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Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
are you really commin up here?

i would be glad to show you around, and of cousre constanly insult you with the given opportunity...


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.

I had an incident with a racoon today. I was mowing the back lawn, and I saw a lump of fur. Unsure of what it was, I poked it with a stick. It moved a little. It was identified as a rabid racoon. I called my mom, asking if she wanted me to bash it or just let it be. Being the worrier that she is, she said to call animal control to shoot it with a dart. Well, I called the police who informed me that due to budget cuts, the animal control got cut. Now they just send a squad car over. So, the officer comes over, into the back yard and sez "Yup, thats a 'coon alright. I'll shoot it for you." I just nodded in agreement, and prepared to watch the fun. He pulled out his service automatic and shot the little bastard in the neck from 3 feet away. He shot the neck to keep it from "getting messy". We waited for it to die, which took about 7 minutes. While we watched it gasp for air, we talked about killing little furry things. He said that the hardest thing to kill was actually a woodchuck. Said that they're always trying to get back their hole, even when shot.

Fun times.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
that is quite possiablly the funniest thing i have ever read in my whole life.

you just made my day, for this, your reward will be great in heaven...

now discuss the coon and hippo thing


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Well, I think that the pure logistics of a racoon/hippo hybrid are mindboggling. I mean, how can a hippo mount a racoon? Or the other way around. The only thing I can think of is that the racoon would have to lodge itself in the female hippo's birth canal to get its freak on... still, I doubt it'll happen.


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Of course its a good point, its mine.

So, monkeyboy, how are the little boys treating you? (On a related note, pedophelia is for youngsters before they hit puberty, statutory rape is after. I didn't know this until a week or so ago.)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
damn damn damn damn damn damn

my job had a lot of people return from last year, so no spots for me, hence no money, at least for a little while. at least my other job still wants me :( :o:

no dh bike this year:mad: :mad:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Originally posted by monkeyboy424
THat sucks! im sorry!

will you have your old dh bike? or any bike?
yes, well, i think child labor laws prohibit what i was doing, but bullocks to the rules. i have no dh bike, merely a bike that ride really weird thanks to the boxxer team i bough in preparation and of course, i'll always have my hardtail


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Originally posted by monkeyboy424
good to hear


my hardtail is my dh bike
and my everything else biek too

so atleast you ave 2 biked!
it is nice, but sometimes it seems like more trouble than it's worth, however i worked my arse off and i'm happy to be here, yet i still have no car.

my schedule for the summer was looking like this:

lifeguard from either 9-5, 10-6, 11-7, and then one day of 12-6
then work 4 nights a week from 9pm-3am at a bowling alley, but i was lucky enough to schedule my days off so i had a hellish week then a nice, restfull weekend


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
No offense taken in the least.

I joined for a myriad of reasons. I joined because I feel I owe my country for the overly comfortable life I've lived to date. I joined because of the impression I got once I saw my first Marine. I joined because I need the challenge in my life. I joined because I want to be able to put on that uniform and say "I am a MARINE."

And I get to play with guns.
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