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Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Nope ....don't think so.

"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the
oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest
purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government." Rev. Martin
Luther King. 4 April 1967


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Just for you Yeti my dearest.........2 extra quotes for today.

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
This is not done by jostling in the street.
William Blake

We have flown the air like birds and swam the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like Brothers.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
"Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!"
Conan the Barbarian

I think I win the quote game with this one.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
This is the face of america that he rest of the world see's.
My what a ....."interesting" choice of leader you have. :rolleyes:

Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?: George W. Bush:

For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And,
folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going
to do something about it. George W. Bush:

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic
pictures: George W. Bush:

I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I
rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the
news themselves. (September 21, 2003) George W. Bush:

"Every great institution is the lengthened shadow of a single man. His character
determines the character of the organization." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Speaking of Drunk ...
I wish I was.:(

Usually I have to produce 1 magazine per week. This week I have to turn out 3 magazines.


I hate christmas shut downs.:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
14 hour day so far today with only 1 half hour break. I won't be out of here for a while yet. and then another 3 days of it to go.
on Friday I plan to get incredibly drunk and try to shag Karren the reporter sitting next to me. :D


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Almost forgot.

Todays Yeti hounding quotation.
Twice as nice ,double dipping, 2 for the price of one extravaganza. :D

A couple of oldies but goodies. :cool:

"It is never right to do wrong or to requite wrong with wrong, or when we suffer
evil to defend ourselves by doing evil in return." : Socrates 469 - 399 BC

In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king: Erasmus c.1469 - 1536

Yeti DHer

I post here but I'm still better than you
Sep 7, 2001
The Foothills
When all you fools (except for dave since he lives in nz) are freezing your asses off and soaking wet and coughing up a lung, I'll be sipping a pina colada on a beach somewhere out in the middle of the carribean...

Friday I leave for a cruise.. YAY!

Merry christmas to all, and to all I hope you die (except for davew cause he owns this thread)


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Ahh yes work's over....except for the company christmas pissup at the beach tomorrow afternoon. :D

I feel pretty damm shell shocked . I just did a 40 hour working week in 2.5 days (2x14 hour shifts & a 12 hour shift). :eek:
But I did it I got 3 magazines out and so the next deadline ain't due till Jan 5th.

Till to chill out in balmy south pacific summer weather.
Oh and my friend just finished the bike trail that I've been building for the last few months.
So I'm gonna go for a ride on that to christen it tomorrow morning beore the BBQ at the beach. :cool:
let the summer good times roll!!:D

Merry xmas to the Yeti.
and to my Sith apprentise Amateur. ;)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
ahahah while your in the caribbean, ill be shredding it up on my skis....

i hope your boat sinks.

dave, i hope you choke on a rip or a hot dog or something.

rip, why the uggh? you been taking it up the rear again?


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
A good conscience is a continual Christmas." : - Benjamin Franklin
Yawn....feel so tired today. didn't get to sleep till 4am.
Got pretty damm drunk tho. non stop drinking from midday untill 2am. :rolleyes:

My head feels like monkey boy looks! :eek: BAAAAAAAD!!!!!!


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Im sad to say that I've read every single post in this thread....all 1,600+ of them.:eek:

Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars,
pretending generally, if not always,
that the good of the people was the object: Abraham Lincoln


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
merry chirstmas to rhino and mitzel, and i guess jorvik can have half a merry christmas, rip can have a half a merry chirstmas too.

but dave only gets a happy ramadan. ass.
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