out a tooth. i had to push him out on his bike because he didn't want to walk. took a while to clean him up when we got home. wife is pretty pissed at me right now. fuck birthdays.