


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
HR's probably just a bit on edge, considering the events of the last 12 hours or so...
I don't work at UPS. :panic:

My expectations of my co-workers is too high. I need to lower my standards.

<edit> This is the first time I've ever been told my standards were too high.
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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
One of my kids just dropped a deuce in the downstairs bathroom and now the WHOLE FUCKING HOUSE REEKS.

Jeezus, man. Light a candle. Or turn on the fan or something.

Consider yourself lucky. My dad once had to chop up one of my older brother's fudge dragons with a board and pack it out because it was too big to fit down the hole. And this is with a power flush toilet too...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Spotted on the work bike rack today: a Yeti AS-X, replete with dropper, X01 drivetrain, DT 350 hubs, etc... locked to the bike rack with a tiny U-lock. Front wheel totally unencumbered for an aspiring thief.

Some day the owner will learn to not ride expensive bikes in and to lock their shit up properly.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
That was quick.

That new kid... she's like 4 now?

HOLY SHIT. if only it would go that fast.

new summer haircut is short. it's good. drinking wicked weed pernicious because it tastes good and IDGAF about the "sellout" to inbev. trying to figure out when next ride will happen. left ear seems to be finally unclogged, so there's that.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Were you riding bitch on it? What did you like more, the vibrations coming up from the seat or pressing your crotch into his ass?
Dude are you OK? I am ok with your gayness. I don't need you to project it on me however. Your post went places a post shouldn't ever have to go....