
üüüüüü Monday GTM éééééé


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Back at work in the communist regime some call Denmark. Copenhagen was empty this morning as everybody is still on vacation. Big change from the always noisy and busy New York. Weather looks good for this week so hopefully I can get on the bike and fight the jetlag.

I know there is a political forum but hot damn what a crazy time in the US.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Remember how all of this started when we elected that black guy? Now we're going to elect a black woman. And every dumb fucking redneck from Idaho to West Virginia is gonna be pissed because the presidency clearly should have defaulted to them because they are white. We're going to have to Purge the worst of them.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Remember how all of this started when we elected that black guy? Now we're going to elect a black woman. And every dumb fucking redneck from Idaho to West Virginia is gonna be pissed because the presidency clearly should have defaulted to them because they are white. We're going to have to Purge the worst of them.
I blame the party that rigged it for hillary and the old white guy


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Hello! I don’t want to go on the cart.

Back to work for two more weeks before I’m done. Tough to come back from a great weekend away to work, but I guess that’s life.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

I'm in ABQ for what's liable to be my last ever road trip with the airline. Had a couple moments of "have I done the right thing?" on the absolutely gorgeous drive down here. Lots of reasons to stay, but ultimately they don't out weigh all the reasons to leave.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Post Monkeyfest is tough...back to reality it is. Today I'm sitting in an auditorium watching kids practice for their upcoming production, marking scores and making sure the lights & sound tech folks don't destroy our new boards. Fun fun! I miss bikes, and beers and bacon!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Had a great 4 day weekend, and now I am motivated, energy packed and ready to get back to the office and really kick some ass!!

Yeah, I cant back that up...
Hey, me too!

Wife and I were #vanlife since Thursday. Both got in some rowdy MTB and our effed thumb/wrist/forearm injuries didn't slow us down, which was awesome news. There was also some good fishin', but the plan to hike Mt Elbert fell through so we'll need to plan that one again in the future.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
You quit there right? I’d just focus on getting paid to poop at the moment. 2hr lunch? Why not make that 3. What’s the worst that would happen they tell you to leave?
I don't disagree, just trying to keep my nose clean until I wash out. I gave them extra notice because they are small, but I'm also not going to bust my ass for stupid shit either.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Woke up last night due to back pain. I guess the massage I had last week wasn't the panacea I thought... Maybe the workout and drive to and from Montreal didn't really help?

Going to see the Chiropractor who owns the sports medicine clinic I've going to for physio and massages. Maybe he can help me figure out how to deal with the pain triggers?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The sink in the bathroom at the office has lost its mind. It goes on for a split second, then nothing for 20 seconds, then finally it comes back on and runs for a full minute. If you soap first, you can pull it off, otherwise it's gonna be a minute.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hello ppls

got pulled from my WFH spot today to running around the hospital physically slinging barium into peoples' various orifices

off to Great Wolf Lodge tomorrow :)


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
My coworker was telling me he took all of the fuses and relays out of his car to "put fresh ones in" and now he doesn't know where they go. After looking at him for a long long moment without saying anything, I told him to look at the underside of the fuse box lid. He's a mustang owner.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
My coworker was telling me he took all of the fuses and relays out of his car to "put fresh ones in" and now he doesn't know where they go. After looking at him for a long long moment without saying anything, I told him to look at the underside of the fuse box lid. He's a mustang owner.


free wieners
Twas a welding consumables shopping spree extravaganza this morning.

Red 3/32" tungstens (for stainless)
Grey 3/32" tungstens (for aluminum)
Green 3/32" tungstens (for aluminum)
Yellow 3/32" tungstens (for mild steel)

All of the above also in 1/8"

4043 filler rod in three diameters
5356 filler rod in three diameters
3 grades of stainless filler rod

Tig torch kit with glass cups
Tungsten sharpener
Aluminum-specific flap discs

Not a decent place around here for consumables so I am getting ahead of the curve and stocking my own shop so I wont have any project snags due to consumables

Now we wait..........mrburns.gif
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
My coworker was telling me he took all of the fuses and relays out of his car to "put fresh ones in" and now he doesn't know where they go. After looking at him for a long long moment without saying anything, I told him to look at the underside of the fuse box lid. He's a mustang owner.
Awe why'd you tell him so soon?